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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, January 31, 2010

I feel like some small kid going to Primary One.

Haha. Tomorrow honestly feels like Sec 1 once again. New school, new people, new friends, new environment. Just like how it was when I was sec 1.
If I was OK then, it should be OK now right??

I mean, I didn't morph into some weirdo lunatic who repels people.
Maybe I'm like stainless steel, strong but friend-less. Hahahahaa. OKey!!! :)

Right. Now I can't (I can't complete this sentence cause I just forgot what to say and blame Mervin cause he just talked to me haha).
K lah, no Mervin is actually very nice though very crazy.

My VJ orientation group just invited me for og dinner tomorrow, and my reflex action was an 'awww'.
Hello world, I'm a Rafflesian.
Minus the 'n' and I'm the largest and smelliest flower in the world. But I'm not. :)

I'm as troubled as I look OK.
Ignore my hair. Look at my troubled eyes. (haha)

I know I'm somewhat boasting but it's not a nice feeling to be torn between 2 good colleges.

(But hey look, Thank God, at least I have white teeth :) )

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Orientation VJC
For the 2nd day of orientation, Serene and I met again and we were late again.
We ran into the school and to the Econs subject briefing.

Went back to my orientation group and walked around the school before settling down in some random class and playing games and learning cheers.

Had lunch, left for RI to get the form and came back.

Initially I was already officially a Rafflesian. But when I came back, Mr Tan, Miss Teo and Miss Ng (PE teachers) talked to me and asked me whether I wanted to stay.
I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly wanted to join VJ cross country :(
And when my Raffles paper fewdwn the gym, they were all like "it's a sign!" haha

And I missed all the mass dances (I really wanted to dance!!!) and sat outside the hall. Then Melvin, who was another RI appeallee, came and talk talk.

And Mervin Tanz came out and asked me to go to some secluded area to pray and he said
"If it doesn't rain in 30 seconds, you better come to VJ"
OK. It didn't rain. Haha
Then I don't know is it something he said or something I thought about and I started to cry. Hahahaha.
And many people came.

That's how VJ is like. People there all have a big kind heart and are all friendly and v v v nice. Then one ogl (Whom I didn't know at all) came and talked to me and brought me around. It's like she didn't even know me but took time and bring me around. Haha.
And I went to the track and there was this girl who brought up 2 cups of juice to us and said "Mr Tan told me to get this for you."

Nice to the pepsi max right!!!! :)
Thankzxzxz Mervin, (OGL whose name I forgot sorry), SiMin, Serene, Mr Tan Miss Teo Miss Ng, Grace, Brian, JieShiiiii and many random VJ people who were there :)
Went to run to detox a little and went for og dinner at marina.

I love VJC. I love the people there.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I was just looking through stuffs and saw my testimonial. Hahaha

Melinda is an earnest and good-natured pupil who gets along well with her classmates. She is also an amiable and sensible pupil with a pleasant disposition. She is gracious, courteous, and has developed a strong working rapport with her classmates. She has a gentle temperament coupled with a judicious and tactful working attitude. Melinda sets high personal goals for herself and strives hard to achieve them.

Hmmmmm, so true. Hahaha especially the 'gracious, courteous, gentle temperament' part.

Today, I went to VJC and woke up at like 5plus.

5 plus can! What kind of unearthly hour is that??! It's probably the time when like thieves steal things and terrorists attacks.
Met Serene in the bus and we were 5 mins late, but since the school was sooooo messy and crowded that I almost had an asthma attack, hahaha, queued up w Simin, Bella and JieShi to register and went to the threatre for some principal's address (Wow we could find out where the principal stayed haha) and the usual "sit in a circle and intro" kinda things.

Rushed over to RI to hand in appeal and back again! Hahaha I unexpectedly reallllllllyyyyy enjoyed VJ and their corny mass dance. Hahahahaha.

Right. I'm so indecisive. What if I get into R...


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I on my phone the whole night and put it on the 'loud' mode so I could wake up from the sms. Haha

Nathaniel's sms woke me up instead and until now, I haven't received the sms from the wtv service!!! Haha
but nehmind, cause I checked the webby on my bb. :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I can only speak my mind, and what I feel is true.

