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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, October 27, 2008

Even though I am pretty scared of dogs (Under huge influence from my mom), I'm gonna buy a dog when I grow up. You know, those huge huge types that probably eats people for dinner. Yay.

Happy deepavali! Haha.

And I bet a quart of the world is enjoying themselves shopping or playing or at least, doing something. Another quart is studying for chinese (Hahaha yay). Another quart is in little india. And the rest are probably spending their public holiday like me. Sad.

Weekends have been realle- weekend like.

I wanna go out! Who wants bring me on a nice date I woul gladly accept.

I stink. Bye.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Haha I know my blog is dead. I should try to d something about it.

This year passed realle quickly. And yesterday was the last day of school! Kinda obvious mrtan doesn't really like our class but he nevertheless still bought us plenty of things. Haha. The last few days of school was spent playing cards (Which is sucha waste of time!!!!) And training.

I don't know what to blog! Blogging seems so foreign to me now hahaha.

Anyway, on wednesday, met up with jj and serene (Cause we decided to use time wisely instead of going to school) and watched Butterfly lovers! Hahaha. It's realle cliche but it's quite nice even though it's quite irritating that wu zun probably has a nicer complexion than me.

Summary of butterfly lovers
  1. He dreams of her. She dreams of him. But they don't know each other yet and they only see the back of each other.
  2. She dresses as a boy and goes to his wushu school.
  3. Treats each other v v vv nicely.
  4. She has a childhood friend that treats her v nicely. But he's evil.
  5. Forced to marry evil guy.
  6. Good guys gets bloody cause evil guys wants to kill him!
  7. Girl pretends to die and can only wake up 3 days later.
  8. Good guy takes her 'dead' body away.
  9. While burying her, he dies.
  10. She wakes up and decides to die.

And as for now, my favourite show is primetime morning. Haha. It must be realle difficult being a newscaster because firstly, you have to look good enough to escape the unglam shots of you when tvmobile jams (Which is very often).

haha Remind me what happened these few months please.

Why am I so green with envy?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I used my shoe to catch a robber.

Anyway, yesterday, early in the morning at 930, I met Jiajian at vivo! haha. I actually didn't mean to be slightly late but you know... ... Ya Ithink you know.

  1. Macs for breakfast
  2. Walked 1round around vivo.
  3. Saw that Action City wasn't open.
  4. Went to slack at pageone and looking at the mags, which was realle annoying because... alot alot of magazines had zac efron as the cover boy!!! Which is a total eew because his face is too big and round and he lookslike he wears fake contacts. Haha.
  5. We grabbed a few magazines and sat down to read them. Haha.
  6. And!!! we went to the toilet for like 4 times as apparently, Jiajian's urinary bladder is realle pea-like.
  7. Went to buy present for her darling. haha
  8. Walked around vivo like 1000 times.
  9. Went off!

haha. And I went to Emmanuel House to witness Elene and Victor's wedding! Which was realle nice- Okay allll weddings are nice. haha. And the food was realle nice too. Haha.

Anyway, today was a v normal day. I'm fearing for The Great Depression2.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Haha I feel so troubled now.

I'm even feeling troubled about stock markets like what on earth is wrong w me!?!?!

Hello readers (If there are :( )

haha. Anyway school has been pretty slack for the past few days, I think my brain have shifted to 'stand by' mode. And woe to the Higher Chinese people, who have chinese lessons for like soooo many times a day (A good reason not to take hmt), while the express chinese people- What were we doing? Haha. we were watching The Secret in the comp lab so cool please!

And during assembly, 98.7fm came to our school, the band was realle realle high but all the Cedarians were dead -.- haha. We were all sitting down looking bored as if they were playing jazz instead of rock. Poor people.

Training this week has been very training like (Like duh right). And JJ didn't come today! haha.

And anyway my results are pretty... satisfactory for a person of my that-kind-of standard. haha.

I forgot what else I wanted to say thought there are like plenty cause I think many things are clogging my brain now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eng: Complicated B3
Chinese: 60 something B4
EMath: 90
Amath: 84.5
Chem: 71
Bio: 70.5
Phys: 77
Sss/geog: 66


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Surrrrrprise Haha.

I passed my Chinese! In fact,I think I did quite well (According to my standards).

Situational: 17/20
Haha I know I damn pro right! Can't believe it actually can but still....
Compo: 31/50
Haha I know I damn pro right!
Paper 2: 35.5/70
Sounds more like me, but I still think that I'm super coolzx.

The rest are tomo and school is damn boring.

Went to Ikea to eat after school with teammates, and it was lotsa crapping and etc. So there.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hahaha I'm happy because
My parents are back from Europe!!! Joy x100. And that means I don't have to eat endless pastas (Though I kinda like it alot) and I don't have to wake up to a dark dark spooky spooky house hahaha.
And they bought 1001 things from euro it's damn cool and ohno I ate the entire box of biscuits I feel like a pig now haha.

