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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The year ends tomorrow and going to watch night service will give the extra feel just like the icing on top on the cupcake. And going to mr ong's house will be the cherry on top of the icing hahaha

Anyway, here are some reason NOT to get a mac:
1. Isn't it irritating whenever you get a message on msn and the messenger picture starts bouncing on the screen?? OK. It is irritating
2. Whenever you press the mozilla button, it starts bouncing too. Like what's with apple and bouncing?
3. The screen zooms out without any notice and I was looking at facebook which was so small the width was only 10cm.
4. Whenever I save my pictures, I don't know where they go :(
5. I cannot do (And maybe you won't be able too!) the 2 finger- right mouse click thingy because apparently when you use 2 fingers, it's equivalent to the right mouse click haha

On the monday, 28th December
We had team outing at orchard road and it was pretty crazy and I wore heels again, but again, I foretold that my feel were gonna hurt so I brought extra
Sigh sigh, Why, must I, always be right???

Tuesday, 29th December
Met up with Jiajian and did our top favourite thing by sitting in Pageone and reading magazines haha :)
Went to see furniture and hahaha chose all that I wanted
Went to fengshan to eat bbq and home :):)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

On the 23rd of December Wednesday of year 2009
We had our basketball farewell and being the normal boring person that I am, I shall not post any pictures. Or rather, pictures are in fb I guess

I decided to give Joline some Olevel notes and exam papers for her christmas and goodbye present, so I condensed what I thought was of top priority into a box and carried it to school. Met Jiamin and Serene at pp mrt and being the normal evil that they are, they walked in sooo quickly haha

Guess what?
I'm so lousy and weak and frail like a poor old lady I got a backache hahaha. Nevertheless, we went in and started to play match.
It was the Sec 1 registration on that day and so I was thinking of doing
Me: Eh! Sec 1! Help me carry this box! Want to come into cedar anot??????? (Gives an ultra threatening look)
Sec 1 girl: Oh... o..o...kay...
Victory! :)

But I'm nice. So yeah, we went down to the canteen and watched the tiny but relatively funny performance by the juniors and the sec3s gave us boards. Thank you thank you :)

THEN we took like thousands of pictures and everyone (especially serene) had sooooo mny facial expressions hahaha.

I went home to pack my room and rest rest before heading out to east coast park for night cycling!

My sister and I walked from area c to area e (But nothing beats me and jiamin walking from area a to area e that was a close death experience) and we grabbed our bikes and started when the night was still young haha
AND being the lousy cyclist that I am and because I am incapable of cycling in a straight line I think I covered more distance than everyone else. Jeremy and John had to cycle slowly too (Sorry) and then we went to simpang bedok for supper!! Kun cheng ordered the paper prata which was tissue like and
Kuncheng: Uncle how much is the tissue?
Uncle: Oh? The tissue is 3 dollars hahaha

We continued into the night and cycled from east coast to pasir ris and wanted to pop by Mervin's house to say hi and later in the night, it started to rain and it got more fun! so... we cycled from 11pm to about 6 or 7 pm and we all felt victorious and healthy :)

After sleeping, we headed down to pastor's house for a vonderful meal and we watched daniel perform his guitar skills (damn pro) and mervin claiming that his shirt is cute and all
We sat down and started to sing :)

25th December, Friday
Merrrrrry Christmas! Went to church attended service, ate damn alot of ham and went out, and went back to church for the movie screening! hahaha

hahaha Everyone shold try night cycling

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Many things happened
And I am supposed to blog about vbs and yeah many thingys

9th December
Last day of VBS and we all woke up (We slept on the pews soooo comfy) and me and Loretta headed out to eastwood cold storage to buy goodies for the kids and! we managed to tell the cashier aunty about the story behind the candy cane :)

Went back to church and things started out as normal.
Ok I'm getting bored.
Next thing

You know what I almost forgot how to spell december haha

10th December
Met up with Serene to get my china stuffs and we headed out to city hall and she was very irritated with me, cause I was always right in everything :) Sometimes I can't help it
Why why why must I always be right?

12th December
we had our Scoop Troupe publicity (Selling of ice cream in Iluma to raise funds for MINDS) and we had to give out flyers. We were dead dog cat bird tired and almost died but we still managed to give flyers out peacefully :)
Went to the soup spoon for dinner and slacked for about 3 hours before going home

14th December
Scoop troupe actual day,
we were singing at Iluma for about 2 hours and Daniel helped us play the guitar. Mervin nd Kun Cheng joined us and our sing were sooooooooo wonderful

16th to 18th December
We had our Youth Camp

And i think I need to sleep Goodnight shall continue another time haha

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hihi I'm finally back from VBS and the Youth Camp hahaha
Warning: If you didnt go to VBS, I'll advice you not to read cause sometimes when I read my posts, I don't understand it too

On the first day, as the kids started to stream in at 0830 and filled in the pews, me and Loretta started singspiration with the many many familiar songs. Haha many of the same kids came again and Mervin apparently had a new eye candy (again). Lydia was the lower primary teacher and Ailing the upper primary one.

