
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yesterday was an Okay Day.

Haha. Woke up at about 10, and ransacked the whole house because my Mom said that her card was somewhere, but it still remained not somewhere. I then rushed to compass point (to return storybook) and met them at like 12, but thenzxzxzxz, I was the first to reach. Haha. Can't stand it, I'm always early.

Went with Priscillia to bk, and met her Dad, then went to meet the rest, and toook the Mrt train. The boys were unenthu, and that's the main point gathered for the day. We played the 5cent game and just sat around on the sand, doind almost nothing, except for burying people's slippers. Then while the rest went to wash up, me, Bernice, Janier, Bea and Yvonne went to Vivocity first, to fill our hungering, thirsting stomaches.

Met my Mom and Sis, went to bs, then Home!! Okay, it's about time to do my letter writing.


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