
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, January 04, 2010

As we are gonna take back our results in a week (Why do they use the phrase 'take back'?), I shall take this moment to...
I can't find a word for it. But you get the point.

As we all gather in the school hall (With airconditioning whooohoo!), Mrs Lim, the level head will start to sell Cedar stamps and urge everyone to join CedarConnect (A club like thing- free labour I guess) and if our MSG is good, she'll start praising us like crazy and start declaring her undying love for this batch and how, from the start, she knew that we will ace everything and YEAH

But if our MSG is super terrible, she'll just sell the stamps and we'll all get our certs straightaway.

The name of our batch was supposed to be 'THE LEGENDARY class of 2009', but they thought that there were double meanings (Like if our msg is 54.0, we will certainly be legendary), so now we're the INVINCIBLE class of 2009.
But, the number of times teacher mispronounce the word and say 'invisible' is countless.

I would say, many bad things come out of the Olevels.
  1. The amount of trees that have to be chopped off just because we all luvvv to practise Math and rewrite our entire science textbooks is tragic. If governments realle want to make 'Saving the Earth' a bit more realistic, maybe they should start by banning exams. Haha Obese hope.
  2. My handwriting became significantly messier (And uglier)
  3. I used about 40-50 pen ink refills and surely there are people who used more so that kinda explains how expensive education in Singapore actually costs. Not that I'm complaining- cause if given a choice, I would want to study too hahaha
  4. The worst thing about exams is how people mould and change their lives. Exams become the point of rotation on the compass we change our lives to accomodate it. (OK my analogy not that powerful)
Good things
  1. You get to laugh and snigger at the juniors!!!! Hahahaha. OK, evil, sorry
  2. You get to pile and look in amazement at the Mount Everest of books and get rid of it. (Indescribable tausar pau feeeeeling)
  3. You get to blog like this.
  4. You get long holidays like this :)
OK see, 4 points each.
To all juniors, all the best you can du it, you just have to blink 10 times and it'll be over. It'll be OK!

Anyway, do you know how OK came about?
In war, when they do the counting of the number of killed soldiers, they write it like
49. Killed.
So, if none are killed, it's
0. Killed - And so it's OK! :)  :)
It's not that people usually die in Olevels OK

I know that when I finish Alevels, I'll read this post and think to myself "Whut's the big fuss man"
It's like a group in facebook that says "In year 2013, I'll watch the movie 2012 and laugh". But what if the world ends at 2011? I guess the movie will laugh at you then.

See you soon.


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