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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


is a Science overload day. Haha. Anyway, after school, went out to Dhoby G to have lunch lunch with Joline Serene Leena! Haha Lee couldn't come! Haha. Anyway we went to Pasta mania again, and they finished the entire bottle of the vomit cheese. Hahaha. And I drew on Joline's handbook and we were doing homework and so on. After that I followed Serene around to buy her stuffs, and I was dying because my legs were aching like mad and Serene walks super fast (Also don't know why!)

After that I walked from PlazaSing to Lido and my legs were aching more and more. Haha. Then I sat there like some toto chan reading her storybook. Met my mom, sis and so on and ate, then watched PS I LOVE YOU. Some parts are as boring as the storybook, but it is still pretty touching because the guy treats her so nicely! haha. And I reached home at 1230. Ahhhh!

PE was darn fun because Mr Eric joined us and we had 2 periods of Basketballlll! haha. Yay because the doraemon Dorothy Cheang didn't come! hahaha. Then after school some people stayed back to self train, and me Mag Joline Leena Jerusha Rachel went to walk around and looking for the key guy. haha,. Then we did homework and went to the canteeeeeen to eato! hahaha.
Movies to Catch
1. Indiana Jones IV (Must must must watch!)
2. Mummy 3
3. Step Up 2
4. The other Bodon't know what Sister
5. Batman!
6. August Rush
7. 27 Dresses
8. Narnia 2
And many more toooo lazy to think of.
1. When you decide to take the cab, there's not a single one. But then you decided to take the bus, all cabs come rushing to you.

2. When you decide to take let's say bus 10, bus 11 will come first. When you want to take bus 11, bus 10 comes.

3. When you hope the bus driver drives slower, he goes faster.

It's The Murphy's Law.

Monday, January 28, 2008

One for All, All for One.

Let me tellll you a story. (Okay it sounds like some Primary schoool story) Apologies becasue this was supposed to sound cheeem! Haha

On a very tragic Thursday, Janell was struck by the flu. (Not placid at all) However, harbouring a great prodigious amount of determination and perserverance, she endured for 2 hours, the pain of waiting while she was looking mauve. It was by a fateful phonecall that told her she had waited in vain.

Tennyson and her friends were receiving the results of the most salient exam in their entire life, one that would decide their imminent job in China. They were prostrated with grief at the outcome and decided to make that fateful phonecall. But such a ludicrous reason for doing so? Tennyson and her friends' insouciant thinking left the others turbulent.

(That 2 paragraphs are definitely plausible)
On another fateful Saturday, Mr C questioned Tennyson why training that tragic Thursday was annulled. Indubitably, we all know what's the de facto reason.

Paradoxically, Tennyson said, "Oh because Janell was sick, so we couldn't abide to see her train, (Gibberish) that's why". They were being aberrant! Janell was their vicarious reason/punishment!

Mr C believed that palpable lie with all his might but no ones knows why. On Monday, we saw Janell traipsing towards us and broke the news. However, she was too qualmish to do anything! Hooray to their indecorous innate characters.

Therefore, Janell must fulminate against Tennyson and her friends' reprehensible behaviour!

Moral of the Story: We must be assiduous and must eradicate any problem. (Janell). We must not be malevolent and stop giving looks of repugnance no matter what, and also stop planning nefarious plots towards fellow friends.

I know how! Decapitate them! hahahaah
Okay let's get back to normal speaking queen's english. hahaha. Not like that is not. Anyway the story is toaterlleee non-fiction. Haha. Anyway today was an okay day (Isn't everyday?) But training was fun tooooday! hahaha. Activate plan A! *winkzxzxzxzxz* hahaha

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Went ooout with PutriSerene, and we wore the same colour. Hahahaha. Bought Cheena New Year Clothes and shoes (Haha red!) But Serene bought black. Hoho. After that I took a mega journey to church for the yf. Haha. And then me and Naomi decided to join soccer in JC! Haha.

Things to complete
1. Keeep my mind off Cheena Holiday homework for a while.
2. Now melt it on Physics

Hahahaha Completed 3.6k!

