
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't read this. It's kinda boring.


Marion stood in front of the television and started to dance to the songs that were featured in her favorite musical- The Sound of Music. Having watched the movie dozens of times, she could imitate every dance step flawlessly. As she braved herself for the next song to begin, she thought gleefully to herself, “This is too good to be true!”

It was indeed too good to be true as Marion was jolted awake. Being snapped out of her reverie, the silence of her bedroom haunted her once again. As she gazed at the morning sun reflecting its glorious rays onto her mirror, a wave of self-pity flooded her. It had been three weeks since she was discharged from the hospital after experiencing a harrowing car accident. This also meant that Marion have waited three weeks for her sense of hearing to return. She dreamt about sound every night and was only disappointed to wake up to the quietness.

“Maybe my sense of hearing will come back tomorrow,.” Marion thought to herself, sanguinity filling her heart.

However, Marion also was well aware that her optimism was dwindling away and she started to believe that she will would remain deaf forever. The doctor had told her that it was mostly psychological- all Marion could do to heal herself was to remain hopeful and keep to a regular diet. Since then, Marion have been faithfully praying and sticking to her strict diet, but to no avail. The greatest pain was that she was unable to enjoy music like before.

As Marion prepared to go back to her music school the next day, fear crept into her mind. She feared having to see the pitying glances from her schoolmates. Marion also hated to think that she was going to cause inconvenience to her teacher. After Marion braced herself, she stepped into the classroom.

As she entered the classroom, she could feel 2 dozen pair of eyes fixed at her before gathering into groups and starting to whisper among themselves. Marion felt tears threatening to fall and she swallowed them back, refusing to let her classmates bring her down.

“She’s deaf! Why is she back here?” said her classmate smugly, unaware that Marion could lip-read.

Marion stared in disbelief at her previously supportive and encouraging classmates before turning around and fleeing from their self-satisfied faces.

“I will prove them wrong! I will become the most outstanding musician of the year!” Marion told herself, determination filling her deflated pride.

Over the next few weeks, Marion practiced on the piano although she could not hear.; Marion played when she was lonely or desolate and spent her time devoted to playing the piano. Even though she could not hear the melody, she could feel the rhythm pulsating in her heart as her fingers moved across the keyboard as smoothly and fluently like before.

On the day of the examination, Marion strode into the classroom, feeling more confident than ever. As she saw the curious but surprised glances from her classmates, her mother gave her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before pointing her towards the room.

Marion took a deep breath and started to play. As she played, she felt the music come alive as her fingers danced across the keyboard. Her mind was in tranquility, free from worries. She felt the melody ring in her ears as she finally ended her piece with the highest note.

“Congratulations, Marion, you are the first student to receive the distinction,.” hHer teacher said, voice brimming with satisfaction.

Marion registered the words and found herself screaming in exhilaration. As she rushed towards her mother, prepared to convey the good news, she realized that something was different. The sound from the noisy chatter of her classmates, the soothing music playing in the background and the familiar tunes flowing from the piano room had filled the silence that once used to be deafening.


Anonymous Daphne said...

WOW, did you write this yourself? It's not boring!

11:28 pm  
Blogger Melindazx said...

Hahahaha HIHI
It's meant to be an essay for 'sound'
It's corny. hahaha The kind that old grannies will like.

11:29 pm  
Anonymous daphne said...

you mean you calling me an old granny lah! HAHAHAHA essays must be corny what if not mdm audra wont like;)

10:03 pm  

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