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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I have so much to say that I can't contain! haha

Monday 29th September
I wore my new black ultra cool specs on that day. And I received so many negative comments I felt so depressed that I decided to wear my contacts on tuesday. Haha.
"Eh your bag match your specs!". Like what!!! You mean my face looks like a bag?

We had Physics and Bio on monday and it was pretty okay because we had alot of time! But i tikummed like half of my physics paper so... oh well.

Tuesday 30th September
Oh yay yay yayx100 my last paper was today! Haha and mrtan was so proud that he set a relatively difficult paper like how evil can! And after the paper we waited for the oais, (1hour for a meeting you know!) Then, me Simin Jiamin Sarah Kath Angeline went out. Hahaha. Basically we just walked. And after that soon Kath and Jiamin left then Angeline so left me, Simin and Salapok. Hahaha. Oh ya and we saw Leenathe fat dodohbird which was rather strange because it was at littleindia! haha. Then we decided to go taka which we spent like 1.5 hours walking around and decided to buy the pullover hahaha.

Sunday 28th Sptember
I've got alot lot to say but I think I've said like half. Haha. Shall tell you the rest some other nice time. Haha. And just wanna say your similes suck like mad but still hoped you've had an enjoyable birthday in this hectic week/month/year. hahah. muackzxzxz lurrbzx you x10million (I usually don't do this Hahahah)

  • And like how retarded is this my sister is like 20m away from me but we are webcaming and talking on msn hahaha.
  • And I don't know why I love using bullet points but I really do.
  • I almost forgot and almost wanted to start practising maths. The graph paper looked so inviting. Haha
  • I feel really really relieved now because I know that I don't have to rush home to start studying, well, for now. Haha

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm so bored and sick of studying I shall blog again.
  • Today's a good but boring studying day because no one's home except for me so it means peace and tranquility for the entire day.
  • I sat on my chair for like more than 12 hrs today I think the chair has got my butt print.
  • I've rotated between Bio Phys Amath for like 100 times already but it still feels boring!
  • My specs look like lab goggles. Haha
  • Miss Chng told us it was okay to fail. I remember.
  • Okay now now what shall I do?

I was typing halfway, then I realised that I was in the wrong blog. Hahaha

Now it's chill chill time. How I got chill chill time: I did the first question of amath, and saw it was a careless mistake. I banged my head on the wall and decided to take a rest. Hahaha

Now we're left with 3 papers, namely Bio and Phys (On monday- My school so freaking clever right and test body and study motions blah blah on the same day). And amaths on tuesday! Haha the thought of it just keeps me going. Haha. When I can wake up later than my sis- that's life. Haha

And the very clever Simin actually says that she will fail every paper when it will turn out like an a1 instead. (Can't believe I'm praising you know!)

After Chem, Geog paper on Friday we had extra Bio lesson in which 20 minutes was spent waiting, 20 minutes copying and 20 minutes teaching. Haha. Mr Leng is so lame.

I collected my specs today and I the shock of my life to learn it was the exact same one the dumbLeenadiseasedbird is gonna have, Hahahah.

Jiajian: You're like a bridge over troubled waters. Haha Go out with everybody LAH. Haha

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today was a rather blah day.

We had emath and ss paper, the hall was full of tension and everyone who asking each other about the questions etc., the usual exam stuffs. We have geog and chem tomorrow, just so fabulous.

Don't make promises you can't keep. Now I wonder, what's the point of me putting in so much effort when you don't even care?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Things I've been looking forward to:
  • Next Tuesday. We should name it super tuesday. Haha. After a maths paper we would be screaming! Hahaha
  • Ooooh Leena Ddb's birthday is on Sunday!!!!!!!! Hahahah
  • Going out with everyone. Haha

Buhbye we have emaths and ss tomorrow this is scary! Haha

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Right Answer

"In music class today, Miss Arguello taught us a silly song about a man who tried to go heaven in a hot air balloon. When that didn't work, he tried a kite," Tori told her family one night. "I felt bad singing that song because it was making fun of the Bible."

