
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, July 04, 2008

Mel is back and not kicking. It's been a really long time (like since 17th june). I've been suffering. Badly.

Doctor: Do you want to hear the bad news or the good news?
Mel: Ermzxzx... the good?
Doctor: There is a disease named after you!

Hahaha. I've been lazy lah. And thanks to leena who've been keeping my tagboard slightly alive. Haha. But you won't escape moons. And I've found a new element in the world that has to be added to the periodic table. It's called the Melindaranium. Radio active and emits coolness. Can be used for a cooling agent too.

Today is Express yourself day!
Anyway I found the themes rather lame, because some people jiiiu shi don't have girl power. But it was super fun! Haha. The erm younger teachers wore their uniform! Haha. Mr Gab Leng came into class and we were like "Ah boy boy". And Miss Thang's cedar uniform is so prefect perfect! Haha. The sec3 team and some sec 4s wore the collar bball tee with our full jersey and birks with socks! hahaha.

Anyway last period was taken for assembly and the teachers did catwalk! Like hahahahaah. Then we (JJ Lynn Jaime then Mag) went to watch movie but the queue was so freaking long we decided to act smart and went to the booking machine and bought it. There wasn't seats for Get Smart so we watched 21 instead! The lead actor held so much similarities with me! Haha.

Junior Matches!
Hahaha They won all 3 schools, therefore they are in the next round yay! Haha. Aiya Leenadoh you all really played well la. hahaah. You have yet to fall. Haha. Yesterday we went to subway to eat after their match and I was trying to do my sudoku and there was this 2 jc girls who looked at me as if they haven't seen numbers in boxes before.

xth June 2008
As of that day, I resolve to eat my mushrooms with greater care and to chew them properly so that I'll not see them in 1 piece in my shit. Gross.

Trainings have been pretty boring these few days. And school is double boring and chinese is triple boring as the new teacher likes to pick on us. Prob because wangmama told her everything about us. Cool eh.

That's all I forgot what else. haha Go jrs for your upcoming matches!!!! Hahaha


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