
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, August 28, 2009

Realisation of the year

I found out that my blog is realle realle realle x10^10 boring web to be at because it's monotonous and pictureless. Therefore, for those people (If there are) who actually continues to read my blog despite all that (Maybe you're colour blind!!), you should give yourself a pat on the back because

1. You have the value of perseverance
2. You'll become smarter

So please continue.

2nd Realisation of the same year

I found out that I realle realle realle x10^10 love using 'x10^10' because I figured that it would help me in my math.

Today was Sports day. I thought I was early so I went up the bus, put on my headphones and listened to 'Hot N Cold' by Katy Perry which totalley made sense because my muscles were stiff and cold and I wanted them to be uh warm. So I reached at 730 instead of 715 had to run in which which my specially coiffed hair mess up. Haha

Ran here and there and today was particularly fun for funny reasons. Wore my nice blue dangling earrings to run 800m race (Cause you know, need momentum and all those) and Miss Wong made me take them out!!! Depressing to the pepsi max but at least I still had my ribbons whew (I sound v bimbim but I realle am not haha)

Hahah Bougae Cheeer you all did realle realle realle x10^10 well!!! And DDb even though you were greener than shrek and you shoved the dirtiest mud-filled dust-filled sweat-filled pompoms in my face you cheered well lah hahaha

We didn't win the cca relay and being very adam and eve like, we had many reasons. I was lousy hahaha

Took lotzxzxzxz of pictures, went to dhoby to eat, went to times with jm jiajian serene lynn mag rach joline wanjun audreey! That's how interesting my day was. You might not sound convinced that it in interesting and it's understandable because if I were to read my post I wouldn't feel like it was interesting at all. BUT it realle is. I relate better face to face. Haha


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