
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, July 18, 2008

Did I mention,
That day Simin saboed me (For like the umpteenth time) to play some trigo math game. And obviously we lost because Simin's reflexes are so slow (Even I couldn't recoupe for loss). So we had to write our names with our butt infront of the whole class (Like so embarrassing canzx), furthermore, her name is ANGELA LEE vs MELINDA CHAN which has more acute curves. Eeew!

We played blow wind blow during sel and it was freaking funny! Hahaha. Today's chinese was so wasted but Jiajian and I just talked and ate the whole lesson. Thanks Audrey for the food! haha.

Jrs vs Bukit Merah 69 to 10 congratulations! And celebration! Hahaha. Too bad me, lynn and Yilei couldn't go (Sorry!) cause we were important members of the class, and had to do important tasks. haha. So we had to bade them goodbye and many tears at the busbay. Haha. And Leenadoh was trying to type a message but the bus was too high and thick. Hahaha.

So me and Lynn went to her class and she did her zuowen, I came prepared (actually) but then I just read the entire way. haha. (While messaging jj too) and Lisa just kept talking and talking. haha. Then we went down to help out at about 4, and we were assigned to paste the class labels. Each class had 4 rows of chairs to sit but, FABULOUSA aisyah fably pasted 3 rows for the i,o,n,s classes. hahaha.

Me yilei and Jiayan were incharge of the food which is really a difficult job as we had to smell the somewhat aroma of the food but not allowed to eat it. haha. Then parents started streaming in, and there were many irritating sec3 peeps who stole food. hahaha. In the end, me mel wuuu jiayan yilei were serving the food, and in the end, only me and mel wuuuu were left. Hahaha.

We sat at the back of the hall where all the teachers were so fascinated by Angeline's big pen and chocolate mirror, hahaha and mdmkoh gave me hello panda. We then continued and started to clear the food, and the last piece of dough fritter was on my plate, and I wanted to give it to a parent, but Jiayan pulled my arm and the plate+my arm moved but the dough fritter stayed in the air, so it practically rolled off the plate. haha terminal velocity and ronniegoh was laughing at us. Damn funny!


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