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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm not your personal wine handbook

Training for the first week of holidays was pretty okay, and yesterday I met mag and jiajian 730 to study! (Omg so hardworking) And it was pretty fruitful and pretty funny. I forgot the many things tat happened because I happen to feel really tired and drained now. haha

Watched Indiana Jones, it's pretty nice because
1. Indy is a smart guy
2. Even though he is old, he is still handsome
3. It is funnnny. haha
4. His son also the not bad ah.
5. It's thrilling and scary.
6. The way he escapes is just, phenomenal
Tell me how many movies have old handsome and smart men with handsome son acting in a funny and scary movie? Not many right. Haha

It's pretty I don't know how to say because
1. How can a ufo appear like how can how can!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I walked listlessly around in cold storage today. Holidays are so boring and I'm feeling very pmsey and moody and angry. I actually used more muscles to smile than to frown. If everyone could see everyone's big bubble above their head, then it will all be fine.

Today is an angry day >:( For some reason.

Firstly, I woke up feeling angry already and when I came to training, I got angrier because some homo sapiens can really make people's blog boil to the max.

And it started to rain which worsened my bad mood.

And I went to metro, and!!! I walked past the fan section and just nice, every single fan is on, and I was already freezing like mad and all the fans were blowing at top speed at me. Uh, can't they save the earth?

Then this big uncle cut my queue! It's like... can't he just queue up properly when there were like 1001 seats in the bus?

However, it was an overall nicer day because lunching with Jiajian was freaking funny as we were sitting beside this few aunties and they were boasting. Hahaha

I'm self deluding

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hahaha This is like the don't know which post today.

Main reason why I'm here, is because I'm doing my math homework! (Good reason to use computer). And it's some boring e-laerning powerpoint thingy that has like 50 slides. So cool huh! I feel so hardworking now! hahaha.

And I can't wait to watch Indy!!! haha. And I think that I'm going to watch the entire Indiana Jones seires again. Who wants to watch with me?? :D haha

How do I empty my emptiness?

Hooops and yoyo Hahaha

Phenomenal. Haha Watch all! He's damn good!

He's good and he's funny. Haha


Sunday, May 25, 2008

The world mixes.

Hindis + Jewish = HinJuice
Phillipines + Holland = Holapinos
Iceland + Cuba = Little IceCubes
French + Greek = Freaks

Anyway today's weather was kinda nice. Haha. And first part of training was preedy okay but the last part was suicidal. Haha. Then many people went to ppkfc to eat. Kinda had no moood. Haha.

Okay lemme go open the windows in my house if not I'll prob die of suffocation. Hahaha.

You've dug 6 feet under my skin


That's it. My friendster hates me. Because I don't think that my profile page has the title "Page cannot be found"

And I think that if you are planning to commit suicide by participating in a stampede, go to expo on a sunday and it's easy. Haha.

I haven't started on my holiday homework yet! But I've organized it already. All homework goes into one file. Coool huh! Haha.

Jiajian: Of course you are coming with us to science centre!!! Haha

DohDohLeena: With me, like totalle :)

Some things never change
(Ending with big fonts haha)

I happened to like this song even though I don't know what it is talking about. I only know it's a love song I guess...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Music is a language everyone understands.

Today I went to church in the early early morning to test run the church camp games. haha. It was pretty fun because we played with alot of water bombs! haha.

1. Ever since the last week of holidays I've been slacking preedy much around. haha. So I've decided to study harder since my dad saw my report book and said,"Uhh... your english... not as good as mine." hahaah

Don't know what else to blog, just that...
1. Church camp's coming! Can't wait for it! Will be missing like 3 trainings but I guess it won't hurt much since we'll be running around in there anyway

2. T3. Hahaha. So fun!

3. Science Centre with Crystal

4. Subway5, 2s people (JJ Serene Aisyah Crystal), 3c people! hahaah

Friday, May 23, 2008


1.Today I came home and saw a new sony camera on the sofa and a new vaio on the table. Haha. That certanily reminded me that... my sister is going away to london for uni! (So pro!). I shall not be sentimental now anyway.

