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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Saturday, January 31, 2009

When tomorrow comes, sorrow becomes her soulmate.

Happy CNY and though I'm slightly slow, it's there.

I feel like the queen of squirrels, or the queen of whatever animal that eats nuts. Because, I probably ate enough nuts to feed the entire squirrel kingdom or something.

First Day
Did the normal first day of CNY things. And we went to my dad's mom's house, my dad's uncle's house, and me dad's cousin's house. That's about it. Saw alot of people whom I rarely see. And I'm gonna have an orange eating competition with Clarence tomorrow. Haha. I sure win.

School is still pretty normal I GUESS. On friday, I took the class key from Amanda to open the lock for the classroom door, so being very logical, I left the key in the lock. (Very normal right? Since the key and lock comes together, so they deserve to be together) And went I came back from buying my zuowen books, we realised that the key was missing! We stressed for like the entire recess. It was with Katy who plucked the key from the lock and went down to eat happily.

Have you any idea what you're doing to me?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I want to congratulate myself. I've managed to stay offline for 15 days. That's 2 weeks!

And in linw of the upcoming Olevels in October, I have decided that I am going to type, talk or even send a short message in perfect British english. By the time the examination comes, I'll be in perfect form. Mdm Audra would be so proud of me.

23rd January
Though it was the eve eve eve of the Chinese New Year, Cedar still had full lessons all the way to the last second period, and the last period was our common assembly period, so they conveniently koped it for the Chinese New Year celebrations. They cannot be in anyway, cleverer. I heard RJ had a full day off. (?)

Celebrations were super last year type. The arrangements were the same, the dance moves were the same, the songs were the same, the atmosphere was the same. The only thing different was that Mr Leng sang! Hahaha. It was damn funny but he sang so well (Right right right) :D

After which, I met my mother to do clothes shopping for the new year.

25th January
Happy Birthday Nasuharto!
Though you ask me to pull my socks up every morning, and make me take out my cross earrings which really really should be fine, and confiscated my spectacles last year (I REMEMBER!) I still love you loads yay!

Bye now, I feel sad like a nerd.

You are acting like how you said you hated

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I am so utterly proud of myself hahaha I managed to stay off the it world this entire week!

Saturday 10th Jan
My mom's company Family Day was some amazing race thingy and I asked Simin to go! Haha. We went to St. James power station (Don't even need ic please) and the pub was pretty cool haha. And our group was Awesome Anson- they made us dance YMCA for warm up to the race. Haha.

And the race progresses with many stupid things like face dance -.- or eating Haagen Daaz Icecream or embarassing ourselves infront of major offices. Haha. Our team got 7 out of 11 but we still won like 20bucks vivo voucher haha yay!

The food was reallee nice and Simin almost lost her phone that idiot. Haha.

And school seems to past reeealllly slowly and we're getting our Adidas jerseys soon! Happy happy!

Nasuharto loves seeing me embarrass myself. Hng. DDB I'll sing you We will rock you my fav hahaha. And we had a group hug and Lee almost pushed us off the 4th floor and we couldave died and gone to heaven. :)

Saturday, January 03, 2009

What a way to start a new school year. Especially O level year.

Friday, 2nd Jan 09
The first day of school was the worst day of my life so far. Because
  1. Mr Leng is not our Bio teacher (Though it seems I'm the only one sad about this matter) Because Mr Leng is a v v v v good Bio teacher- His jokes are damn funny, he teaches super well etc. (I hope he doesn't see this) though he is super proud of his school and I'm the only one who laughs at his jokes. And we have a new teacher who speaks softer than a pig snorting. How am I to love the heart kidneys bladder intestines like this now???
  2. Our class is now at the class which 3o was at which is pretty not a good thing cause it's far from the canteen. :(
  3. Our sec1s look like p4 but I shan't say cause maybe I looked like a p2 when I came?

And Mr Eric Tan (Last year's form teacher) decided to play a trick on us by asking Mr Khoo to take our attendance to seem like Mr Khoo was our form teacher instead. (Our hopes were raised a little high) But first period, the tall skinny ballroom dancer Mr Eric Tan walked in -.- And we spent the first few periods doing the normal first day of school stuffs. And Mr Tan actually brought his game book to play games with us. ???

We had training first day of school. And I decided to be hardworking so I'm doing my holiday homework now!