Okay Everybody! You are supposed to cry when watching this!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Today's such a nice nicey dayzxzxz! Hahah

Schoool- uhh nothing much. Haha.
Chionged down and ran to the busstop cause we're gonnnna eat! Haha. Went with Joline Lee Serene Leena Jerusha Audrey Rachel and we tooook a long time to decide where to go. Haha. Then we went to the orchard and exited and saw "Wow! Wisma!" Then we went in, and went to Food Republic. Haha. We sat at the comfy seats (Piangzxz I sit beside Leeena) and then we ordered our foooood, and we sat there and talked for like 3 hours plus plus, we started from Rachel's hair to my hair to so and so. Basically, we talked about everything under the sun. (Didn't exactly cover the solar system part though) haha. It was super funnny as each of us had our own story. Hahahaha. And I bet people thought we were tao-ing schoool just to come here and talk and talk. Haha.

And me Joline and Lee were doing the 'lesson review' and tried linking back. Hahaha. Then I shared the muarchee with Joline and it was the first time in Lee's life that she's eating dragon's beard. Eh... Hahaha.
Then Joline and Lee went home and the rest of us walked all the way to Dhoby Ghaut. Hahaha. And talked somemore and we were almost banged down by a motorbike. hahaha. Then we continued walking and almost considered to walk to City Hall. Haha. Budddenzxzxz we went to spotlight and seee random stufffs and MY FAVOURITE COLOUR IS YELLOW. Haha. I tooook 2 paint brushes (1 small 1 medium) and when we talked far far away from the paint brush section, hehheh, then I toook out my paint brushes and tickled Leeeena on her neck. Hahahahaah. (Eh I even let her choose which size she wants okay!) And it was super funny cause she fell down. Hahahaha. Serene's like a momma. Hahaha. Then we went to Daiso and walked randomly around, without buying anything (again) we walked out. Haha.

Then we went to times where I saw my Baby Bearbear Ah Sam. Haha. (So freaking cute please!) And everyone agreeed. haha. And we stood there for approx 30 mins to loook at the guiness record 08. hahaha. And saw the reaaallly disgusting thing where the guy hooked hooks on his eyes and pulled a car. hahaha. Eeeew. Then Leena saw her gt and we suspect that she was stalking us. hahaha.

Then we went to Watsons where we were looking at "for greater taste" stuffs. Haha. Then my bag hit the biscuits and it allll fell. And that ended our Watsons trip because they thought it was embarrassing and then pangsehed me to deal with the Biscuits.
Then I saw my sistazxzxxz at Compass Point and she confiscated my Ezlink card (because she had to pay Adult fare) so I Couldn't borrow my books and I can't take bus home. So I had to walk home. Uuurgggh. Haha. Then me and Audrey walked around Compass point and haha talked alot of stufffs. Haha

Haha. In Summary (Which Lee can't do) I loved todayyy and I love those people. Hahahaha

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today's the realease of the O's results!
1. Congrats to the 'phenomenal batch' who scored 9.9 for L1R5!
2. Congrats to my sissssta who got so happy over her Eng!

Lastly, phenomenally, astonishingly, outrageously, Mervin actoooally got A1 for his cheeena. Like, WHAT! Eh Wait I just saw a pig flying outside, okay maybe it's fine. ( I suspect it's the same teacher who marked my sis's cheena script- She's drunk), but Congratulos anyway!

And, today was the most normal school that anyone can ever imagine. (oooh I say that everyday). Haha. And I think Lee is on a blog high or something. Hahaha. And last period, Miss Chng was so excited she was smiling the whoooole lesson that we were afraid that one teeth would drop or something. haha. And she left early, so me, Nasuhaha, Salapok and Jaymee ong were uhm.. interacting! Hahaha

After schoool we tried to find out if there is training tomo, so we went to find the juniooors and me and lee ate Audrey Peach tart. And the custard was ahhh urrrggggh. hahaha. And we peeked into the hall knew the results, then fled.

