
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Haha About Tuesday and Wednesday. Hahaha

Tuesday 22nd January
Haha. Had a cooool sore throat but I don't have the sexy sore throat voice. haha. Had schooool as normal and we saw MrEric tan 3 periods again. how fascinating. And after schoool, we had training! But training was prettty fun! Haha. The starting was norrrmal like those normal drillls. haha. Then after the first break, the small people (Us!) did one on one. And I was doing with Yenyi the whole time. And I looked around and gazed at the normalcy of everyone else. haha. And we were laughing alot for many reasons. Haha. Then we did 2 on 2 and I partnered Joline, (haha Yay!) then the Serene went to partner Rachel. Hahaha. Then I crushed/ broke/ sprained/ injured/ fractured/ Meredith's finger. Haha. Sorry! Then we played 5 on 5 and we can therefore evaluate one thing. Our shoooting sucks. haha. And the juniors are a good bunch of people.

Then after that some went to watch the rg and zh's match, live, at channel news asia. haha. And the rest went to the canteeeen to drink fruit punch punch punch. And the leena lee lost her wallet and was being such a fussyshit and wants everyone else to go to the court and find her wallet but not herself. Then she thought reeeeeally hard and realised it was kiapped under her desk. Piangzxzxzxxz!

Wednesday 23rd January
Schooool was the most normal and boring thing that ever happened today. The first thing I was when I reached schoool was leena happily whipping her wallet around. Then I saw my whimsical short haired head on the machine. Urrgh! We had to learn weird cheers during top period, and the way the oais sang the song was damn funnnny. Hahaha. then it was supposed to be a touching song so I started crying. (tearing from laughing) Haha. And Jiamin was totally lost. Hahahahah.

Then when leaving the schoool, we saw the Joline Lee Jerusha Leena people and we toooook a freaking long time to decide where to eat. Haha. Then we decided to go to pp macs because it's a universal-go home-happily place. Haha. Then we started racing to there, the last (lee) was supposed to treat everyone, but she didn't. hahaha. Then we started out on our eating quest. haha. And then we started laughing again for many reasons (Geko Piong) and many funny minor stuffffs. Haha. Then Lee started to swing the soggy fries and they, had to obediently comply to her and they started flying around. haha. (disgusting). Haha then we started laughing again (major Tummy ache)

"I have no time, no money, no friends, I am a loner, loser and I am anti social I love myself, and uhm, thats all!"
"Erm, you have to get consent from ma daddy first, if he says yes, then okay!"
"Give yu lao shi's one!"

Hahahahahaha. They are a farrrneeee bunch of people. Haha. Lurrrrbzxzxz them 1314334. Hohohoh.

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