
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I am so utterly proud of myself hahaha I managed to stay off the it world this entire week!

Saturday 10th Jan
My mom's company Family Day was some amazing race thingy and I asked Simin to go! Haha. We went to St. James power station (Don't even need ic please) and the pub was pretty cool haha. And our group was Awesome Anson- they made us dance YMCA for warm up to the race. Haha.

And the race progresses with many stupid things like face dance -.- or eating Haagen Daaz Icecream or embarassing ourselves infront of major offices. Haha. Our team got 7 out of 11 but we still won like 20bucks vivo voucher haha yay!

The food was reallee nice and Simin almost lost her phone that idiot. Haha.

And school seems to past reeealllly slowly and we're getting our Adidas jerseys soon! Happy happy!

Nasuharto loves seeing me embarrass myself. Hng. DDB I'll sing you We will rock you my fav hahaha. And we had a group hug and Lee almost pushed us off the 4th floor and we couldave died and gone to heaven. :)


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