
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Right Answer

"In music class today, Miss Arguello taught us a silly song about a man who tried to go heaven in a hot air balloon. When that didn't work, he tried a kite," Tori told her family one night. "I felt bad singing that song because it was making fun of the Bible."

"It doesn't sound like a very good song," Dad agreed.

"That's not all," Tori added. "After we were done singing, Angie raised her hand and asked Miss Arguello how people really get to heaven. Before Miss Arguello could answer, Johnny said you had to die first. Marsha said you had to go good deeds, and then Winona said her Pastor told her she had to be a member of their church to go to heaven. So I raised my hand, and I started to tell them that you have to believe Jesus died for your sins and that he rose again, and you have to accept him as your Saviour."

"Good for you! What did Miss Arguello say then?" Dad asked.

"She said it was time to end the discussion because we weren't allowed to talk about religion in school!" Tori said. "She taught us that song, and she let the other kids talk, but when I wanted to tell what the Bible said, she changed the subject!"

"That's often how things go." Dad shook his head. "People like to talk about heaven as if it's pretend, or they use the Bible as a good-luck charm, but they refuse to listen to the truth."

"People have always tried to get to heaven on their own," Mom said. "Think about the Tower of Babel. Way back then, people thought they could reach heaven through their own works."

"Well, I'm glad I know the Bible is true, and that I know the real way to get to heaven!" Tori exclaimed. "And you know what else? Tomorrow I'm going to talk to Angie and give her the right answer to her question!"

What's the way?


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