
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Be strong in the Lord

Went for the VJC BBQ on Friday and since school ended at 4++, I didn't want to reach there too early (must make grand entrance y know) so I went to SIMIN's house to slack slack and watch some last part of 'Shopaholics' and the guy is freaking handsome :)

Took a bus down to Mandarin Garden's and waited for mean ZiFeng (He didn't want to share his frenchfries) and JOY and SIMIN were stalking us from behind and obviously they failed cause they were so obvious. Haha reached and talked to many many many people (MIzz them manzx) like Jieshi who thinks that I'm so obvious w to my eye candy. Hahaha. Wtv manzx. Walked around to find other Cedarians and manhunt for cute guys. (Phail) and since therre were no food, me Emma JJ Bryan Grace ZiFeng and more went to Macs to eat. Yeah yeah. About all.


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