Today, met up with the 4C clique and we watched 'New York, I love you'

And... I felt as if I wasted 2 hours of my life. Haha. The movies had absolutely no storyline at all, and you will feel empty after watching it.

The exact same feeling after you watch, 'The Happening'
OK 'The Happening' is the worst worst worst movie ever. Cause, I felt like life was meaningless, food was tasteless, what I saw was colourless. Yes... it does this kind of things to you.

I'm getting my posting results tomorrow! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Serene and I went to the Resorts World (Sentosa) and she literally went crazy when she saw Victoria's Secret. She jumped up and down about 100 times, did 40 push-ups, sprinted from one end of the gallery to the other about 5 times and 10 standing broadjumps. Hahaha, bought some parfum and left.

We weren't even there for like an hour cause nothing was open and the Casino were obviously a no no.

Took the bus back to Vivo walked around, finding for chinese new year stuffs but there was none :(
Nehmind, forgive them.

Went to Somerset for primary school class gathering and watched 'The Spy next door'.
It...I...Honestly... don't like it.
  1. My dislike is to entirely due to Jackie Chan's presence though it partly is. Like come on man, Jackie Chan never dies in a movie even though 19482853634587 bullets have been shot at him. And don't say he's wearing a bullet-proof vest even though sometimes he is, because you'll feel the impact of the bullet still. Whoa, didn't know Jackie Chan is iron man.
  2. However, the kids were damn cute :)
  3. Jackie Chan performs come kung-fu and whoohoo! He saves the day. (Like so original can, same kind one!)
  4. But it's pretty funny lah.
Whokay, will be getting our school posting results next Wednesday.
I'm not scared about which school I'll enter, I'm just scared that I don't receive the sms at all. Hahaha

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yesterday Simin called and we were talking about JCs.

Melinda: VJ orientation, we have to do lotszxzxz of mass dances right??
Simin: OH YES, on the first day, second day etc.
Simin: Mass dance quite cool what!
Melinda: Uh... no?
Simin: It is LOR! You always like that one!! Cedar cheers also don't like!
Melinda: Oh my puhleese, Cedar Solid right? That's like the dumbest cheer on earth. Damn corny can!
Simin: Nooooooooo! It's nice!!!
Melinda: My friend said that last day, VJ will go to Suntec City and dance the mass dance. I'm gonna pon that day. Like pretend I have tummy ache.
Simin: Ehhhhhhh!
(This was the longest and screechest 'Eh' I have ever heard in my entire life)
Simin: If you get VJ, will you appeal out??
Melinda: Eh... no lah, won't. BUT, if during the mass dance on the first day, no guy approaches to dance with me, I'll appeal to RI straightway. Hahahahhaaha.

Don't read this. It's kinda boring.


Marion stood in front of the television and started to dance to the songs that were featured in her favorite musical- The Sound of Music. Having watched the movie dozens of times, she could imitate every dance step flawlessly. As she braved herself for the next song to begin, she thought gleefully to herself, “This is too good to be true!”

It was indeed too good to be true as Marion was jolted awake. Being snapped out of her reverie, the silence of her bedroom haunted her once again. As she gazed at the morning sun reflecting its glorious rays onto her mirror, a wave of self-pity flooded her. It had been three weeks since she was discharged from the hospital after experiencing a harrowing car accident. This also meant that Marion have waited three weeks for her sense of hearing to return. She dreamt about sound every night and was only disappointed to wake up to the quietness.

“Maybe my sense of hearing will come back tomorrow,.” Marion thought to herself, sanguinity filling her heart.

However, Marion also was well aware that her optimism was dwindling away and she started to believe that she will would remain deaf forever. The doctor had told her that it was mostly psychological- all Marion could do to heal herself was to remain hopeful and keep to a regular diet. Since then, Marion have been faithfully praying and sticking to her strict diet, but to no avail. The greatest pain was that she was unable to enjoy music like before.