"It doesn't sound like a very good song," Dad agreed.

"That's not all," Tori added. "After we were done singing, Angie raised her hand and asked Miss Arguello how people really get to heaven. Before Miss Arguello could answer, Johnny said you had to die first. Marsha said you had to go good deeds, and then Winona said her Pastor told her she had to be a member of their church to go to heaven. So I raised my hand, and I started to tell them that you have to believe Jesus died for your sins and that he rose again, and you have to accept him as your Saviour."

"Good for you! What did Miss Arguello say then?" Dad asked.

"She said it was time to end the discussion because we weren't allowed to talk about religion in school!" Tori said. "She taught us that song, and she let the other kids talk, but when I wanted to tell what the Bible said, she changed the subject!"

"That's often how things go." Dad shook his head. "People like to talk about heaven as if it's pretend, or they use the Bible as a good-luck charm, but they refuse to listen to the truth."

"People have always tried to get to heaven on their own," Mom said. "Think about the Tower of Babel. Way back then, people thought they could reach heaven through their own works."

"Well, I'm glad I know the Bible is true, and that I know the real way to get to heaven!" Tori exclaimed. "And you know what else? Tomorrow I'm going to talk to Angie and give her the right answer to her question!"

What's the way?

Oh no I wrote something in my notebook and now I can't decipher what it is.

It looks like Barnis to me. It's supp to be an emath topic. Please help. Thank you.

Anyway today we had a giant ntuc spree and we ended up buying alot alot of snacks and biscuits. Hahaha.

I can't wait for tomorrow becaus when tomorrow comes,it will be one more day to one more day of maths. it means I have 1 more day to maths and ss. Which means, just 1 more day, it will be 1 more day to chem and geog. Which also means it's 1 more day and blah blah blah.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

>:/ Melinda is a horrible girl.

-Leena Lee

Isabella came into the family room where her parents were watching the news. Together they listened to the report of a man trying to collect a large inheritance. "If that man's parents died, why can't he get the money that was left?" asked Isabella.

"He ran away from home when he was 16," Dad explained. "That was 30 years ago, and he never contacted his family again. Apparently his parents did discover what area of the country he had gone to, and they made repeated efforts throughout the years to contact him, but he wouldn't respond."

"But now that he's back, won't he het at least some of the money?" asked Isabella.

Dad shook his head. "It doesn't sound like it. I guess his parents gave up and decided not to leave him anything. They didn't put him in their wills. Now, after they've both died, he's finally shown up. He thinks he should have the inheritance, but now's it too late. He contested the will, but the courts upheld it. They said he was not entitled to any of the money."

"Wow!" exclaimed Isabella. "According to that news report, he claims that he always intended to come back sometime. I bet he's sorry now that he didn't come back sooner."

"He's learned a hard lesson- and a very common one," Dad said. "Do you realise that something similar happens everyday?"

"You mean there are lots of people who leave home and ignore their parents and aren't left any money?" asked Isabella.

"That happens often enough," Dad said, "but what I really meant is that God calls people to himself and many ignore him. They're too busy doing their own things. When the end of life comes, they're going to want a piece of the inheritance God had offered, but he's going to say, 'Sorry, I don't know you. Your name is not in the 'will'- the Book of Life.' "

Will you be able to claim the great inheritance God offers to all who trust in Jesus?

Friday, September 19, 2008

What I'm eating now: Crescent nuts (Partially burnt)
What I'll be eating later: Pasta
What I was eating: Mooncake (A bit slow I know)

English paper today! It ended at approx 1230, so I decided to call home.
"Hello hello what are you eating for lunch?"
"Huh??? I don't know I just woke up" (My sis)

What a life. It was like 1230 ++ and she is still sleeping. (pig!) Hahaha

And I realised Leena the stupid big fat ddbird don't know how to post posts because all her facts are wrong! Haha.

