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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

School life is getting pretty haywire.

We have like so many tests and even though it supposedly for our own good, how good can it be when the student's moods are down in the drain and the teachers look just as tired? (Maybe worst). And I still hate pe oh no no no why must there be pe tomorrowzx!!! Haha. 2 days of consec. training and today was the toughest ever ever ever with the sun beaming it's glorious rays right into our faces and permeating through our shirts maybe. I thought we deserved a treat so we went down to kfc! Haha.

I saw so many church people these few days. Hahaha. I can't can't wait for friday, when I can rush home to my bed and sleep without much worries. (All the best to full geog people!).

What's going on now? I can't pretend I don't care.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Went to Kenneth and Cheryl's wedding yesterday and it was reaaaalle nice. The way they exchanged vows were like, wow. They had to memorise the things like, I, Melinda Chan take this man blahblahblah to be my husband, to love and to cherish him... whatever I have, I will share... in sickness or in pain... do death till us part. haha. So nice! And they were lip talking to each other incase they forgot! haha. And the last part, Cheryl threw the ball of flowers (Like those in channel 8 dramas, that the woman, who happens to be in a dilenma to marry some very nice guy will catch it for sure, and she will start blushing and the next episode, she's married.)
But the ball dropped on the floor and it practically burst, sending flower petals to everyone. haha. Even Sarah (7 years old) wanted to catch it. hahaha.

Then I tried being hardworking and nerdy to TRY studying alone at home with full serenity, but I failed :(

Went for piano today, then parkway. And adidas is renovating. hahahaha.

1. I'm so full now I think I'm gonna burst like the flower ball.
2. I think that I'm not looking so meinu now.
3. School is naturally boring, wonder why, when school is supposed to be a centre of learning and learning is meant to be fun. Furthermore, sitting in front of the teacher with the world behind is so uncool.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh man I didn't realise that my last post was like last week. haha. Lemme recall.

19th July Saturday
Training I guess? Then went to meet Joannna at cityhall then went home! haha

20th July Sunday
Church, Piano, home. (I sound like a boring person)

21st racial harmony day.
Haha we had half day today because our principle thinks we're doing great in the cca arena. haha.So we didn't bother wearing what ethnic costumes. And my class suaybongly had double maths for the only 2 periods on that day. I'd rather have like Bio. Then we went down for some weird pasa malam thing (Which seemed like a total failure). And we went with the bus to catch our juniors' match against raffles. So scary/exciting! They lost by the mere margin, but nevertheless they played preedy well. :D

22nd July
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAGGIE MEE VERY YUMMY. Jrs had match against Zhonghua for the 3rd/4th placings, lost by one point, and the referee was seriously biased. Maybe she wore her husband's glass eye or something. And she tripped over jiajian's somewhat long legs, and started to stretch the entire game as if that little fall would break her bones. Then we went to dhoby ghaut to eat subway, then went to carrefour to eat free bread! hahahaha

had training, and we envisioned it to be realle realle tiring but it turned out to be one of the funnest yet. haha. Due to the rain, we had to train at the corridoor (Okay not a corridoor, rather a shelter) and the field beside it was dug up to make some track. And we were laughing the entire way doing 1-on-1s. hahaha.

Most loved lesson: Mother tongue. haha our new teacher is simply the most hilarious thingy ever. She jokes with us and at the same time demands homework. And siying converses with her in always the most interesting topics. haha.

Most dis-loved lesson: Pe. I totalle hate it.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Did I mention,
That day Simin saboed me (For like the umpteenth time) to play some trigo math game. And obviously we lost because Simin's reflexes are so slow (Even I couldn't recoupe for loss). So we had to write our names with our butt infront of the whole class (Like so embarrassing canzx), furthermore, her name is ANGELA LEE vs MELINDA CHAN which has more acute curves. Eeew!

We played blow wind blow during sel and it was freaking funny! Hahaha. Today's chinese was so wasted but Jiajian and I just talked and ate the whole lesson. Thanks Audrey for the food! haha.

