
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I decided that it's time I post. Haha.

1st Day of school 2nd January
New campus new class old school new teachers. Haha. And my class is so quiet! Ohno! I felt like some chicken backside talking and talking. Okay wait about the school.
1. The courtyard is mini
2. The flagpole is short and the wobbles during flag raising
3. It's huge and it's old.
4. I have to climb 4 freaking levels and 16 flight of stairs to get to my classroom.
Many many many more not so interesting stuffs.

My teachers are okay, or maybe great infact. I have 6 scholars in my classss! Haha. And one of their names has an @ sign in it, so coooool. Haha

Went for training afterr that at nyjc and training was soso larhzxzxzx!

31st December Monday
Went for cycling with church peeeeople. And me and my sis walked to compass point at an exuberant speed none has ever known, and when we reached here, we missed 109 like zooomzoom passed us. Then, okay nevermind, wait. Then I decided to look at the board to see how long I could sleep for, and then!!! I realised that we were at the wrong side! (Thank God we didn't catch that bus), we ran to the other side like some tourists and wated another 8 minutes for the bus.

(& the bus driver drove sooo slowly that a doublefreakingdecker bus could zoomzoom pass it.)

Reached there, met the rest and we took the boat to pulau ubin!! Haha so exciting! And there was a spider that was gonna eat Joanne up. Chose our beauuutiful bikes and then started. Buddenzxzxz! I realised that I couldn't cycle straight! (Sorry for holding you all up!) Haha. My downslopes were great (Because don't have to paddle) Haha. And John had to wait like 982164562168 times for me. Haha. And thenzxzxz Ben's tyre puntured, so James got it back to the place and changed it. And we cycled for about 2 'hours and then went for lunch (like the Survivors) we ate tuna and raisins. haha. Had some breeezy time and continued. Haha. I banged 4 times to the side road because of Joanne's and my sis's high pitched voices, the higher, the more curved I go. haha.

Went back to Church to bathe, and then went to Grace canteen to eat, and had Watch night service the went to MrOng's house for eat eat talk talk play play.

My fingers are kinda tired. Dao ci ge bi ler!


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