As Marion prepared to go back to her music school the next day, fear crept into her mind. She feared having to see the pitying glances from her schoolmates. Marion also hated to think that she was going to cause inconvenience to her teacher. After Marion braced herself, she stepped into the classroom.

As she entered the classroom, she could feel 2 dozen pair of eyes fixed at her before gathering into groups and starting to whisper among themselves. Marion felt tears threatening to fall and she swallowed them back, refusing to let her classmates bring her down.

“She’s deaf! Why is she back here?” said her classmate smugly, unaware that Marion could lip-read.

Marion stared in disbelief at her previously supportive and encouraging classmates before turning around and fleeing from their self-satisfied faces.

“I will prove them wrong! I will become the most outstanding musician of the year!” Marion told herself, determination filling her deflated pride.

Over the next few weeks, Marion practiced on the piano although she could not hear.; Marion played when she was lonely or desolate and spent her time devoted to playing the piano. Even though she could not hear the melody, she could feel the rhythm pulsating in her heart as her fingers moved across the keyboard as smoothly and fluently like before.

On the day of the examination, Marion strode into the classroom, feeling more confident than ever. As she saw the curious but surprised glances from her classmates, her mother gave her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before pointing her towards the room.

Marion took a deep breath and started to play. As she played, she felt the music come alive as her fingers danced across the keyboard. Her mind was in tranquility, free from worries. She felt the melody ring in her ears as she finally ended her piece with the highest note.

“Congratulations, Marion, you are the first student to receive the distinction,.” hHer teacher said, voice brimming with satisfaction.

Marion registered the words and found herself screaming in exhilaration. As she rushed towards her mother, prepared to convey the good news, she realized that something was different. The sound from the noisy chatter of her classmates, the soothing music playing in the background and the familiar tunes flowing from the piano room had filled the silence that once used to be deafening.

Honestly, we still look the same. That was like 3 years ago after some speech day.
Maybe except now, Crystal's a blondie and Serene's a brownie. Me and Lynn are still blackies.

Ignorance Is Bliss

Just like when there is a worm in your fig, and you find out that it is a worm, you'll get paranoid and for every other figs you eat, you'll check for worms. But if you never knew that worms could appear in figs, then you'll have a better time eating figs.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Have you seen the Garnier men advertisement??

"Is your men using soap to wash his face?"
"Worried about his first breakout?"

"Time to take care of him!"

Seriously, if he needs me to take care of him like this, he shouldn't be called a man.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

In a world of suffering, why should I be so blessed?

This reminds me of some website I saw, where people write things that happen to them, ending with 'fmylife'. Their problems range from spilling coffee on their clothes, a blender breaking down, not being able to get the number of wtv girl etc. (you get the idea)

While people in Haiti experienced a earthquake and their problems are like life/death kinda thing.

While people here are complaining
"Wp!!! Food no taste, food so salty, food so sweet"

People in Haiti are fighting to get wtv kind of food they can.

OK I have a new resolution
I will neva eva complain about stuffs like this. :)

Goodness, I dying for a run now.

The whole world now has emo posts on their blogs, and this just shows another downside of the cyber world. It doesn't matter how much we all post and post on our blogs about any issue cause it will never be solved.

And when a problem is never solved, goodbye to the friendship. It's not even a 'see you'. It's a goodbye. OK, more like 'badbye'.

I don't know if the one you are referring to on your blog is me (See, another downside cuz you get to talk bad about a person without directing it at her), but I hope that it's not. I wouldn't mind going to a jc all on my own cause that was what I was ready for right from the beginning when everyone got grouped up nicely in their pairs, or triplets, or quads and sailed off to some JC. I'm used to it, seriously, cause from primary to sceondary school, I was on my own too, and I think I managed just fine.

So please stop saying (or thinking) that I coerced the whole world to enter the same school as me cause I jolly well didn't.

I'm not a manipulator, and certainly not a bitch.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, cuz I have certain tendencies to do stuff like this (Assuming I'm featured on people's blog).
I have inferiority complex.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'd rather be stuck up in a tree,
Than be tied to it.