2. Continue about today's x country. haha. I Thank God for giving me the strength to run today! he could have made me sick or break my leg or something but by his grace and mercy he didn't! I was freaking scared that I kept singing 'May the Lord find us Faithful' it wasted my breadth but oh well, it calmed me. Haha. Even though I wore what, lucky bra and lucky socks? God gave me power and sound mind!

And I think
You are so 2 sided you act better than halleberry.
You are fake that Paris Hilton's nose beats you.
You think that the world revolves around you, but so sorry geocentricity is long gone. You treasure status so much that it hurts a heart. Oh well so now you appear faultless and you try to physcho everyone into your idealogy that I guess other people doesn't matter to you. Oh so now, blame who? Blame fate. Blame nature of love. Blame non empty promises. Blame anyone. Just don't blame you.

Cool Small fonts at the end of the post!

Many thingys happened. hahaha (What I can remember)

Vesak Day Monday
Went to Jiajian's house to play basketball/run/ do homework/ study. Haha. And we were happily playign with Mag's dirrrty basketball, when this huge group of ungentlemanly men came with their soccer ball and took half the court. THEN our ball rolled away and they conveniently shifted themselves to occupy the entire court when there was a freaking soccer court next to the basketball court! (How ironic). And I recognized this guy who was wearing a yellow shirt with an 'official' word on it. He cut my bus queue on the way to Jiajian's house like how ungentlemanly can that man get!!!

Okay then we went to play the swing which was more fun than trying to snatch court with men. Then we went to run and haha! their soccer ball got stuck in the tree!!! hahahaha. see if they didn't occupy the entire court the ball wouldn't land there. haha. then we sat in Jiajian's room and crapped.

Then I went to eat dinner with my cousin's family (Which is my uncle) and my Clarence fractured his ankle like (haha).

Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday 23rd May
I think today was the day that Wangmama tossed/threw/slammed my handbook on the table like :O. She threw my handbook on the table!!! When like half the class did not have their bi ji and she chose my handbook to throw. I think having a bi ji is a waste of trees.

Went to watch match!
Girls- HCI vs RJC
Guys- HCI vs AJ

And it was really exciting! And hci won both like how cooool is that!!! hahahaha. Then I rushed home but I guess the bus driver didn't have that same sense of urgency so it took my an hour to get home. Haha.

Went to jiajian's house to sleeepover! haha. And we were laughing alot of half talking about x country. haha. And 1 quarter talking to leena and most of the time sleeping of course. haha. Damn fun!

Friday 24th May
Cedar Annual 31st X Country!!! @ Bedok Resevoir.
It was so freaking scary but also quite fun!!! Haha. And the entire sec 2 and 3 basketball team did varly the wellll! Hahaha. This is so much nicer than napha test manzxzxz. haha

Then we went to tampines mall which is where the entire cedar population probably went to. haha.

All of the stars are fading away!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hey Hey Hey

Haha. Been quite a long time since I last posted.

15th May 2008

Happy Birthday Bernice! Alot of people self trained! haha. And we were trying to sun tan so as to not have ugly tan lines for friday's photoshoot! haha. Lent leenadohdoh my jersey! So coool! And I forgot what else happened.

16th May 2008

Happy Birthday Joannne! We had basketball photo and class photo (And pe). How unfortunate! haha And michelle was so paranoid about her hair it was damn funny! haha. And furthermore, Miss leong decided to make us run 1.6k that day. Fab. haha

And wangchengma (han moi hwee) was so angry today for some reason, she kept scolding crystal! haha. And she kept telling us we will get our retribution (???). Haha.

Mei Nu

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

12th May 2008
Happy Birthday Audrey Leeeee!

