
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, February 24, 2008

We had CIP at Cedar's Family Games Day. (The fun-nest cip ever). Haha. I left home at 10 mins after normal school time, but I reached at normal time. Met Joline Jiamin Jerusha Leeena Meredith. And we went to play the beanbag race (Bballers formed one team) and we won but they said- "Everyone is a winner". And we never did uhm... such interesting stretches before! haha. And then we went to the court and we managed to shoot 20 consec free throws in 5 mins! Haha. then the mitochondria dared us and we won (& earned 2 large pizzas). Haha. Never shot so many free throws before in my life. Haha.

Then we went for the magic show (WOW!) and then lucky draw! hahahaha. And Jiamin won the basketball for the basketball part, and ho ho ho I won the first prize for the final one! Hahahah. (I can toaterley tell Leeena is green with envay). Hahaha. Then went home and some people think I like to look at them. PuhLeeezo.

Went to Church for yf after that, and RevJack was talking about BGR- Building Good Relationships! hahahaha. But BoyGirl Re also. hahaha.


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