It was normal normal, fun to a certain extent and the day seem super duper long as kids have the super power of sucking energy. haha. I taught p3 and 4 the songs they were supp to sing on the presentation night- Work on your attitudes and His Love. They kinda disliked the songs but haha it was quite fun teaching them and Loretta taught the p1 and 2s. Had a debrief and headed out for dinner with my mom and grandma.

On the second day, as we started (The same way as day 1) but we had spaghetti for lunch :) and because the kids disliked the songs, I thought that I should change it to the animal song so they can move around more! (Which they really liked doing) and therefore as I was excited to tell them the good news, "Hey kids! You all are gonna sing Noah's ark and you get to oink quack moo and hissss!" (Flashes them an excited smile). But there was a communal groan and they wanted to sing His Love instead. Hahahah. Happy happy!

Kids had art and since all the lower primary squeezed into the library, the library almost burst and if you opened the door, you could see kids spilling out. Haha. There was a mango in the church and the kids wanted to pluck it, play with it or yep. So Daniel told them, "Don't mess with the mango" Hahahaha sounded damn funny.

12 kids (11 boys 1 girl) stayed over and most of the helpers stayed over too. Me and Loretta were tasked to keep them occupied by playing Jenga and the boys liked to play risky risky kind of Jenga, so when Harel pulled out a risky block, he started to sing and jump "Professional! Professional" and the thing crashed down. Hahaha. Headed down to eat the bbq and had a mountain of beehoon and yellow pineapple rice which we convinced rueie that yellow rice were for reeal men. Had to entertain Mervin and his Lydia fantasies and other paedophilic endeavours. Hahaha. Went over to disturb RueiE and up to bathe!

In the office, while queueing up, we went to youtube in which Mervin started dancing and Daniel told us that Lydia asked RuiXuan (Another small girl)
Lydia: DO you want to marry Daniel korkor???
RuiXuan: YES!!!!!
Instantly, James and Mervin were heartbroken. Haha.

Okey, I'm kinda tired, shall continue another day

Saturday, December 05, 2009

For the rest of the ShangHai trip, it was pretty much v v v v fun

when my dad came over to meet us, we had Large meals (Lots of steamboats) in within the short 4-5 days that my Dad was there, we walked through the South Xizhang Road at least 6 times and we made more specs! hahaha I had bamboo specs which my dad also made.

We went to the bargain places where I could practice my bargaining skills and master the art of "throwing dirty looks" not that I meant to, but some of them really follow you everywhere. Haha and yeap, bought many many many things! Super fun and cool BUT super crowded.

23rd Nov
Happy Birthday Daddy! We went to eat steamboat (Again) and we ate until the food almost rose my to my oesophagus. Haha. On some day, when I foot the bill, haha I won a 10 dollar rebate!! haha. Yep.

On the last day, I lugged 2 luggages (w serene) onto the metro to take th maglev train! It was so fast so fast so fast that I barely blinked twice and I reached the airport! haha. The train went from 0km/h to 430km/h and when it went down back to 0km/h, we reached. So I followed the numerous signs on at the airport and thank God, went up the plane safely hahaha.

BUT I left my esprit socks in the plane cause I spilled coffee and YA.

Today (5th Nov)
Just came back from the Christmas DIY camp starting from the 3rd of Dec so yep I guess I should go sleep haha.

Can't wait for VBS on Monday!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

HI Mel!!

18th Nov
Yep! And since we didn't bathe yesterday (17) because of the freezing conditions, we decided to take the challenge and bathe today, and I almost became a life version of the sir Raffles standing just that my arms weren't crossed.

Yeah and so me and Serene took the metro to da shi jie and the metro was really clean and really fast and really efficient. We walked for about 3 hours and buying nothing cause we were kinda poor and decided to be on budget before settling down at Subway (sai bai wei) for lunch! And we walked to people's sq which is the equivalent of dhoby ghaut to city hall and made specs!!

The specs shop has earnt alot from us I guess, had a great time choosing frames before settling for the zebra print kind (Close to nature) and I did my first bargain of the trip when I got a toy at 10! (original 15) whoohooo!

Sleeping time was apparently the best time cause we are usually high before sleeping and the sun sets at 5, so we 'chey' all the time when we see the clock and its only 730 (But seems like 930)

Tomorow I'm off to my camp!

I KNOW, I lead such an interesting life