Jrs vs Bukit Merah 69 to 10 congratulations! And celebration! Hahaha. Too bad me, lynn and Yilei couldn't go (Sorry!) cause we were important members of the class, and had to do important tasks. haha. So we had to bade them goodbye and many tears at the busbay. Haha. And Leenadoh was trying to type a message but the bus was too high and thick. Hahaha.

So me and Lynn went to her class and she did her zuowen, I came prepared (actually) but then I just read the entire way. haha. (While messaging jj too) and Lisa just kept talking and talking. haha. Then we went down to help out at about 4, and we were assigned to paste the class labels. Each class had 4 rows of chairs to sit but, FABULOUSA aisyah fably pasted 3 rows for the i,o,n,s classes. hahaha.

Me yilei and Jiayan were incharge of the food which is really a difficult job as we had to smell the somewhat aroma of the food but not allowed to eat it. haha. Then parents started streaming in, and there were many irritating sec3 peeps who stole food. hahaha. In the end, me mel wuuu jiayan yilei were serving the food, and in the end, only me and mel wuuuu were left. Hahaha.

We sat at the back of the hall where all the teachers were so fascinated by Angeline's big pen and chocolate mirror, hahaha and mdmkoh gave me hello panda. We then continued and started to clear the food, and the last piece of dough fritter was on my plate, and I wanted to give it to a parent, but Jiayan pulled my arm and the plate+my arm moved but the dough fritter stayed in the air, so it practically rolled off the plate. haha terminal velocity and ronniegoh was laughing at us. Damn funny!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Juniors had match but it was during curriculum hours so we couldn't go over to support them! They lost but it's okay (Okay actually it's not okay) but tomorrow's your next match! Haha all the best whack them upside down!

And mito chased me and jiajian home so we were like vagrants for like 1 hour! Horrible!

We had table tennis for pe and me and kathleen grouped up to play against jiamin and rach! Hahaha. It was like ferreaking funny because our table tennis never touches the table. We're like playing squash/badminton/hockey all combined to form our game. Haha. And rachel hit 4 pingpongs out! Haha. Never laughed so hardly this term before.

We went to pick the balls but forgot we had to go through the d and t room to enter the table tennis room, so we just went to the 2nd level and threw all the balls in. Haha. I heard Sarah shriek. (Haha imagine pingpongs appearing out of no where)

Today is the day I remembered leenadoh dirtying my new towel 3 times.

We had table tennis again but this time nasuharto and simin joined us. Haha it wasjust as funny just erm... less personal space. haha

I've been enjoying chinese more these days cause our new teacher is so freaking funny haha. And the way siying and her makes fun of each other is like, hahaha.

You can tell me you don't need me,
And I know that hurts.

Monday, July 14, 2008

It takes 1 tree to make a thousand matches, but it only takes 1 match to burn a thousand trees.

The jrs matches were cancelled, so much for being excited the whole day for the main purpose of watching their match. Haha. But all the best for tomorrow! Haha

I totalle hate my new sitting place. I'm like almost kissing the ohp screen and I can practically count the number of strands of hair that MrETan has. Boring.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart,
Waking up is the hardest part.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tomorrw's the jr's match against zhonghua. A jiayou will sound nice. Okay Jiayou and May God bless you and keep you from danger and play your best you guys rock my lucky adidas socks.

Anyway today we had a session named 'God in everyday maths and science' haha. Unc CC is really funny.

1. It's quite amazing to know that ice, being in a solid state but of the same compound of water which is liquid can actually float. If it couldn't, all marine life would die. (I'll have frozen tuna for breakfast)

2. In the past, egyptians took 12 equal ropes, tied them together, and form a triangle of sides, 3,4 and 5. They had to build building that had right-angled corners. Commonly knon as the pythagoras theorem. Hahaha

3. The Calender. Haha I didn't know we were using the gregorian calender now. July was named after Julius Caeser and we wanted 31 days in his' month. The ruler after him, Augustine Caeser, buay tahan, also anted a month named after him, hence august. And further buay tahan, also want 31 days in 'his' month. Haha

Anyway yesterday we had a big cycling event that made me feel so noobzx. Thank God mag was there because lynn jj jiamin were racing and not cycling. Me and mag were cycling and enjoying nature. Haha.