Ran 4.4km! Cooool Beansss!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Haha About Tuesday and Wednesday. Hahaha

Tuesday 22nd January
Haha. Had a cooool sore throat but I don't have the sexy sore throat voice. haha. Had schooool as normal and we saw MrEric tan 3 periods again. how fascinating. And after schoool, we had training! But training was prettty fun! Haha. The starting was norrrmal like those normal drillls. haha. Then after the first break, the small people (Us!) did one on one. And I was doing with Yenyi the whole time. And I looked around and gazed at the normalcy of everyone else. haha. And we were laughing alot for many reasons. Haha. Then we did 2 on 2 and I partnered Joline, (haha Yay!) then the Serene went to partner Rachel. Hahaha. Then I crushed/ broke/ sprained/ injured/ fractured/ Meredith's finger. Haha. Sorry! Then we played 5 on 5 and we can therefore evaluate one thing. Our shoooting sucks. haha. And the juniors are a good bunch of people.

Then after that some went to watch the rg and zh's match, live, at channel news asia. haha. And the rest went to the canteeeen to drink fruit punch punch punch. And the leena lee lost her wallet and was being such a fussyshit and wants everyone else to go to the court and find her wallet but not herself. Then she thought reeeeeally hard and realised it was kiapped under her desk. Piangzxzxzxxz!

Wednesday 23rd January
Schooool was the most normal and boring thing that ever happened today. The first thing I was when I reached schoool was leena happily whipping her wallet around. Then I saw my whimsical short haired head on the machine. Urrgh! We had to learn weird cheers during top period, and the way the oais sang the song was damn funnnny. Hahaha. then it was supposed to be a touching song so I started crying. (tearing from laughing) Haha. And Jiamin was totally lost. Hahahahah.

Then when leaving the schoool, we saw the Joline Lee Jerusha Leena people and we toooook a freaking long time to decide where to eat. Haha. Then we decided to go to pp macs because it's a universal-go home-happily place. Haha. Then we started racing to there, the last (lee) was supposed to treat everyone, but she didn't. hahaha. Then we started out on our eating quest. haha. And then we started laughing again for many reasons (Geko Piong) and many funny minor stuffffs. Haha. Then Lee started to swing the soggy fries and they, had to obediently comply to her and they started flying around. haha. (disgusting). Haha then we started laughing again (major Tummy ache)

"I have no time, no money, no friends, I am a loner, loser and I am anti social I love myself, and uhm, thats all!"
"Erm, you have to get consent from ma daddy first, if he says yes, then okay!"
"Give yu lao shi's one!"

Hahahahahaha. They are a farrrneeee bunch of people. Haha. Lurrrrbzxzxz them 1314334. Hohohoh.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Marilyn Monroe Moment (Oooh an illiteration!)

Haha. Anyway Sunday was as usual as usual (Oooh a simile!), and the church youth was like, uh... that's all? haha. (Oooh look a one sentence summary!)

And monday, was the Sciences Overload day, and during ss, since the teacher didn't come, we were assigned to do some weird judgemental thingy, and we didn't feel like doing, so we just talked and talked for the entire period. period. Haha. And then maths was like totally head throbbing because Mrtan talks so softly and also don't know what talking he manzxzxzxz. haha. And my hand aches from writing 1 cheeeena ban yue ji. Congrats! 5 more to go!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Fabu Friday
Haha. Boring school as normal, boring assembly as normal- a harpist came for assembly and
First 15 mins- Wow! A harp! Cooool! (Pupils sit with backs straighter than anything & excited eyes)
Next 15 mins- Erm... Coool? (Shoulders droops and eyes falls)
Last 15 mins- Is she... done? Hahaha.

And then there was training, and Mr m chia trained us, which was... Hey Cooool! Hahaha. We had breaks for averagely every 20 minutes. (Mr Lim come back!) and we did... Hey Cooool Beans stuffs! Those type of things we never did before. Haha. Then we played match, gropued with Joline Serene Leena Joelance Ba.. Tammie. Hurhurhur.

