
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hihi I'm finally back from VBS and the Youth Camp hahaha
Warning: If you didnt go to VBS, I'll advice you not to read cause sometimes when I read my posts, I don't understand it too

On the first day, as the kids started to stream in at 0830 and filled in the pews, me and Loretta started singspiration with the many many familiar songs. Haha many of the same kids came again and Mervin apparently had a new eye candy (again). Lydia was the lower primary teacher and Ailing the upper primary one.

It was normal normal, fun to a certain extent and the day seem super duper long as kids have the super power of sucking energy. haha. I taught p3 and 4 the songs they were supp to sing on the presentation night- Work on your attitudes and His Love. They kinda disliked the songs but haha it was quite fun teaching them and Loretta taught the p1 and 2s. Had a debrief and headed out for dinner with my mom and grandma.

On the second day, as we started (The same way as day 1) but we had spaghetti for lunch :) and because the kids disliked the songs, I thought that I should change it to the animal song so they can move around more! (Which they really liked doing) and therefore as I was excited to tell them the good news, "Hey kids! You all are gonna sing Noah's ark and you get to oink quack moo and hissss!" (Flashes them an excited smile). But there was a communal groan and they wanted to sing His Love instead. Hahahah. Happy happy!

Kids had art and since all the lower primary squeezed into the library, the library almost burst and if you opened the door, you could see kids spilling out. Haha. There was a mango in the church and the kids wanted to pluck it, play with it or yep. So Daniel told them, "Don't mess with the mango" Hahahaha sounded damn funny.

12 kids (11 boys 1 girl) stayed over and most of the helpers stayed over too. Me and Loretta were tasked to keep them occupied by playing Jenga and the boys liked to play risky risky kind of Jenga, so when Harel pulled out a risky block, he started to sing and jump "Professional! Professional" and the thing crashed down. Hahaha. Headed down to eat the bbq and had a mountain of beehoon and yellow pineapple rice which we convinced rueie that yellow rice were for reeal men. Had to entertain Mervin and his Lydia fantasies and other paedophilic endeavours. Hahaha. Went over to disturb RueiE and up to bathe!

In the office, while queueing up, we went to youtube in which Mervin started dancing and Daniel told us that Lydia asked RuiXuan (Another small girl)
Lydia: DO you want to marry Daniel korkor???
RuiXuan: YES!!!!!
Instantly, James and Mervin were heartbroken. Haha.

Okey, I'm kinda tired, shall continue another day


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