HiHi once again.
I feel like I betrayed my friends by putting RJ as my first choice.

OK I'm not good at emo posts.
Today we went to CCAB to support our juniors. I walked to school (From home whoohoo!) and met Serene in school. We followed the bus to CCAB and looking at my juniors getting butterflies in their tummies or getting high in the bus, and it reminded me of how we were like when we went to matches.

And seeing jiaolian scold and shout during matches felt like he was shouting at us. OK, weird I know.

Juniors, stay strong, I'm sure you all will pull through :)

Me, Jiamin, Serene and Audrey went to J8 to eat (again) and we walked around before going to Serene's house to watch TV. Haha.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cedar Basketball

This is how I entered into Cedar. Via Cedar Basketball. The teacher in charge thought that my running skills were extraordinary and chose me into the school.

As I played and ran and played, I really enjoyed the game of running around the relatively tiny court with an orange ball in your hand, but obviously my skills were soooo terrible that the teacher always said

"Look at Melinda, she never played played basketball in primary school...."
And I would be thinking

"What!!! You mean I'm so lousy that you think I have no basketball background!!!"

So I kept on training and running harder than I ever thought I could. When I was sec 2, I improved drastically (Or at least I thought so) and could play in almost every single match.

Sec 3 came, I wasn't in the team and when people asked me why, I simply said
"Cause I'm not good enough?"

Seriously, I wasn't even that good to start from. However, I was happy to not get into the team because I was tired, really tired of trainings and basketball and I could have more time to focus on my studies (Which realle sucked, by the way).

I guess that by not entering into the team at sec 3, that improved everyone else's skills and deproved my own. I grew to dislike the game cause I was bad at it (So human, huh?), but what kept me to enjoy every single training or talks or matches was the bond of the team and my coach. They're one of a kind, fantastic to the pepsi max :)

I guess I was sort of using basketball trainings to train up my stamina. I finish every training feeling that I have achieved something, that is, by running.

Secondary 4, somehow my motivation kinda vanished magically, but I still stuck through it with much passion (But for the wring things I guess).

So now, I say goodbye :) to basketball. When I get onto the court, I feel fear. Fear that the ball will come into my face in all directions (Stupid right) or that I'll break some part of my body or the inability to attack or defend properly.

HiHi Again!!

This morning, I was trying to tire myself out so that I wouldn't be able to have any energy to think about getting my results.

I ran, I suntanned, I walked. But of course, it was no use.
If there was any use, no one would die of a cardiac arrest. :)

I wasted time walking around in compass before I was asked my Mich to hurry hurry hurry go to school and I did. Hahaha

OK thank you God for giving me brains to study and sometimes, no matter how I complain and whine about Singapore's education system and the teachers, I truly treasure what we all have. Without you, I am nothing :)

Thank you to alllll people around me and to the sec 4s, whoohoo you can do it :) :)
If my this kind also can make it, you all sure no problem onezx!! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I saw the rain fall down today, watched lightning crashed through skies of gray.
Why can't life just be light and rain?

I know, tomorrow, at about 2pm, all the once sec 4 students will be getting back their o level results.
And the feeling is the same as when before I am gonna start running a race or a v v v important basketball match.

I pray that God will help me to accept whatever results I get, but I will make sure that I will cry.

Good? Happy tears.
Bad? Sad tears lor, hahaha

What I wish I could do now
  1. Go to the top of a carpark and dance ballet.
  2. Run 10k.
  3. By myself 99 roses.
  4. Go for retail therapy (Shopping)
  5. Eat lasagne.
  6. Kick somebody :)
I hope that there will be more blood in my body tomorrow so that my heart will not pump so hard.

Saturday, January 09, 2010


For this entire week, I spent it either meeting Jiajian or Serene or trying to be healthy and running around. Haha It's really a pleasure to annoy Serene cause she'll want to hit you in an ah-ma kinda way.

I'm great at annoying people. Please e-mail me if you need help. I think that Daniel Yap should learn from me first. Hahaha.

