
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, December 07, 2007

Went for Bible Trail!

First Day
I spent like 9284732 years wondering whether I should wear jeans or shorts. I wore jeans and wondered if I was overdresssed, following my human instincts, I wore shorts instead.
However, my human instincts have failed me. Met Joanna and group at ch mrt, and walked to the st ands church! (Full shelter yozxzxz!) And the auditorium was reeeeeally nice. Met Janell from school! Haha. Dr Phillip spoke and then guess what! Lunch!!! Okay. Uncle Chien Chong's activity/game was really funny.
1. Given a list of things to do
eg. Ask 10 ten of opp. sex to marry you.
2. BUDDEN, some are +10 points, and some are -5 points.
Haha. I got -25 points at the ending. Uncle CC's reasons for the points given were damn funny. Haha. Settled down and went for the curry puff teabreak, and came back for another speaker's speech.

Next day, met them again at the same time again, at the same place again. Met an old cedarian,33, who was Mrs Serene Ng's good friend. Cool Bi Horzxz. Had the session in the old/traditional/beautiful/big/long/complicated/europish/sophisticated
auditorium, and our group won the game!!! Yay! Haha. Had lunch, played MaTong, and I was the king! Haha. Went back to the freezer at the new auditorium, and the message was pretty interesting. After, we exchanged numbers and emails, and ByeBye!


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