Tragic Oil Thursday
Our class white board has disgusting sticky tape so class comm had to remove it. Haha. Then I remembered. Oh ya! Put oil on it so it all can come off! Coool idea rightzxzxzx? So we tooook 2 bottles of medicated oil and started cleaning the board. (Stinko Binko) and we finished 2 bots of medicated oil having stinko binko classroom and only about 1 quart of the sticky thing offff. Haha. And on fabufriday Mr tan brought magiclean for us. Hahahahaha.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My heart has been beating like 200/minute for no apparent reason that I think if I join any event in sports day I'll prob be wheezing before the event. And there is pe and training tomo.

Dearest Pe, I'm sorry that I have underestimated your credibility. I thought pe was just a nice morning slow jog to get you warmed up. No biggie. Pe? Chey! Big Deal!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Seniors having their first match against gy tomomo! Haha. And all the best and May God bless you and keep you from danger. Nice nortxzxzxzxzxz?

And during English, our feature article coming upzxzxzxz! We were deciding whether the headline should be
1. Banging Bhutto
2. Hero or Not?

And our intro is to the tune of My Love by westlife! Coooool Bi lerhzxzxzxz!

During Cheena it was darn funny. Hanmoimoi wanted us to bring our yingyongwen on Friday, then after that she said, ( Actually it's in chinese)"If you don't bring, I will be hen kaixin!" Pffffft?

And after that met Serene and went to canteen, where major abuse from juniors came. Hope that you all get through the auditions! Wo yong yuan zi chi ni men! So surrrporrtive ( I forgot how to spell) nortzxzxzxzxz!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Saturday 12th January
Went to the movies to watch Sharkwater! You alllll must totally watch it cause it affects you. Haha. The sharks are a natural part of the ecocycle! Hahahaha. It more like a documentary. (Nothing like Jaws puhleeezo!) Haha.

Main point gathered: Don't eat sharks fin!

After that we went to eat, and went to Wisma and Lido and Heeren and Home. ( We went to Borders to nick gift cards. Hahahahaha)

Sunday 13th January
Happy 33rd Anniversary to Grace Church!! Haha. Had normal things, buddddenzxzxzxz, I forgot to bring my ezlink card so I had to go all the way back home to get it. Bong Sai. Haha.

Monday 14th January
Feeeeling totally dead and warped and warm like Mama earth, and first lesson was physics then math and Chem! Piangzxzxzxz. Miss Chng drew the dotty diagram until I had a headache, trying to get Jiamin to see the cuboid from another point of view. Hahahaha. (Thank God I was sitting under the fan!) Haha. And English was duperduper fun because I tried to figure out the english vocab things and Jessica kept discouraging me!

Snowpea = Rockmelon
Counterpane = Muscleache cream
And tellll me what on earth is a doona and a aubergine and a verandah. Hahaha

Chinese was fun (as usual) and our group won the biiii saaai today! Haha

Training! Haha It was freaking hot and we were dying. The first part was super tiring and Jiaolian made me sai pao with Joline!! Haha. And I halfway buay tahan neeed to go to the toilet. Haha. My bladder could have burst. And then I felt blood drain from my face and the carbon dioxide rushing to take it's place. haha. And after I partnered Rachel and hahaha. It was damn funny with no apparent reason. And then we played match! With Joline Leena Jerusha Rachel! Hahaha. We scored the first one and were duperly happy and then Jiaolian changed the groupings and it started raining! Haha. And for the rest of the training we plainly crapped and then left. Haha.

And went to the canteen to eat, and everyone said that my mint m&ms were disgusting but they still ate. Haha. And then I TOTALLY got violated by Liyin puhleeez, I'm gonna send her to the police. hahaha. And then I felt extra or they thought I was extra so I went home by myself! Haha. (I missed my freaking busstop) Bong

Friday, January 11, 2008

I ate a mouse amount of breakfast, and didn't eat recess. By the time auditions (again! I rather train!) started, my tummy was totelly growling. The sun looked like a huge yummy cornflake cookie which made me even hungrier.

