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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I saw my sister's Pooh smiling at me and I feel like smashing it up. Hahaha

Anyway, my sister's baking a cake for my mom's birthday and my other sister is her assistant. Hahaha. Anyway, I dread school and I can't wait for the weekends and I think that Cheena is the most interesting lesson of the day because I don't have to use my brain in cheena because cheena is brainless and oh no! What if Wangmama bursts a blood vessel?

Yesterday was the 4x100 4x400 100 Javelin heats. And! They cancelled the 4 by 400 heats for some insane reason which made me waste my time (3 hours) when in 3 hours, I could have clinched like 20 business deals. And the weather was perfecto! Haha. Joline was so perked and ready with adrenaline flowing and it's cancelled! hahaha. Then we went to Macs (again) and ate, and there is this ahlian kinda person who shhhed us in macs. It's like hello? You want peace then go to the graveyard or something.

And before that we had leadership training (Sounds like Army horzxzxz?) We played alot of games and the water one was reeeeally fun! Hahaha. Anyway my new tv came and it's huge that my house has like turned black.

Mission for the day
Run 25 rounds tomorrow
Master in Reverse Physcology
Perfect GoodBye in German

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I think that Wangmama (Cheena Teacher) is the most hilarious person on Earth. JiaJian and Cry-stal would agree. Hahaha.

Some quite famous quotes from Wangmama (In Chinese originally):
Wang: Jiajian you sit over there, far far from Jiawei
Jiajian&Me: Huh? Why? We didn't even talk or laugh today!
Wang: I can predict that you are going to
We were passing notes in class
Wang: Jiawei you throw finish already?
Me: Yes
Wang: Okay then I can continue
Wang: You all know that there is RC (reflection centre)?
Class: Yes!
Wang: Do you all want to go there?
Class: Yes!

Happy Easter on Sunday!
Yesterday was a nice day. Even thought my friends locked me in the basketball rooom with the basketballs and the netballs! Hahaha. Anyway, Me and Jessica were trying to make blood samples and we succeeded.

Things we learnt from Bio
1. I need to defecate my cellulose fibres now.
2. You can just suck your shit, then your body can absorb the absorbable things, then you will shit again, then you can suck again! So actually you don't really need to buy food. Clever?

Oh Crappomama tomorrow we have 4 by 400 and the varrrrrli smart Kathleen Yap sprained her ankle.

A Trolley Token for Melinda.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's a Happy day! And I thank God for the Weather!

FYI, today is a rainy day. Haha.

Thursday 20th Marching
I had a reeeeally long story to tell everyone in school, and that dodobird Crystal ponned school. haha. Heard funny and cracking news in school and bought my 1GB sd card for my phone and when I announced it, my dad went greener than the veggie he was cutting. hahaha. And we stayed behind to train a little wittle bit. And we procastinated and ate a while, eh wait. Eating is vital. Haha. And I sputtered milk on the Leena but that's beside the point. Anyway, we ran shot ran shot, ran and shot, ran and bounced and then shot. And shot and caught and ran and bounced. And we spent the last hour talking and talking. haha.

Then Serene was on this finger cracking regime, and she is very very determined to crack every single joint my body has. Scary huh? And I started acting that I was scared of tickle. but hey! I'm not puhleeze! haha. Congratos Leeee you did fabuloso for shotputo. hahaah.

Friday 21th Marcchrystal
happy Gooog Friday!
"For God so loved the world, He gave us His only begotten son, that whoever who believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16
Please come to my churchie!

You know, I am on this mission. I'm gonna write my own life story that it will one day become a big film, maybe bigger than any steven spielburg mission impossible movie.

Comfort on Difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the Clouds,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Gentle hugs when Spirits sag,
Beauty for you Eyes to see,
Confidence when you are in Doubt,
Faith so you could believe,
Courage to Know yourself,
Patience to Accept the truth,
And Love to Complete your Life.

Life Story Part 1a
I was born on my sister's 4th Birthday. Imagine spending your birthday in a hospital, not that hot huh? I think I am cute.

