
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I had a Series of Unfortunate Events this week.

1. I was happily buying pad (as in sanitary pads) at Watsons. I think I was even whistling. (Haha). But when I innocently took 1 out, the entire shelf just came collapsing on me. Things I thought thence: "Oh crapzxzxz! but hey! Not my fault, it's gravity right? Maybe gravity decided to pull more strongly at that area"

2. I had like 5 different dreams in a short 7 hours. 1. John was sleeping during service and the entire congregation was looking at him, but Pastor was still preaching. Hahaha. 2. I was running xcountry with erm Grace Tang and there was this instance that there were 5 different paths to go, so we sat and thought for approx 5 mins before deciding which path to take. 3. Our whole team was walking on orchard road in 1 line. 4 and 5, forgot. Maybe it stopped at 3.

3. I was in the toilet at compass and the toilet bowl flushed on me!!! It's like, I'm not done and you are chasing me out? haha.

4.I was walking at compass point and this ntuc insurance people were walking around trying to get people to sign up for their insurance thingy, and 3 people approached me. I mean, do I look like I'm on my deathbed? Even though, you know death comes unexpected, but still...

Sunday 11th May
Happy Mother's Day!
Haha. Today "The Helping Hand" came to my church for Open Sunday. Okay fyi, (Esp for Jiajian), haha the Helping hand is the one by which, I see when I go home everyday from school, and Jiajian will say "Eh Melinda, your home" and we will spend 5 minutes arguing whose home it is. haha. the Helping Hand is a christian home for ex convicts and ex drug addicts. they are cool! hahaha.


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