
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Hahaha I'm happy because
My parents are back from Europe!!! Joy x100. And that means I don't have to eat endless pastas (Though I kinda like it alot) and I don't have to wake up to a dark dark spooky spooky house hahaha.
And they bought 1001 things from euro it's damn cool and ohno I ate the entire box of biscuits I feel like a pig now haha.

But maybe I'm not so because
Well I might be thrilled to get back my results but still...
And many other things that might overpower my happiness. A haha should lighten the mood. Haha.

And to my not so dearest Simean, I'm sooooo sorry so ps you for the 1001 time but I promise I'll get you m&m (Preferably those with melamine in it) Haha

Melsa Chanzx: Ooooooooooooh you are finalllllly here! haha. No no no I did not anyhow spend my money it was spent rather wisely. Haha Enjoy studying!!!


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