Me and Jessica (during eng) couldn't find a feature aritcle because we only like Straits time front cover only. Wait, isn't the weather report a feature article? Features the weather right? After maths, my brain was painful because I think I thought too hard for the maths questions and after that we had to do chinese compo- nerve wrecking to the max. pepsi max. Then it occured to me that Mr Clarence Lim is a good maths teacher because I could still remember what he taught us last year! Hahahaahah

Jj wj lynn and jm took 1 group each and I was incharge of shuttle run again. Haha. Sianzxzxzxz lorhzxzxzx! Then it started raining and we evacuated to the canteen. Shuttle run was scraped so yay! Haha The notice board is nice please! (Lulu! Ours nicer!) Haha

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I was feeling moodwhacked today, must be because I missed eggs for breakfast.

I was looking at the faded clouds and had the sudden urge to fly. Being somewhere up there and not knowing exactly where you are sounds rather appealing notzxzxzxz? Where you are served mini juices but you are not sure whether it even is the morning, and landing in some glass panelled airport and my Dad there to fetch. (Sounds like China).

Right. I feel like going to China for a Holiday.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Friday 4th January
Had school as normal, and the salapok saboed me to be the ehm sports secretary. (Say until so nice!) And I had to lead in running and stretching! And I'm still 157 cm, but it's really okay since I feel tall at home. Haha. And Kathleen's yo monitresss!

Walked to the busstop with Joan, and saw the juniors and decided to be extra and join them for lunch, made them wait for like 96847513 years for the bus. haha. And took the bus and mrt and were making so much noise like some cygnets who are hungry. And the Rachel and the Lee couldn't come. (Killjoy!), so we wento Pastamania and helped leena copy stuffs and then to macs to buy ice cream! haha. (No wonder Joline was sick) and we starting laughing.

Saturday 5th January
Went for training at ny and were on time but Mr Chia, having clearing misunderstood, made us run 2 rounds. Okay then after that training was kinda okay and weeeeeebit slack. Haha. Went with Serene and Wanjun to j8 to eat (at macs) then walked around and bought myself ipanema!!! Haha.

Piano lesson. Marine Parade. Home.

789 January
Normal things like school and training and had auditions today.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I decided that it's time I post. Haha.

1st Day of school 2nd January
New campus new class old school new teachers. Haha. And my class is so quiet! Ohno! I felt like some chicken backside talking and talking. Okay wait about the school.
1. The courtyard is mini
2. The flagpole is short and the wobbles during flag raising
3. It's huge and it's old.
4. I have to climb 4 freaking levels and 16 flight of stairs to get to my classroom.
Many many many more not so interesting stuffs.

My teachers are okay, or maybe great infact. I have 6 scholars in my classss! Haha. And one of their names has an @ sign in it, so coooool. Haha

Went for training afterr that at nyjc and training was soso larhzxzxzx!

31st December Monday
Went for cycling with church peeeeople. And me and my sis walked to compass point at an exuberant speed none has ever known, and when we reached here, we missed 109 like zooomzoom passed us. Then, okay nevermind, wait. Then I decided to look at the board to see how long I could sleep for, and then!!! I realised that we were at the wrong side! (Thank God we didn't catch that bus), we ran to the other side like some tourists and wated another 8 minutes for the bus.

(& the bus driver drove sooo slowly that a doublefreakingdecker bus could zoomzoom pass it.)

Reached there, met the rest and we took the boat to pulau ubin!! Haha so exciting! And there was a spider that was gonna eat Joanne up. Chose our beauuutiful bikes and then started. Buddenzxzxz! I realised that I couldn't cycle straight! (Sorry for holding you all up!) Haha. My downslopes were great (Because don't have to paddle) Haha. And John had to wait like 982164562168 times for me. Haha. And thenzxzxz Ben's tyre puntured, so James got it back to the place and changed it. And we cycled for about 2 'hours and then went for lunch (like the Survivors) we ate tuna and raisins. haha. Had some breeezy time and continued. Haha. I banged 4 times to the side road because of Joanne's and my sis's high pitched voices, the higher, the more curved I go. haha.

Went back to Church to bathe, and then went to Grace canteen to eat, and had Watch night service the went to MrOng's house for eat eat talk talk play play.

My fingers are kinda tired. Dao ci ge bi ler!