Saturday 3rd Jan
Went swimming with my mom and I think I can swim better than Michael Phelps. Maybe I was a hidden Michaela Phelps from birth. Never know.

I hereby resolve

  • Realle realle cut myself off my IT world AS OF TODAY. So it mean's you'll only see me next Sat cause my resolution says "Once a week"
  • To study everyday. Even opening the textbook counts yay
  • Stop spending money on things I probably will not use
  • Treat my classmates with care :)
  • Do all homework and pass up on time though I'll give Chinese 1 week's grace.

I think this year will be good since my Calendar is an Indiana Jones calendar so it means I can see Indy every day and have to refer to him :) Vunderful. Even though there are people like Maoshi who rubs salt in my wounds by rotting after o's everyday. D:

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I hereby resolve to cut myself off the IT world from today onwards.

So I shall only post at least once a week. And not watch any tv even if Ten Brothers decides to come back on earth, or if they make Yueniang tell more stories.

Youth Camp 2009 Haha So cool.

Went to school for trainining/self match in the afternoon, and I reached early and I saw Leena trying to do her homework. In which shouldn't even be classified as trying cause she was plainly copying. Haha. And she asked me to do her SS which is a really smart idea. Haha. I wrote all the answers down in a jiffy without even looking at the sources. (I! Am! So! Pro!) Haha. And she pierced a stable bullet earring in my baby bear's ear and threatened to chop off all my fingers.

Training was preedy normal. And I went to church after that.

The people just came back from the ahmazing race and I came just in time to take the group photo! Haha. After Chien Chong's session, me and Loretta went to wash the mass tins (For th next day's bike trip like oac manzx). And Josiah was trying to physcho many people to go for a night run by doing the "SAY YES TO LIFE. SAY YES TO RUNNING". Blah blah blah.

And me and Loretta decided to go and kachiaw the 2 boys by jumping their toilet queue haha. And me and Naomi bunked in the sanctuary on the pews to sleep (Naomi slept on where Pastor usually sits haha) and it was rather nice because I even dreamt.

Had morning devotion, brekkie, 2 workshops. Discussed with Joanna alot which was pretty nice and funny haha. And the cycling trip to Pulau Uuuubin. Haha. We were divided into 2 groups and Loretta Mervin John Hannah Gel Kiayang Jasper! was in my group. Since I did not have a bagpack I koped Josiah's. Haha. And being ever so keh kiang I brought my mega sized bottle which made my bag realle heavy. And Mervin being so mervin like wanted me to carry all his things. After which we were given our masstins and our maggi mee for lunch and we went! Haha.

And at simpang bedok I saw Lee! across the street and she didn't know who I was :( Haha. And when we reached changi depot we took the boat there. And there was this woman opposite us who was in heels (Whatever for) and Loretta said she could see her red underwear haha. And Mervin said the guy looked like he picked her from the marriage agency hahaha. And we got our bikes in which were pretty lousy cause the gears were like all the same. Haha.

And cooked our maggimee and ate (So yummy considering my cooking skills) and Maoshi was so uberly proud of his dumb silver korean chopsticks hahah. And we continued cycling all the way around the island and we ate the nicest ice pops in my life. Haha.

Went back to church and had a bbq prepared by Jo Chen (Chorchor) and Ruth! Haha it was damn funny cause they were super budget! And it was pretty nice since we were pretty hungry. Loreeta and I then went to scrub the mass tins (Eeew) and went to bathe in the ice cold water which made all my hairs stand up and my teeth chatter and my blood turned blue. Haha. Then we went for the movie screening under the stars! haha We watched Chariots of Fire which was pretty nice and stuffed ourselves with marshmallows. haha.

Me and Naomi convinced everyone to sleep in the sanctuary so Loretta Jo Chen Joannna Ching and Ruth slept there too!

Had morning devotion, breakfast, the resolutions thingy. And then clean up! Me and Jo Hor had to clean the small rooms which was pretty easy. Then break camp and home!

At 8 we had watch nice service and testimony time. And then many many people went to Mr Ong's house to eat eat talk talk play play. And we only ate the empty pau which was supposed to be with the pork meat. Haha. Then we went to watched the countdown thingy and I supposed we weren't as esctatic as the people on tv. Then we went around Happy New Yearing.

Thursday 1st Day of 2009
And the school actually messaged me twice to remind me to come to school as if I would play truant. Haha. Okey Bye homework time. O level year I can't wait to rot.