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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Hello! And a Merry Christmas.

Have been seeing the Church people for like 4 days continually, and the next 5 days starting from Thursday. Today was supposed to be a break from seeing Church people, but I saw Joanne drive past. Haha.

Alllllright! Saturday went for Caroling at the members houses, and it was fun and totally happening for hip people. (We sing great Hokkien and Canto songs!) Haha. Sunday went to the Church neighbours houses! And I gave a testimonial about what I learnt! It was damn cooool please!

Monday, went for training, exchanged presents, & I suaybongly sprained my ankle. (Merry Christmas!). I was happily running the first round, at the start of the 2nd, I was laughing about something, then it went to one side. And I started crying, (Because thats the normal reaction), then I starting laughing because I thought it was pretty funny how I sprained my ankle stupidly (not like some pro ankle-sprainers like Jm, Lynn, Jj).

So I was laughing-crying and that was totally nice :D So I wasted my morning, by sitting there and suntanning on the First day of Serene's training since she came back. Haha.
Then I went home and went to the Bbq, which I saw Yingying! haha. Had pretty much fun and I got the cool bi coloured light stick (White!) Only when you have it, then can you join the Cool Club.

Next day! Had singing, sermon, and eating. Went to JJJ's house in the afternoon (Reach at 4). So I left house at about 0355, But Mildred the TuaPuiSoh GossipMama was talking on the phone. So I wanted to walk slowly and slack around at rivervale plaza, But it was like 0405, I thought (Si Liao! Late!), but I reached there and Iw as the first and they were sleeping. Hahaha.

More came, so We played some spelling game, the citadels, then Bridge. HAHA.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Went Kayaking with Church people yesterday instead of training. However, I can conclude that it's more tiring than training.

Haha. I've never kayaked before, so they partnered me with Timothy (A super steady pom pipi one), but our Red group still lost like almost all the games! Haha. we only won one which was because the Yellow group was disqualified. Haha. And the weather was unsteady, but at least there was the Sun Sun! Mr Happy Sun! Please shine down on me! And Alexi and Joash capsized, (Must be on purpose), and Joshua looked and thought "Wah so Fun!!!",and he capsized their kayak too. (Poor Loretta). We played one game was which the front person had to lie forward and row with their hands, and I was reeeally dry, but the person infrontsplashed all the water in my face. Tsk!

Haha. Went for lunch at Tp and Daniel said that the Western was reeeeally nice so we all ate that. Haha. And we went back, loaded our kayaks, kayaked for about 2 minutes, and there wasthe siren thingy, so we had to stop and carry the kayaks all the way back. Haha. Then Naomi came and I partnered her, and the Daniel and Timothy came over and they eat-finish-nothing-to-do come and splash water at us.

Okay, Keemin sent us to the bus stop, and I waited 28 minutes for the dumb 43 which came by and the driver still looked so freaking relaxed.

Okay I'm eating GummyVites (for more Calcium!!!!!) and they taste great!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

(Edited with My Fav Fav Fav Song) Haha
Guess Whatzxzxzxz I'm doing?!

Hahaha. I woke up at about 1145, and ate cocktail sausages for breakfast while trying to spin the cubeshit into a neat pile of cubeshit (Failed as usual)

And I dreamt that a Tiger came into my house and wanted to eat up my favourite pillow! I used some Pokemon power and it disappeared, then I read in the Reader's Digest that the tiger's stripes are not only on the fur, but also on the skin. Haha.

And I on-ed the Bose player and put in 6 Cds (See Cds are still so coool!) Haha.
1. Westlife- World of Our Own
2. M2M- Shades of Purple
3. -Burnt-
4. Westlife- Coast to Coast
5. Westlife- Uptown Girl
6. Don Moen- God Will Make a Way

Why do we never know what we've got till it's gone? The day you went you away away away.

I must be stupid must be crazy must be out of my mind. (They must be really of their mind). Mirror mirror hanging on the wall.