Anyway Parkway's toilets are horrible because they flushed 3 times on me when I'm not done.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Dassler Century

Today was rather funny. Haha. We went to eat KFC and we walked all over the place. Haha. Aiya Jiamin you will lose me in the name game one lahzxzxz. haha. Oh no my blog post is like so boring (So unlike me)

I'll be there!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

I don't realle like ants climbing up my arms or legs as if they are practising their rock climbing or something.

I don't realle like people who gives PDOAs (Public displays of affections). Got bacteria can!?

School days are so boring these few days! Trainings feels so sianzxzxz. Haha. I forgot what else to write so bye!

If you love her, you wouldn't make her jealous.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Today was a rather boring day. Double yawn.

What I did:

Wake up brush teeth.


Do maths.

Go Library.

Do maths.

Buy maths assessment book.

Do maths.


Do maths.


Do maths.


Do maths.


And I think I'm gonna continue doing maths later. However I did at such an exuberantly slow pace I think I was gonna fall asleep.

Sorry JJ couldn't meet you!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

I'm usually a very egoistic person. I'm usually happy with the world. I'm usually very motivated to do maths. I'm usually very light hearted and take all things easy. I'm usually not shy. I'm usually not very affected by the things people say. I'm usually not easily envious of others.

I hope I'm still what I usually am.

On a lighter note, what are we?

Saturday, July 05, 2008

I had piano in the wee hours of the morning I think I woke everyone up with my melodious playing.

Today is a boring day. I tried doing properites of circls but I saw nothing but circles so I did Suduko and I saw nothing but numbers. Doing suduko makes me feel blind. Like the 9 is there already how can I put 9 here huh how can how can!?!? After that, 9 appears in that box.

There was this mad man in the bus, that I couldn't sleep incase he got 'activated' and start killing people or something. Because the radio/tv was telling about this zhu geliang killing people story, then if he hears the 'sha' word. Dang dang dang dang...

Friday, July 04, 2008

Mel is back and not kicking. It's been a really long time (like since 17th june). I've been suffering. Badly.

Doctor: Do you want to hear the bad news or the good news?
Mel: Ermzxzx... the good?
Doctor: There is a disease named after you!

Hahaha. I've been lazy lah. And thanks to leena who've been keeping my tagboard slightly alive. Haha. But you won't escape moons. And I've found a new element in the world that has to be added to the periodic table. It's called the Melindaranium. Radio active and emits coolness. Can be used for a cooling agent too.

Today is Express yourself day!
Anyway I found the themes rather lame, because some people jiiiu shi don't have girl power. But it was super fun! Haha. The erm younger teachers wore their uniform! Haha. Mr Gab Leng came into class and we were like "Ah boy boy". And Miss Thang's cedar uniform is so prefect perfect! Haha. The sec3 team and some sec 4s wore the collar bball tee with our full jersey and birks with socks! hahaha.

Anyway last period was taken for assembly and the teachers did catwalk! Like hahahahaah. Then we (JJ Lynn Jaime then Mag) went to watch movie but the queue was so freaking long we decided to act smart and went to the booking machine and bought it. There wasn't seats for Get Smart so we watched 21 instead! The lead actor held so much similarities with me! Haha.

Junior Matches!
Hahaha They won all 3 schools, therefore they are in the next round yay! Haha. Aiya Leenadoh you all really played well la. hahaah. You have yet to fall. Haha. Yesterday we went to subway to eat after their match and I was trying to do my sudoku and there was this 2 jc girls who looked at me as if they haven't seen numbers in boxes before.

xth June 2008
As of that day, I resolve to eat my mushrooms with greater care and to chew them properly so that I'll not see them in 1 piece in my shit. Gross.

Trainings have been pretty boring these few days. And school is double boring and chinese is triple boring as the new teacher likes to pick on us. Prob because wangmama told her everything about us. Cool eh.

That's all I forgot what else. haha Go jrs for your upcoming matches!!!! Hahaha