Self- trained with ermzxzxzxz, many many people, and me and mag were trying to sun tan in the middle of the court. haha. Then everyone self trained for a fruitful while, and after 1 hour ++ we sat down and talked and talked. (As usual)

Haha then we went to pp kfc to eat!! Haha. Apparently Joline was dying because Jiajian forced her to eat so much and I became their thrashtray. haha

14th May 2008
I forgot my keys again so I had to sit in macs again. Haha. I saw this girl, mixed cream salt ketchup pepper (All the free stuff) together and she looked so freaking happy it was freaky. Then she tasted it, Wah Buay Tahan!

Went with Jiajian Serene Jiamin Mag Yilei Joline Rachel to ps to eat! haha. It was freaking funny but I forgot how. haha

Lemme talk to people
Jiajian: No it's not my house!!! haha. Look we're spending time to quarrel over this again! hahaha

DohLeena: I also don't know why everyone loves my tie. I should form a 'Cool Tie Club'. I don't know... Well they look smaller? Haha

Crystal: Ermzxzxz he's Adrien, not adam. haha. No he doesn't look like a chicken you flexinose qu si behzxzxz! haha

Come On, get Happy!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I had a Series of Unfortunate Events this week.

1. I was happily buying pad (as in sanitary pads) at Watsons. I think I was even whistling. (Haha). But when I innocently took 1 out, the entire shelf just came collapsing on me. Things I thought thence: "Oh crapzxzxz! but hey! Not my fault, it's gravity right? Maybe gravity decided to pull more strongly at that area"

2. I had like 5 different dreams in a short 7 hours. 1. John was sleeping during service and the entire congregation was looking at him, but Pastor was still preaching. Hahaha. 2. I was running xcountry with erm Grace Tang and there was this instance that there were 5 different paths to go, so we sat and thought for approx 5 mins before deciding which path to take. 3. Our whole team was walking on orchard road in 1 line. 4 and 5, forgot. Maybe it stopped at 3.

3. I was in the toilet at compass and the toilet bowl flushed on me!!! It's like, I'm not done and you are chasing me out? haha.

4.I was walking at compass point and this ntuc insurance people were walking around trying to get people to sign up for their insurance thingy, and 3 people approached me. I mean, do I look like I'm on my deathbed? Even though, you know death comes unexpected, but still...

Sunday 11th May
Happy Mother's Day!
Haha. Today "The Helping Hand" came to my church for Open Sunday. Okay fyi, (Esp for Jiajian), haha the Helping hand is the one by which, I see when I go home everyday from school, and Jiajian will say "Eh Melinda, your home" and we will spend 5 minutes arguing whose home it is. haha. the Helping Hand is a christian home for ex convicts and ex drug addicts. they are cool! hahaha.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Listen to the Music at the moment, Maybe sing with me?

It's almost a week since I last posted! Haha. Because I'm rather lazy to type in my email and my password. Haha. (It's not that I'm that that fat that I can't fit into my computer seat). Haha.

This week is rather nice, I'd say. Haha. Training was on Monday Tuesday Wednesday! Haha.

Had some Leadership training thingy! Haha. It was rather lame but nevertheless... Haha. Things we had tuh do.

1. Go around 'stations' to play the games, and the person in charge will judge the amount of points they will give you. Haha

2. The points will be in terms of 'money' to buy materials to make a rocket launcher. Haha

3. Make your rocket launcher with the materials provided. (Anyway the rocket is a water balloon)

My class won. Hahaha
Then we went for like 30 mins of training, and continued for a while after that, and it was really hilarious as most of the time we were just laughing. Hahaha. Went home, then something happened made us angry. haha. (Very vague but nevermind) Haha

Today was Miss SiewMai's last day!!! So sadzxzxzxz! We gave her a cookie monster which looked like it was washed in the washing machine for about 100 times. haha. We self trained, and did nothing much, but nothing much is better than nothing nothing right? Haha.

Anyway, I hope that JJ's okay!! Subway not bad horzxzxzxzxz! (Vague again, but nevermind)

Give her a cute little wave and a cute little smile. Haha
There again! Ending the post with small fonts. haha

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Yo mamma's so fat, when she puts on high heels in the morning, by the afternoon they're flats.

Yo mamma's so fat, her picture weighs ten pounds.