Serene: Come, Melinda, I show you my Victoria Secret parfums!!!
Melinda: Oh, OK!
Serene: See this one is pure seduction, this is berry wtv, this is pear wtv, this is cotton candy wtv......
(Rummages entire cupboard and flips the room upside down in search for the purple parfum. She checks underneath every carebear and behind every photoframe)
Melinda: Maybe your bro took it. Maybe he brought it to school and "Eh! Buddy! Check out my parfum man!!!!"
Serene: Cannnot be LAH.
Serene: Annaline! (Her domestic helper's name) Did you see my parfum???
Annaline: Ohhhhhh! Daniel take!!!!
Hahahahahahahahahhahaah. Damn funny.

Hahaha hilarious to the pepsi max.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Today I watched Avatar.

I know that I'm a bit (Or say, very) slow, but Avatar is a very very very very nice movie!!!!! :)
Initially, I was v v v v irritated with it cause it appears in MacDonald's adverts (Which are pretty often), and whuts the big deal about blue people manzx!!!

Not only do they look pretty hideous (Wow my use of oxymoron so powerful!!), they look like star signs. I think it's sagitarius or something close to that.

It's like- you want to look like humans also cannot make it lor

But, after spending 2 hours+ sitting in the theatre and watching Avatar, I've changed my mine.

I think that I want to be a blue person now because
  1. Come to think of it, they look pretty nice :)
  2. They are alllll eco friendly.
  3. They can fly in the sky on their dragon-bird animals which is damnnnnnn cool.
  4. They make humans look selfish and dumb (I'm human too, but I'm saying the humans in the movie)
  5. They are called 'the people' and the humans are called 'the aliens'.
Come to think of it, how do we know that we are not aliens to some other 'people' how there??
They might all be thinking, why is this group of animals named 'homo sapiens' so weird? They are so colourful!!! 1 hour of sun and they become 1 shade darker (Happened to me) while look! We are all blue!!!

Anyway, if I was part of 'the people' (or what we'll call the aliens)

I know, cool right

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I thank the Lord for giving me good skin.

I have never gotten sunburnt before no matter how... intense the sun is. Haha.

I know posting lyrics on blogs is sooo lame but haha, I can't help it

Brett Dennen- Ain't No Reason

There ain't no reason things are this way

It's how they always been and they intend to stay

I can't explain why we live this way

We do it everyday

Preachers on the podium speakin' of saints

Prophets on the sidewalk beggin' for change

Old ladies laughing from the fire escape,

cursing my name

I got a basket full of lemons and they all taste the same

A window and a pigeon with a broken wing

You can spend you whole life working for something

Just to have it taken away

People walk around pushing back their debts

Wearing pay checks like necklaces and bracelets

Talking 'bout nothing, not thinking 'bout death

Every little heartbeat, every little breath

People walk a tight rope on a razors edge

Carrying their hurt and hatred and weapons

It could be a bomb or a bullet or a pen

Or a thought or a word or a sentence

There ain't no reason things are this way

It's how they always been and they intend to stay

I don't know why I say the things I say

But I say them anyway

But love will come set me free

Love will come set me free, I do believe

Love will come set me free, I know it will

Love will come set my free, yes

Prison walls still standing tall

Some things never change at all

Keep on building prisons, gonna fill them all

Keep building bombs, gonna drop them all

Working your fingers bare to the bone

Breaking your back make you sell your soul

Like a lung that's filled with coal

Suffocating slow

The wind blows wild and I may move

The politicians lie and I am not fooled

You don't need no reason or a three piece suit

To argue the truth

The air on my skin and the world under my toes

Slavery stitched into the fabric of my clothes

Chaos and commotion wherever I go

Love I try to follow

Love will come set me free

Love will come set me free, I do believe

Love will come set me free, I know it will

Love will come set my free, yes

There ain't no reason things are this way

It's how they always been and they intend to stay

I can't explain why we live this way

We do it everyday

Monday, January 04, 2010

Once upon a time,

There was a bougainvillea named BouBou. BouBou stayed in a pot in a church. She bloomed and beautified the Lord's house. However, she had to weather all kind of weathers because she had no shelter.
One day, BouBou received an instant message on her BBM (Not BlackBerry messenger but BouBou messenger) from her Bougainvillea friend, BoBo, who lived on an overhead bridge in Bishan.

