
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, January 14, 2008

Saturday 12th January
Went to the movies to watch Sharkwater! You alllll must totally watch it cause it affects you. Haha. The sharks are a natural part of the ecocycle! Hahahaha. It more like a documentary. (Nothing like Jaws puhleeezo!) Haha.

Main point gathered: Don't eat sharks fin!

After that we went to eat, and went to Wisma and Lido and Heeren and Home. ( We went to Borders to nick gift cards. Hahahahaha)

Sunday 13th January
Happy 33rd Anniversary to Grace Church!! Haha. Had normal things, buddddenzxzxzxz, I forgot to bring my ezlink card so I had to go all the way back home to get it. Bong Sai. Haha.

Monday 14th January
Feeeeling totally dead and warped and warm like Mama earth, and first lesson was physics then math and Chem! Piangzxzxzxz. Miss Chng drew the dotty diagram until I had a headache, trying to get Jiamin to see the cuboid from another point of view. Hahahaha. (Thank God I was sitting under the fan!) Haha. And English was duperduper fun because I tried to figure out the english vocab things and Jessica kept discouraging me!

Snowpea = Rockmelon
Counterpane = Muscleache cream
And tellll me what on earth is a doona and a aubergine and a verandah. Hahaha

Chinese was fun (as usual) and our group won the biiii saaai today! Haha

Training! Haha It was freaking hot and we were dying. The first part was super tiring and Jiaolian made me sai pao with Joline!! Haha. And I halfway buay tahan neeed to go to the toilet. Haha. My bladder could have burst. And then I felt blood drain from my face and the carbon dioxide rushing to take it's place. haha. And after I partnered Rachel and hahaha. It was damn funny with no apparent reason. And then we played match! With Joline Leena Jerusha Rachel! Hahaha. We scored the first one and were duperly happy and then Jiaolian changed the groupings and it started raining! Haha. And for the rest of the training we plainly crapped and then left. Haha.

And went to the canteen to eat, and everyone said that my mint m&ms were disgusting but they still ate. Haha. And then I TOTALLY got violated by Liyin puhleeez, I'm gonna send her to the police. hahaha. And then I felt extra or they thought I was extra so I went home by myself! Haha. (I missed my freaking busstop) Bong


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