But maybe I'm not so because
Well I might be thrilled to get back my results but still...
And many other things that might overpower my happiness. A haha should lighten the mood. Haha.

And to my not so dearest Simean, I'm sooooo sorry so ps you for the 1001 time but I promise I'll get you m&m (Preferably those with melamine in it) Haha

Melsa Chanzx: Ooooooooooooh you are finalllllly here! haha. No no no I did not anyhow spend my money it was spent rather wisely. Haha Enjoy studying!!!

Monday, October 06, 2008

Today was first training.

I half enjoyed it because there are many many wonderrrrful people in my team! Haha. training tomorrow again so I half anticipates it. Haha. And yay my parents are coming home tomorrow!!!!! Haha.

Anyway after training me Serene went to Audrey's house to ermzxzxz slack? Haha. And I didn't allow them to watch exorcism of Emily Rose (Like I'm not a machocist please!) Unlike both of them hahaha. So we watched freaky friday instead and the first part of new police story and ella enchanted. Haha.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Today was a very normal Sunday.

Woke up, wanted to run but the house looked spooky in the morning, so I went back to sleep (Bed looks more inviting than treadmill ya). Went to church, bible class which was realle fuunny and useful! Haha.

Went to parkway with my sister (Again haha). Bought lotsa rubbish, and bought a new bag (I think my mom's gonna kill me so if my dad's reading this, please don't kill me and please persuade mom not to haha) And headed back home.

Had pasta (Like the don't know how many th pack but still tastes nice) for dinner, ran and almost died but less boring since I was watching tv at the same time haha. Went to rm to get more food, and here I am waiting for training tomorrow.

That probably sums up my very normal day. Haha

And I can't wait for my parents to come home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss youuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway haha I'm so proud of myself I vacuumed+mopped the floor oh my oh my it feels damn clean I think I can roll around and feel happy. hahaha

Saturday, October 04, 2008

These few days have been very after exam. Haha. But training is like starting on Monday and it goes Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday until, wel... competition starts. Haha.

And yesterday me and the Mild-red went to Vivo and walked walked around the entire mall. Haha. Spent alot of money on nonsense stuff! Haha. And she met her dragonboat team for dinner so I was there like some extra noob with non-muscular arms. Hahaha.

I have plenty of things to say but I forgot. I want to knock my head.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sorry for brooding over my new specs but I lurrrvit. Haha. This is the worst comment so far.
Mildred Chan: You look like those army guys we see every Sunday.

I... I. I... am speechless. But I bet Leena has more cause you know, I'm kinda of a meinu. hahah

Anyway today was a rather haha day. Went to Vivo city and met Salapoop Simean Ange and Jieshi Florence and Celeste for a while. Haha. Then we as in Sala Simean and Angeline sat down and talked for like forever and it was damn funny. While eating plenty of junkfood simultaneously. Hahaha. Then it started to drizzle so we went to kopitiam and continued talking. And then me and Simin left, and she decided to go to the right to the mrt while I went left (Both ways lead to same place) And obviously I reached the mrt first (Long legs, quick steps etcetc) And I reached and I saw her panting (Which meant she ran there) And we started laughing and laughing and she rufused to admit that she actually ran in fear of losing me. Hahahah

Aiya actually I kinda jogged there. Hahahaha

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Now I'm watching THUNDERPANTS and it's freaking funnnnnny! Haha.

  • The little boy farts green gas so the whole movie, chairs building everything are green.
  • The boy can fart, and the frequency is higher than an opera singer.
  • The boy has got 2 stomachs and he was happy the whole day because the doctor told him "It's a gift"

Thunderpants is nice. Hahah

Someone Bang me, Shoot me, Whack me, Slap me, Kill now please.

I feel so weird not studying and now I feel doubly weird about that weird feeling. I can't believe I'm living the Mildred Chan Kar Yin life! I'm using the laptop infront of the tv. Haha. That's so typical and we will be talking to each other through msn. And the worst part is, this feels wrong. Haha

Guess what! I woke up and like 6 today! Like automatically arose from my slumber and went to brush my teeth. Hahaha. Feels so nice and I watched primetime morning THREE TIMES! Haha. 1 kid has got kidney stones from tainted milk again, one guy died of bird flu. I learnt how to train your butt anf thigh muscles. And I saw the F1 racers and Pmlee wish the Malays Happy Hari Raya 3 times. Haha. So very fruitful.

And I watched spy kids, dr dolittle, and nancy drew! Haha. Not bad lah, quite nice. Now it's mrbean. Haha. All the best to the history history elect chinese lit people! Haha. And the sec2s with their math paper! Hahaha