"Hey BouBou! BoBo here! Was wondering how you are. Anyway, life here at the overhead bridge is fun!! I get to see sooooo many hot guys and count the number of BMW (Bougainvillea Must Want) cars here!! Want to join me and get out of the church?? I bet it's boring there!"

BouBou stared hard at the message.
"True, it is boring here, but... but... I'm happy here. I get to serve the Lord in church"
"Maybe I'll just visit BoBo- no harm right?"

The next morning, BouBou hopped out of church in the plant and took bus B11 to Bishan. (She walked there) and saw BoBo having a time of her life at the overhead bridge!!

BoBo was dancing with other fellowe Bougainvilleas and was even drinking Biger Beer!!! As BouBou jumped over to join her friend, BoBo offered her a bCigarette and biger beer.
For the next few hours, BouBou enjoyed herself but...

She didn't feel happy at all. No matter how much she told herself to enojy and be happy, she didn't feel comfortable and blissful at the overhead bridge.

"BouBou! Would you like to stay here?? We have lots of rooom!" asked BoBo.
"I... eh... I...I think I better go back." the unsure BouBou pinched herself in her ass and made up her mind.

5 hours later, as BouBou was back in church shining for the Lord, she knew that being able to serve the Lord will give her the greatest joy.

As we are gonna take back our results in a week (Why do they use the phrase 'take back'?), I shall take this moment to...
I can't find a word for it. But you get the point.

As we all gather in the school hall (With airconditioning whooohoo!), Mrs Lim, the level head will start to sell Cedar stamps and urge everyone to join CedarConnect (A club like thing- free labour I guess) and if our MSG is good, she'll start praising us like crazy and start declaring her undying love for this batch and how, from the start, she knew that we will ace everything and YEAH

But if our MSG is super terrible, she'll just sell the stamps and we'll all get our certs straightaway.

The name of our batch was supposed to be 'THE LEGENDARY class of 2009', but they thought that there were double meanings (Like if our msg is 54.0, we will certainly be legendary), so now we're the INVINCIBLE class of 2009.
But, the number of times teacher mispronounce the word and say 'invisible' is countless.

I would say, many bad things come out of the Olevels.
  1. The amount of trees that have to be chopped off just because we all luvvv to practise Math and rewrite our entire science textbooks is tragic. If governments realle want to make 'Saving the Earth' a bit more realistic, maybe they should start by banning exams. Haha Obese hope.
  2. My handwriting became significantly messier (And uglier)
  3. I used about 40-50 pen ink refills and surely there are people who used more so that kinda explains how expensive education in Singapore actually costs. Not that I'm complaining- cause if given a choice, I would want to study too hahaha
  4. The worst thing about exams is how people mould and change their lives. Exams become the point of rotation on the compass we change our lives to accomodate it. (OK my analogy not that powerful)
Good things
  1. You get to laugh and snigger at the juniors!!!! Hahahaha. OK, evil, sorry
  2. You get to pile and look in amazement at the Mount Everest of books and get rid of it. (Indescribable tausar pau feeeeeling)
  3. You get to blog like this.
  4. You get long holidays like this :)
OK see, 4 points each.
To all juniors, all the best you can du it, you just have to blink 10 times and it'll be over. It'll be OK!

Anyway, do you know how OK came about?
In war, when they do the counting of the number of killed soldiers, they write it like
49. Killed.
So, if none are killed, it's
0. Killed - And so it's OK! :)  :)
It's not that people usually die in Olevels OK

I know that when I finish Alevels, I'll read this post and think to myself "Whut's the big fuss man"
It's like a group in facebook that says "In year 2013, I'll watch the movie 2012 and laugh". But what if the world ends at 2011? I guess the movie will laugh at you then.

See you soon.

Hello Again!

I'm getting used to waking up at 12pm (A preeedy nice feeling haha)

When Miss Venezuela 08 dropped the crown on Miss Venezeula 09 head.

