
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hi my name is melinda. I have many characteristics! :)

  • I am fat!
  • I am the last dodoh bird on earth and i am sure i'd be extinct soon.
  • I have aids
  • Thus i have 3 wishes: eat, eat, and eat.
  • I love munching on small little monsters like worms, wriggly wriggly worms.
  • I have been using this skin for 3 years and i am sick of seeing those 3 lines, they haunt me.
  • I have the messiest hair you can find on earth, and one day when i cant stand it i'll just snip it off! YAY.
  • I'm alone at home now because my sister has gone overseas, and my parents have followed them so now im a lonely girl :(
  • But thank God i have leena to talk to me 8)
  • I will be eating pasta everyday for 3 weeks, and you'll see a pig in 3 weeks time
  • I have many more things to say but i think it's enough to scare you away!

Haha fine fine, Im Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeena Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) Your password is SO LAME, melinda.


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