1. Only if wishes could be dreams and I'll know that my dreams will come true. Jiang Simi?
2. You don't have to tell me who's the biggest fool. Jiang Simi?
3. You say that you want me well it's time to tell your friends where they belong. (Eh....)

1. M2M has baby voices.
2. I LURRRRBZXZXZXZX Westlife 1314 3344. (Haha)

My Love (The Best Song & My Favo)
(Deserves to be Song of The Year)
An empty street
An empty house
A hole inside my heart
I'm all alone
The rooms are getting smaller (smaller)

I wonder how
I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had
The songs we sang together (Oh yeah)

And, oh, my love
I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again
My love
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again
My love

I try to read
I go to work
I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking (Oh no)

I wonder how
I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had
The songs we sang together (Oh yeah)

And, oh, my love
I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again
My love
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green

To see you once again...
To hold you in my arms
To promise you, my love
To tell you from my heart
You're all I'm thinking of

I'm reaching for a love that seems so far

So, I say a little prayer (So... yeah, yeah)
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again
My love
Overseas from coast to coast (Overseas)
To find the place I love the most (Love the most)
Where the fields are green
To see you once again
My love
I say a little prayer (My sweet love)
My dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue (Oh yeah)
To see you once again (Oh, my love)
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again
My love


Monday, December 17, 2007

Saturday Oooh Saturday

Skipped training, and slept. Eh? Simi training? I skipped piano, and slept. Haha. And went to Kenneth's/ Cheryl's house later in the afternooon! Ooh (Happy Birthday Kenneth!) Haha. He did my rubik's cube in like 30 seconds, but now it's like a messy pile of shit (in a cube shape).

Church as normal, but I did my letter in parchment paper so it looked super pro! Haha. And the girls made their letter look super olden (other words- nice), but the boys gave it in foolscap paper! Hahaha. Had carolling (so fun!). zhu li see wah eh xi mia...

Yilei messaged me at night that training was changed to 12. Haha. And when I was walking into school, I saw jiaolian drive out.
Thought 1. Wah Si Liao! Don't tell me training end already?
(Checks message again. Nevermind! At least Yilei will also come at 12, so I'll not be alone like some dumb blone LeeYin). Haha.
Thought 2. Wah Si Liao! I wave to him like I'm the queen of Genova.

OKAY! And training was so un-nice, because the weather was un-friendly, and the drills were un-happy with us for some unknown reason. A new next-year-sec2 girl came from anglican, and uhm, okay! She's pueeetty good. (Consolation-She's wearing Adidas) Haha. And! Then we played match, grouped with Joline Tammie Jolance Caroline. Haha. Wah Si Liao! Full Court! Haha. And after training, Leena treated us (Thankzxzxz) to maggimee. Haha.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yesterday was an Okay Day.

Haha. Woke up at about 10, and ransacked the whole house because my Mom said that her card was somewhere, but it still remained not somewhere. I then rushed to compass point (to return storybook) and met them at like 12, but thenzxzxzxz, I was the first to reach. Haha. Can't stand it, I'm always early.

Went with Priscillia to bk, and met her Dad, then went to meet the rest, and toook the Mrt train. The boys were unenthu, and that's the main point gathered for the day. We played the 5cent game and just sat around on the sand, doind almost nothing, except for burying people's slippers. Then while the rest went to wash up, me, Bernice, Janier, Bea and Yvonne went to Vivocity first, to fill our hungering, thirsting stomaches.

Met my Mom and Sis, went to bs, then Home!! Okay, it's about time to do my letter writing.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

This week's training was pretty nice, right. Make that very nice. Haha. Monday was my first training in like 10 days and I was almost dying but training was nice. Hahaha.

