
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, October 24, 2008

Haha I know my blog is dead. I should try to d something about it.

This year passed realle quickly. And yesterday was the last day of school! Kinda obvious mrtan doesn't really like our class but he nevertheless still bought us plenty of things. Haha. The last few days of school was spent playing cards (Which is sucha waste of time!!!!) And training.

I don't know what to blog! Blogging seems so foreign to me now hahaha.

Anyway, on wednesday, met up with jj and serene (Cause we decided to use time wisely instead of going to school) and watched Butterfly lovers! Hahaha. It's realle cliche but it's quite nice even though it's quite irritating that wu zun probably has a nicer complexion than me.

Summary of butterfly lovers
  1. He dreams of her. She dreams of him. But they don't know each other yet and they only see the back of each other.
  2. She dresses as a boy and goes to his wushu school.
  3. Treats each other v v vv nicely.
  4. She has a childhood friend that treats her v nicely. But he's evil.
  5. Forced to marry evil guy.
  6. Good guys gets bloody cause evil guys wants to kill him!
  7. Girl pretends to die and can only wake up 3 days later.
  8. Good guy takes her 'dead' body away.
  9. While burying her, he dies.
  10. She wakes up and decides to die.

And as for now, my favourite show is primetime morning. Haha. It must be realle difficult being a newscaster because firstly, you have to look good enough to escape the unglam shots of you when tvmobile jams (Which is very often).

haha Remind me what happened these few months please.

Why am I so green with envy?


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