
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, February 22, 2008

I feel Weak, Frail, Feeble, Rickety, Dilapilated, Decrepited, Anemic, Wimpy etc.

I drank Soya Bean and I felt well, all those up there. We had Cip and my favourite people (Nick Lim and Scout Boy) were almost not here. Haha. Today's CIP was funnier than usual, but screamier than usual. Few things I realised.

1. They like to compete who can scream louder.
2. They love the whistle.
3. They think that the Captain's the highest and most interesting and the most movements- position in Captain's ball.

And we were all drained out and tired after it. Today got back our AMathos! (Jessssica Be Happpy Happpppy!) Haha.

And during Cheeena it was freaking hilarious because we got back our Timed Assignment and the highest in our class was Siying which was 18/30 and then the third was like 13/30. Hahaha. And me Crystal JiaJian got uhm... quite goooood! Hahahaha. Then she kept complaining and scolding us because we haven't passed up our Chinese New Year homework yet (Only 4 our of 17 did). And the way she scolded us was not supposed to be funnny but we all had to contan our laughter. (Nice Stuudents ahy!). Me and Jiajian wanted to get kicked out of class. (Failed)

Haha Things
Mom: Why you buy Ntuc bread!
Dad: You asked me to buy Ntuc bread right!
Mom: No I asked you to go to ntuc to buy bread! Not buy Ntuc bread!

Neighbour's Doggy comes running to our house.
Dad: Anyone at home? Oh you speak chinese one ah? You mei you ren zai jia? Wah hao lian! Must be speak Hokkien one! Somethingsmething wu di boh?
Dad: Okay you tell me your house number. Don't have ah? Handphone have or not! I can help you calll! Hahaha.



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