
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mr Leng please teach us

Tomorrow is the Preliminary exam 2- English paper.
Therefore I decided to pop by and practise my use of English.

Anyway, due to the amount of stress and homework that is piling on us at an exponential rate, I think I've lost all sense of humour. Isn't school supposed to be fun and "whippee! Check out my new hellokittybag!" The only consolation is that I'm no longer sitting next to the red ant nest.

Really, the school has a really weird design. I mean, who would place notice boards at the side of the classroom with a full-length glass window smack in the middle? Don't we have to breathe? haha The only plus point is that the teacher won't call you :)

AND the new school (As heard from Mdm Audra) is freaking the nicest thingy on earth!!! The students in theI bet new school get to use new tables (How unfair) that is multi-coloured, fresh, vandalise-free, dirt-free, even and I bet even the ants will slide off them. And the chairs are fart-free, rust-free, the legs will be of equal length. And they are kidney shaped which means obesity is encouraged.


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