Sunday, January 03, 2010


Yesterday was my prom, and if there was a lip award, I would have won it hahaha

If you could be an animal, what animal would it be?

I would be a dolphin, but a fierce dolphin.
And, I will bring a parang along with me when I swim, cause I will usually swim with the tuna and when lame and selfish fishermen try to catch tuna (and there isn't much tuna left in the oceans), I can use my parang to cut their nets. Hahahaha
Sometimes I feel so clever. Haha

If not, I'll be the tuna. But, I'll be the head tuna and of course bring my parang too hahaha.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

New year, new resolutions (As always)

  1. Read the Bible, pray everyday (Before school)
  2. Cut my nails and make sure the white part does not grow beyond 4mm.
  3. Comb my hair everyday.
  4. Not lose any hairpins.
  5. Stop buying 8days.
  6. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away, but if the doctor is cute, keep the apple away. So far I haven't really seen a cute doctor, so I'll stick to eating apples everyday.
  7. Reply to all SMS text within an hour, unless I'm sleeping
  8. Not on the aircon unless temperature is above 32 deg.
  9. Off the lights after I use them, we should all be eco friendly
  10. Not eat tuna sashimi cause there isn't really much tuna left swimming in the oceans
  11. Stop drawing on milmil's poohbears or pulling the ears (Broken, I just created a group on fb to do it)
  12. Can't think of anymore hahaha

If only, everyone were both deaf and mute (And even better if blind), the world would become a much better place.

Because, when someone gets angry, they use words and usually, they don't mean to say these words but say it anyway. So, if everyone were deaf, they wouldn't be able to hear anything this angry person had that would give him time for him to knock himself on the head and realise that he is just making a stupid mistake.

Ignorance IS bliss

Friday, January 01, 2010

I think that my sweat is poisonous

One drop of sweat dropped on the wooden computer table and immediately, it sizzled and became white

Anyway, prom's tomorrow which is weird cause no one has their prom the year after they graduate and like 10 days before they get back their results.
We should all dress up as report books and certs and Mrs Lim would cringe and cry in agony.
AND no one has their prom in the school hall. When you doll up all so beautifully as if you were getting married and get into the taxi and say "uncle, go cedar girls"

I bet the taxi driver would start sniggering at you.
It's like on your wedding day, you tell the chauffeur "bring me to block 15 at tampines ave the carpark there"
OK maybe the carpark is v meaningful to you, but you get the point.

BUT this is a consolation for those who are planning to skip prom cause they wouldn't miss out on much (location or money)

I'm my class rep for the mambo queen and have zero confidence
Unless my song is some indian dance or the miley cyrus 'hoedown', then I'll be pretending I have a sprained ankle. (Which I am very good at, cause I practised the fake spraining of ankle in training before haha). Furthermore, I'll be teetering in high heels so that'll make it much easier.

I'd rather be like the mountain or the sunflower in the background scene for the rest of the dancers

See you,
I just lost my dress, I guess I can't go now :)

And I realise that everytime after I say 'bye' or 'see you' or 'goodnight', I always have more things to say

ANYWAY, why is 'good morning' or 'good afternoon' used as a hello-like greeting but 'goodnight' is used as a goodbye-like greeting? Doesn't really makes sense aye

oh, by the way, I was kidding about the sweat thing

Happy New Year I guess

But there isn't the new year feeeeeling this year, just like the mantou who has no feelings (fillings).

And yesterday, went to watch night service, and almost went up to say and share my thanksgiving but in the end, decided against it. Maybe next year?? Haha

In flash, it's been 10 years since we started to collect the Hello Kitty that macdonalds gave with their meals
And eh I still have mine OK! Mine's the astronaut Hello Kitty and Hello Daniel with a round thingy around their head but that goldfish bowl lookalike thingy on their head is dented beyond rescue Hahahha

Watched the countdown last night at mr ong's house and the people in the tv were dancing and jumping with Merly and leo (damn cute) while we were all sitting down and predicting what they werre gonna do next haha