Wednesday, it rained again and we did our drills and stuff in the empty corridoor, and later went up to the sports hall to do realllllly simple and nice stuffs. After that we (a few people) went to 711 to eat, and there was mostly nothing interesting about it. (except that Joline said my towel looked like it's for car washing). Haha. Went to Joline to take bus to Aljunied mrt, talked talked talked

I walked the entire CityLink/ Suntec/ Marina Square/ Raffles City and even Millenia Walk inside out upside down. I think I can lead the duck tours there already. But the punch to this is, I was alone, with Melinda and Melinda. Walking like some loner happy to be alone. Hahahaha. Okay I seeee many people shop themselves too okay. Haha. Then went to MPH where I killed Majortime (1/2 an hour only) at, by nicking Bible notes. Haha.

Met Joanna later at 430, and did the letter thingy. Haha.

On Tuesday, went with Mag (She called herself a lao pao). And bought presents for people, and guess what!!!
I Saw Ratatouille in Orchard!

Outside Wisma, infact. The Ratatouille that can cook. Anyone, yes anyone can cook. Buddenzxzxzxz, Ratatouille looked kinda dirrrrty and black with messy fur. He didn't have looks that showed he can cook.
Then, it dawned on me that it wasn't, Ratatouille, your best friend. Right. I sound incredibly stupid.

To put things simply, I saw a rat in Orchard.

Went for Piano today, and my sis left for cheeena this morning (Hope that she remembers my list of things to buy). Hahaha.

Wait. Who on earth is cooking yummy smelling pasta at this universal hungry time of the afternoon?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Yesterday celebrated James and Elene's birthday.
AiYarzxzxzxz! Didn't get his A3 sized photo of his trifocal specs, and his toering with the key and lock. Haha. Anyway, Jeremy came back with emo hair that flips. Haha. Had vbs briefing and ate alot of pizzas. Haha. Then went down for caroling to learn the canto song which sounded, well pretty cantony and funny. Haha.

Had my power nap of the week! I slept at 6pm and woke up at 9am. Haha.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Went for Bible Trail!

First Day
I spent like 9284732 years wondering whether I should wear jeans or shorts. I wore jeans and wondered if I was overdresssed, following my human instincts, I wore shorts instead.
However, my human instincts have failed me. Met Joanna and group at ch mrt, and walked to the st ands church! (Full shelter yozxzxz!) And the auditorium was reeeeeally nice. Met Janell from school! Haha. Dr Phillip spoke and then guess what! Lunch!!! Okay. Uncle Chien Chong's activity/game was really funny.
1. Given a list of things to do
eg. Ask 10 ten of opp. sex to marry you.
2. BUDDEN, some are +10 points, and some are -5 points.
Haha. I got -25 points at the ending. Uncle CC's reasons for the points given were damn funny. Haha. Settled down and went for the curry puff teabreak, and came back for another speaker's speech.

Next day, met them again at the same time again, at the same place again. Met an old cedarian,33, who was Mrs Serene Ng's good friend. Cool Bi Horzxz. Had the session in the old/traditional/beautiful/big/long/complicated/europish/sophisticated
auditorium, and our group won the game!!! Yay! Haha. Had lunch, played MaTong, and I was the king! Haha. Went back to the freezer at the new auditorium, and the message was pretty interesting. After, we exchanged numbers and emails, and ByeBye!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Fruit Punch punch punch punch punch.

VBS! Hahaha. It was so fun. However, only if you have nothing else to do. Turn to reading this.

Went to school for taping course, partnered jiajian, it was damn farrrrrneeee because mag's tapin was horrible. Haha.

Sped to church on my new f65gh785k motorbike. And the kids were eating lunch! Being unusually hungry, I ate. Haha. I was the- Game Facilitator. Haha. Coooool Bi Lerhzxzxz! Haha. Anyway, I was thinking that I slack slack a bit, buddenzxxz. You know. Monday nothing much. Hahaha.

