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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I am so happy! Because... as of 9.00pm of today, 140 people have seen

Look at the counter on the first post. Some websites are just so pro. No I didn't click on my group's project blog 140 times. I think we are that popular. If you happen (No wait, you must) visit the website, please please refresh the website at least 3 times.

It's been eons since I last posted and I kinda like school these days cause we don't have to go down for morning assembly (Not that I do not want to do common practises that makes us Sporeans) but climbing 4 levels is realle not very interesting no?

I have planned what I am gonna do after the olevels. Please come to 4c for more details if you happen to want to join me :)

Cedar's Express Yourself Day
We were deciding on what to wear so a few ideas came out.
  1. Animals (No one supported me)
  2. Elderly clothes (Haha the theme is supp to be 'youth')
  3. MJ (Too bad, no cross dressing)
  4. Disco (They didn't want to look like Mr Leng- what a waste, it would be damn nice!)
  5. Tarzan (Damn easy, just pluck a few leaves)
  6. Princess
  7. Finding Nemo
Therefore, the poll came out, and
Princess- 14
Finding Nemo- 14

"Aiya, one princess got 1 fish lah!"


Friday, July 10, 2009

Today is a funny

1. Despite the fact that there were bloody red ants (Not that I'm cursing, they are really bloody red) crawling all over the class's notice board (Of which I am next to) I am blessed today cause today I only saw one of them. Yesterday I saw 3. Maybe they all read my blog post about yesterday's 'how to kill ants' and got sore afraid. Haha.

We found the source of the bloody red ants. They were feeding on a decomposing bloody red lizard. I don't know if I should feel more sorry for myself or for the lizard. I mean, it's bad enough that you have to die of starvation (Cause he got stuck to the double sided tape sticking outside my class) and he got eaten by ants.

2. We had PE and we did hip hop dancing. It was pretty fun but it's a real pity I had to stand in the front row that I didn't get to see many other people dancing. Haha. (Esp Jiamin) cause I think Jiamin has a serious hand-eye-leg-body coordination problem. Hahaha

3. During recess, me and Jieshi went to buy drinks. I took 1 blue pink dolphin and she took the beige pink dolphin.
Mel: Eh Jieshi! Should drink the blue one! Got Amino Acids leH!
Jieshi: Really meH!
I turned my head away for a fraction of a second and saw 2 blue bottles of pink dolphin instead. Hahaha Okay it doesn't sound that funny here but it was :)

4. 3 Classes ++ had to squeeze into the tiny library for chem remedial.
Someone: How to test for the presence of iodide ions ah?
Angeline: Put starch la. If it changes to blue black means it's iodide.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

How to

1. Irritate Mildred Chan: Start speaking in the super dee duper cheena accent. She loves it so much it makes her squirm in her skin. She's so blessed that me and Mel Chan and do it pretty well. But of course, the pro is the Jonathan.

2. Kill Ants: Take a roll of scotchtape and stick them to it. If you're feeling happy, just let me die of hunger. If you're feeling irritable, help them split their bodies into 2 parts.

3. Make Rachel Wong laugh: Just say the word "Obama" (Inside joke)

4. Look clever in public transport: Whip up a copy of The Economist and nod in agreement at every paragraph.

Hi hi world I got my prelim 1 results hahaha
It's good to some extent, bad to some extent. You can't have everything right?

And I thank God. I'm shocked to some extent.
And I find that my vocabulary is really quite limited to some extent. I simply cannot find another word to replace the words in my post.

Eng 79.5
SSGeog 78
EMath 85
AMath 85
Chem 65
Bio 61. (Don't know what)
Phys 66 (Surprise surprise!!! Haha)
Cheena 67 (HAHAHAHAHA)

I realle realle realle hope that I do not get B3 for cheena cause both my sistaz did. Surely my cheena is more pro than theirs right right right!

School has been pretty much quite nice to some extent for the past 2 days. Haha cause we only collected papers and sat there in the hall listening to teachers talk. (And we realised that their common favourite word is 'too bad')

Alright, I'm not feeling very creative to some extent today. Byebye I shall post a more creative post next time. Heeehehhe

Thursday, July 02, 2009

I'm having an absolutely wonderful time disturbing all of my sister's friends. Maybe I'd be able to star in the movie disturbia.

Anyway, I just finished my Cheena orals and find it very disturbing that I have never ever done or written so many chinese characters before in my entire life!!! I feel so Cheena-like. I feel like the Great Wall of China! Yep! That's super Cheena-like. I bet that the amount of Chinese characters I've writtenfrom P1 all the way to Sec3 does not amount to what I have written for this exam.

Question was about schools opening their facilities for public use. Sounds normal. I was talking pretty normal-ly until it came to one part that I couldn't find a nicer and more formal word for 'pervert' so I said 'se lang' and the guy teacher's eyeballs grew big as golfballs. But it sounds normal isn't it?

Anyway, from my Cheena writing experience, I can hereby conclude that my handwriting looks the nicest writing the words 'xie xie' maybe that's a sign! I'm born polite and well mannered and am always eternally grateful.

Anyway, yesterday me and Jiajian went to City Hall to study hahaha.

We had like intensive Cheena. It was so intensive that we decided to go to the war memorial to calm down.

I pretty much forgot everything else that happened. Except that it's a real pity that school is going to start tomorrow, cause I had a really really X10^10 good time experiencing full 8 hours of sleep a day.

Are you single? Beware. People who are single, especially middle aged men have a higher chance of having dementia. HAHAHAHAHA