Thursday, March 20, 2008













My Cousin's puituh and My Mom!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Guten Tag It's beeen years.

Lemme Recall what happened.
15th Marches Saturday
I have theory exam and I went to SMU School of Accountancy by myself and I saw nobody. But SMU is damn cooool it has like glass entry doors and the lift and totalley cool and I can seee outside and I was totalley fascinated but of course I didn't show it because there were 2 kids looking at me so I pretended it was, "Uh, Nothing New". And! Being Kiasu, I arrived like 30mins before and therefore read every single notice on every single notice board. Hahaha.

Then met my mom and my dad at Raffles city and ate and went to Pasir Ris to the Shalom thingy! Haha. I walked to and fro from the interchange and the mrt like 6 times because I was early again. Hahaha. Then went there, and listened to Uncle ChienChong talk about Science which was reeeally funnny and enriching. Haha. Then we went to play captains ball and I was so pro I was like whoosh and whiish here and there, everyone should see it. Haha. But we had Lynn (Netballer) in our team so that makes it better. hahahah.

19th March Wednesday
We had Sports Day heats today and I was totalley dying because people were backing out! And Miss BearbearSiewMai brought us to the library and our class was like damn enthu! haha. And after school we went to eat and I convinced Joline to go and watch us run! hahaha. Then we went there and suddenly Michelle and Meixuan were missing and they called, "Melinda! We recieved a call from the hospital and we need to go..." And I was like "What how can you do this to us aiya ming zhen ku ah!" Then CarolineQianBian called back to negotiate, and she was like, "WahPiangzx Melinda! they needa go to hostel not hospital la you!" And we went there and 10 by 80 was cancelled. And Jerusha ran reeeally well! And I think that MelissaWu is phenomenal. Haha. Shall not speak about 1.5km because it can be expressed better in words. hahahaah. Leena slapped my face twice. Crystal wanted to punch me twice. I getting bullied in school. hahahaha. Then we went to eat then went home!

I just received a letter from Macdonalds and it smelled like cheeseburger. Haha. I thought they wanted to reward me for like eating alot of cheeseburgers or ice tea but No! They discontinued my card. hahahahah.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Saturday 8th March
6 Sec3s: Me Jiajian Lynn Serene Wanjun Jiamin
6 Sec2s: Joline Rachel Jerusha Selina Yenyi Sherlin

Went to Prebytarian High for a MiniBasketball Match and and and! We embarrassed ourselves because we were the only secondary school participating in it, and we were playing against the primary schools! Haha. And the finals were, We, against the sec2s. hahaha. Then we went to play the games, begging the guy to let us play with 1 coupon. Haha. Then we went to ps while the juniors were eating their chicken rice like some refugees. hahaha.

Tuesday xth March
Training was totalley puky. I was partnering Lee and she broke my elbow, neck and shoulder. Then we (The same people) Went to Velocity to look at teambags. haha. Then to MarinaSquare. And Serene was walking as if a tsunami was chasing her or something. Therefore all of us were dying.

Thursday yth March
Training was varrrrli nice today! hahaha. We did the nice stuffs. And started to play match, when it started to rain (Perrrfect timing) Haha. Then we sat in the gas room which was really small that I think if someone farted, we would all die like the Jews did in ww2. And Joline got hit by Jiaolian's ball 2 times. hahaha. Then I didn't go to the chalet cause it was reeeally far and I didn't bring anything. So we went to have lunch at Sakae, and the service is like erm... totalley fabuloso we derserve to charge them 20% service charge instead. And the juniors food came like 1 hour after they ordered. Hahaha. Then went to walk in ps, and we saw Grace Ang and we were like,

Me: Eh? Grace!
Grace: Erm, ya
Me: Eh! Look! It's grace!
Grace: Shhh! Hi!
Me: Eh Everybody! It's Grace!
Grace's Mom: Shh! You want the whole mall to know Grace is here?
Me: Hurry Call Jiajian! GRACE IS HERE!
Grace: Shhhh!