Went to church early, bought gummies for myself. And so many people steal! Haha. And me, my sis and loretta did registration! Haha. And Mervin the fresh beef meat came. (he called me a pig 4 times) Haha. Waited for late kids until about 930, and in the midst we toook pictos! Hahahahaha. Okay, sat in fr about 5 minutes and then I was assigned to kitchen since there were no games that day. Wiped the cups and placed them in a neat and orderly fashion, and then went to the cryroom to cut up paper. Haha. Watched the helper's skit and Joanne's auntay acting was varrrrrrli goood. Haha. After that. I went to jargar the Mildred's kids song. By teaching them funny and on-the-spot actions. Not bad okay! haha. Had nothing to do during the art and craft time since the kids didn't want my good and useful help. Don't know why. So I went around showing off my art work. Hahahaha. Had photo taking and helpers taking and I decided that I am strong since I could lift a stone bench.

I was almost konked out. And it was barbeeque time= eating time. Haha. But then we were singing in the century and Daniel said my singing was 1 key off. Thanks. Hahaha. Went to sit and eat with melissa and kids and jasper, and he was darn funny. hahaha. After that, I met with 2 bullies. Kuncheng didn't let me eat the marshmallows and with help of my sis, I got it. Ah ran houzxzxz, bbqed it to perfection, and Mervin took and ate it. Nevermind, the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace patience. Haha. Ate the yummy don't call what food and then sat at the table and ate almost 5 oranges. Ooooooh. No wonder I felt like farting, and we laughed and talked and breathed. hahaha. And bathing time, me, joanne, loretta and slowpokemil was at the office, we were bath officials, and I was acting stage director for the hour. Haha. Then we did some chapalang things, I waited to bathe, then came out smelling nicer than a flower that suddenly, don't know why so many butterflies came. Haha.

Watched and did my game memory verse thingay. And it was about 1230, (late si ren lerhzxzxz), then they were tired and done, so washed up toilets and were almost done. I did my game thing, it took my pain sweat blood and tears. It was 0200! Went to the office and help Melissa and Melissa do the powerpoint thingy. Pinched out contacts. haha. And then, when the night fell like how bird shit falls, we started to laugh alot and got really high. hahaha. At the record time of 0300, we went to sleep (never so late before in my life!) Haha. And sleeping, I was curled up like a furball snail because there were no space. zzz. Melissa raye couldnt sleep at all. Power woman. Haha.

Woke up at about 7, and washed up and packed up and swept up and cleaned up. Haha. Looking totally tired eyed, yeap. Haha. Ate breakfast and guessed what happened! Vroooooom. It started to rain lions and tigers. Was very very free for the morning, sat in for sinspiration. And all the leaders were in there too. Keemin and Ben when to buy us drinks! haha. Sat in for the skit and then went to wipe the cups auntylingling and mervin washed. Lunch and I was made to be the emcee for the finale event. Si liaozxz! haha. (Totally cmi)

Went to sleep on the pill in the century for about power 20mins, then took my w the pooh pillow and tried to continue. Sadly, tearfully, painfully, my game was cancelled! My sweat and blood was washed in the rain. Hearts of the kids waiting enthusiastically for the water sank to the bottom. Okay, so we all plus Mervin helping us (thankewzxzxz) Haha, planned for the indoor games. Planned shark attack, hai dao thingy and chicken and egg. Melissa handled the holey, I the shark thing, mervin the haidao and yongan the sps. Haha. Pretty fun budden the rooom was stinking stink. Ate chocolate until Melissa said that it looked like contents of a toilet bowl. Hahahahaha.

And!!! Mervin (k sisters pro stalker) plays only 1 song, and while jasper was teaching him, the kids entertained themselves in the not so stinky anymore ava room. haha. After that it was the finale, I'm a pretty screwed emcee, put it still went on smoothly, and the actings were greatoos! Haha. Joanne Loretta Joshua Mildew. Haha. Said GooodByes and Cried alot. (like real)

Lurrrrbzxzxzxzxzxz you people x000