
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year I guess

But there isn't the new year feeeeeling this year, just like the mantou who has no feelings (fillings).

And yesterday, went to watch night service, and almost went up to say and share my thanksgiving but in the end, decided against it. Maybe next year?? Haha

In flash, it's been 10 years since we started to collect the Hello Kitty that macdonalds gave with their meals
And eh I still have mine OK! Mine's the astronaut Hello Kitty and Hello Daniel with a round thingy around their head but that goldfish bowl lookalike thingy on their head is dented beyond rescue Hahahha

Watched the countdown last night at mr ong's house and the people in the tv were dancing and jumping with Merly and leo (damn cute) while we were all sitting down and predicting what they werre gonna do next haha


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