
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

OAC's tomorrow & I can wait for it. Take your time! Haha.

I'll look like some idiotic refugee in the bus. Haha. Anyway these 2 days trainings are the horrible-lest-test in the week because the week has barely started. Hahaha. Anyway today's lessons were really boring, and wah! Haha We didn't have chinese and it's good because that Wangmama woman is really mean to our class, and she said to me (Actually it's in chinese- direct translation) "See you so many ling ling ling (000) still don't want to copy" I could have totalley poked her with my greeen pen.

Anyway today Nasuharto smells like a cake. Hahaha.

M: Wow! Your gcie's here!
L: Where where where which bus where is the bus aiya I shouldave stayed etc etc
M: She's not here
L: What don't bluff me you bluffing me right! I hear her
M: You siao gao! She's not in the bus luhzxz!
L: You bluff me (x2) I just heard her
M: Crazy! She. is. not. here!
L: Pass the phone to her now! I hear her!

And I think that someone hacked into my msn because I can't sign in. But I can't blame Imaginary hacker because my msn messenger is like lao pok one which while signing in, they show you growing and shrinking stars.

P.S. My juniors think that I want to kiss them. Like Puhleeze! hahahaah


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