About 5 mins later
Leena: Eh? Isnt that the that girl?
Rest: Ooh oh oh oh! Ya!

And we decided that PS could be a manhunt mall. haha. So we started to hunt. OKay, technically, they assigned the job to me. Then we went to Spotlight again. Hahaha. And spent like 1 hour there doing nothing. Haha.

Shall Upload the pictos another time. Hey! It's rare that my blog has pictos! haha

Friday, March 07, 2008

Love, Crucified, Arose!

Anyway today's CIP was really tiring, and had totalley no mood to shout at kids. And dampening my already damped mood was that my boyfriend couldn't come and I was like Haha. And I realised that this little boy named liangzhu could speak chinese better than me!

And I grabbed like 4 Million badges from the teacher. Haha. Other than that, nothing much happened except that WangMama scolded us for going to the toilet. Is like, is clearing your bladder and preventing stones or rectum overstretch or kidney problems or maybe even tears wrong! No right! And Crystal got scolded for doign arm excercises. Hahaha.

And I have an eye disease. I Winked at Jerusha, Leena and Sherlin, and they have it too! hahaha

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Come to think of it, people don't get bored spamming the same things on people's tagboards. They like to sound superior, smartypantsy and 'I'm like so right, you don't listen to me you are gonna geddit'. And people who say great and daring things are embarrassed of their own name. Poeple try to reason but their reason is the root of all problems.

Therefore if this was a equation, and x are the roots. Let x be the mindset of the taggers. Since x is the root, the solution to this not so problematic problem is what they think they should be and what role they want to play.

Jiajian: Eh Melinda send me pictures of you
Melinda: Oh Okay (Sends required files through lanya)
Jiajian: Melinda !#$%&^*(&$. You %$&%^#*% Alamak #&%$^*%
Melinda: What what what! Wah! Send you things still kana scolded.
Jiajian: Why you send me pictures of you?
Melinda: You asked me to send it right?
Jiajian: I want the song la you #%$*$^*!#$ Never ask for your picture!
Melinda: *Complies Meekly*

Anyway today's lessons were so normal it's normalcy level beats all others hands down.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Haha I didn't go to church because I had CIP and the whole church misses me! Haha. And we went to meet the people at Aljunied mrt and read the Mas Selemat guy newspaper thingy all the way. And one lady came and squuzed with me in the 2 seater thingy when there was like 4 million seats empty. Anyway me Serene Adrey mopped the floors. Then we ate like 5kg of fries for lunch and then we played mahjong! Hahahaha. And I won! Hahahaah.

Then we accompanied Jiajian to Tampines and walked around and sat at LongJohn's laughing. Haha.

"Eh! Rachel Wang! Eh look! Mrs OuYang! Mitochondria!"
"How about Mdm Haslinda?"
"Eh Aiya she'll come along soon."

Monday Tuesday
Were normal days except we kept complaining allll about oac. Haha. I forgot the interesting things that happened. Yesterday we had Cheena remedials, and I was trying to irritate Jiajian by pretending to stretch and the Wang Mama saw me and showed me the ultra wangmama what are you tryna do look. Haha.

Yay! I can't waito for Saturdayto! Haha Anyway today we had the workshop thingy and grouped with Jiamini Salapok Nasuharto Jessica and Chounu Simin. Haha. We only got 1 correct for the list but at least we could eat sharkfins. Eh! Wait! We are not supposed to eat sharkfins because they are, uhm bad for the sharks. Haha. Anyway we realised that Joline is a punjabi and Leena is a fei zhu liu. Hahaha. Meilindar shi meinu!

Anyway I'll keep my oac post to myself and my friends. Haha. People should stop scolding me on my pure tagboard because they should scold themselves first. And it will be there once society realises that there is nothing wrong I said. (Switch to cliche mode)- Look at your 5 fingers, there are not the same height. Haha. And it will be back up there and society will find it insultive again and I'll become likw xiaxue. Maybe I'll name mine like theviciousoacpostcycle.blogspot.com.