
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, August 24, 2009

If Popular closes down, I have no fear.

I can take my exam with no sweat cause I probably bought all the stocks any kind of pen ever possible. Haha. Tomorrow's my physics/bio mcq prelim 2 which should sound like a breeze but it feels more like a hurricane kinda thing (Wow my analogy so powerful!)

Haha I got an A2 for my olevel chinese which I don't know if it should be a 'haha' or a 'ohno'. Anyway, I thank God that it was what... it was. Sheng ls is realle realle realle a good cheena teacher and if you wanna hear aboutthe comparison with my old and well, erm experienced former chinese teacher, I'll be realle realle realle realle x10^10 glad to tell.

Sports Day is not friday, which is REALLY a very lame and weird period to have a sports day. When everyone is gearing up for the exam mood, we have a woohoo! let's RUN kinda thing- it's not that funny anymore. Anyway, I messaged Yenyi (Also commonly made known as my bff)

Me: Hi hi! So what're we gonna wear to run the relay??
Yenyi: umm, clothes?
So helpful, Fig, Sooooo helpful. Hahahaha

18th August 2009, I had my english oral. It also means that i don't have to drink so much water anymore.
1.I was reading the passage. What was running through in my brain 'Be expressive, treat them like children, you love reading! you are so so so expressive they are gonna be so captivated' So I saw the dialogue part. And went "DANNY! YOU KNOW..."
and the guy interrupted-
1st thought: Eh? I thought there wasn't gonna be any questionsasked during reading??

"'Scuse me, do you mind lowering down your voice??"
I was embarrassed to the pepsi max. But it's okay since I'll prob never see them ever again and if they turn out to be like my future boyfriend's parents, I'm going for a voice transplant.

End of oral. *Walks out of room feeling mega relxed and mega cool and mega proud of my expressiveness*


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