Yo mamma's so stupid, it took her ten minutes to cook Minute Rice.

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

For the morning sun and all it's glory
Greets the day with hope and comfort, too
You fill my heart with laughter
Somehow, you make it better
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
Like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
To the one, to the one

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

There's a love that's divine
And it's yours and it's mine
Like the sun
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
To the one, to the one

Have I told you lately that I love you
Have I told you there's no one else above you
You fill my heart with gladness
Take away all my sadness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

Take away my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do
Take away my sadness, fill my life with gladness
Ease my troubles, that's what you do

Elvis Presley is a KingKong.
This song is funny. Hahaha

Shan shang de ye cao zen mei li! Haha.

That day we had to sunthemouldyball sunthemouldyball sunthemouldyball sunthemouldball (Inside joke, please say it quick with an indian accent). And training was preeedy nice, haha. And we played monkey for about 20 minutes and it was freaking fun and nice because it is a reminiscent of the old schoool! haha.

Then we went to the canteen to eat and we played another old cedar game. Haha. It was freaking fun (Don't kow how to explain the fun but it is). Many funny funny names came out (Strawberry head, dohdoh(not so funny) jiaoor etc) haha

You walked into the party,
Like you were walking onto a yacht.

I'm usually not a big fan of unexplained small words at the end of each post.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Have I told you lately, that i love you?


You gave the things you loved away,
And one of them was me.

Hahaha Hello World.

This week is horrible. I'm just having many different types of feelings and many things turn out unexpected. Haha

Free Cone Day!!! Haha. Went with the sec3s and sec2s and we had alot of fun! But half the world were already there because we had to wait for audrey and uhm, gang? And Leenadohdoh stole my pig and my nametag that when I got back my pig, it looked like it had breast cancer lumps on it's face. :( And even though the queue was like 2 levels high, it felt pretty fast because we were like crapping all the way. Haha. i think those people must think that we are idiots.

1. Saw a ballooon woman and Rachek shouted "Balloooon!" like super loudly I think it was louder than a rocket taking off.

2. We were so excited to memorize a phrase in 30 seconds I bet the woman never saw so many bright eyes simultaneously before. Hahaha

3. When the camera came, we were like "OMG WE'RE ON TVEEEEE!"

After eating 1 pathetic cone, we went to pasta mania (What's new) and ate. Hahaha. Lee is the most disgusting person to ever eat with. The contents of her mouth looks like the contents of the rectum. However it's in white/red instead of brown.

We walked all over ps and I went home wth Leena the stupid big fat obnoxious dohdoh bird. I was dying manzxzxzxz! Hahaha. (It's the same to talk face to face lahzxzxzxz)

It was supp to rain strong and heavy but the happy sun, being it's usual proud self, decides to shine us with it's amazing hot and non-beautiful rays. And the ground was emitting heat waves that we thought that we were alll gonna have a heat stroke. (So Dohdoh you can die but you can't quit) Hahahaha.

We had a non-useful talk. Thank you.

This is one of the few days I'm going home myself!!!! haha And talked to JJ on the phone but we were like laughing for no reason half the time! hahaha.

Went to the Zoooo with my mom and my sister, and I got a balukoo from banging my head on the coach on the way, while sleeping. Wow. And we watched Phillip the Seacow! Yay! Whee! Wow! Hahaha. Then we had lunch and the treasure hunt!!! Hahaha. Grouped with my sis, Naomi, Jo and Sarah! We didn't win as we should had (Of course we should right) But we were having fun. Hahaha. And I can conclude that the tourists are reallllly friendly! hahaha. Overall fun, but 1 bottle of Coke costs 3 freaking bucks. Daylight robbery! haha.

Lemme talk to people again.
Serene: Okay I have 100 reasons toooo! for both sides!!! Haha

Jiajian: Oooh We have a mission! haha. And having an anon on your blog is like freaking the most hilarious thingay ever. haha.

Leena: You sec2 only sms in class. got streaming you know! And my yellow thing is turning black due to your dirty hands. Gross kid.