Fab fab fab, tomo is a study day

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hi my name is melinda. I have many characteristics! :)

  • I am fat!
  • I am the last dodoh bird on earth and i am sure i'd be extinct soon.
  • I have aids
  • Thus i have 3 wishes: eat, eat, and eat.
  • I love munching on small little monsters like worms, wriggly wriggly worms.
  • I have been using this skin for 3 years and i am sick of seeing those 3 lines, they haunt me.
  • I have the messiest hair you can find on earth, and one day when i cant stand it i'll just snip it off! YAY.
  • I'm alone at home now because my sister has gone overseas, and my parents have followed them so now im a lonely girl :(
  • But thank God i have leena to talk to me 8)
  • I will be eating pasta everyday for 3 weeks, and you'll see a pig in 3 weeks time
  • I have many more things to say but i think it's enough to scare you away!

Haha fine fine, Im Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeena Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) Your password is SO LAME, melinda.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Have I told you lately? (The following points may begin with- Have I told you lately)

  • It's my allocated kitkat break now so I've decided to entertain my very small number of readers with some words. I've been studying real hard. HAHA there's prob not a day inSeptember that I did not studying. Oh no oh no what if this is like some neinstudyaphobia that's makes me scared when I'm studying or something? (I made that up)
  • I sprained my ankle 2 or 3 times, so it's huge. It's like breast cancer has lumps? I think I could have ankle cancer. I tried to access why I actually did sprain my ankle. jiaolian thought it was because I wasn't feeling well. But no, I checked my playlist (The one I heard on that particular morning), and the song I last heard was 'Potential Breakup Song'. That should explain.
  • I'm gonna write a sentimental post for my sister soon that when she reads it, she's not gonna to just tear but she gonna prob drown she and her roommate in her tears.
  • Exams are starting in 5 or 6 days? And it's stretched over a course of like 2 to 3 weeks. This is called prolonged pain. Because as each subject passes, the next few subjects become more intensive. And hohoho!Our last paper is a maths, which should be a joy.
  • I actually like pe now. Though not the '3c it's peeeeee! Hurry go down now you're late!' part. Or not the 'Hurry 3ccccccc let's go run!' part or the 'Hurry 3cccccc hurry stretch!' part. But prob the part when we actually start pe and i'm grouped with funny and lovely people. hahahaha.
  • I think my eyes are gonna sink into my eyebags. Though I think I've been sleeping more. It's a mental thing.
  • Let the total amount of brain cells gained over the studying period be x. Let the total amount of brain cells lost be y. I can conclude that x-y=0. As the net gain or lost is zero. Because as we all impart knowledge and more knowledge into our brains, we actually gain more brain cells by excersing our brain, hence x. However due to intensive use of brain cells, (Like how our brain only gets to rest like 5-7 hours a day over 24 hours, it results in the dying of some brain cells, hence y. Therefore x-y=0. So sometimes, why study? haha

I shall continue on my next kitkat break. haha. Bye for now!

Friday, September 05, 2008

I. Am. Such. A. Loser.

Because I love studying.

Holidays shouldn't be called holidays. Something like studydays will sound more appropriate. Haha it was like 20,000 light years since I came online and I feel so disconnected. Hahaha. Holidays are like busier than school days lah! At least in school, you get things like maths periods to sleep and english period to write nonsense and sel to daydream or something. But holidays, free time= study time. And since all time in a holiday is free time, therefore all time is study time.

Teacher's say, "This holiday, take a break but remember to study too." It sounded more like "If you don't study you are going to fail and that means no break for you forever since that bad mark is gonna haunt you" I even woke up at normal school time. hahaha

Thomas Edison might not be smart, though he invented a light bulb. Maybe he just likes to try things, like, try until he reaches the 1000 try mark, then he happy. Then, just nice on the 1000th try, the light bulb lighted. Did anyone say he's smart in the first place? Oh wait, who invented smart?. Wo bu zhi dao wo zai jiang sen me.

Anyway my sister's leaving for uk in 1 week ++ time. Time for me to boast. My smart curly haired sister's going for college! hahahaah.

And I think I needa break, like eat kitkat or something. Haha.