
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, February 06, 2009

All I've learnt, has overturned

I can't can't can't believe that our class actually made it to the Top 5 for Cedar's got talent!! Though it's a waste I'm not singing, you all should vote for our class since this is probably the first time 4/3C has actually got something other than last, or last 2nd, maybe last 3rd. Haha.

And we sold the most number of tickets for the Cedar Fiesta! Hahaha. Maybe because we've got realle popular people (Like me) in our class with a large network of friends. haha.

We had an English debate thingy, Jiamin, Jessica and I was against Jieshi Celeste Joan for some weird love topic, which obvious we lost (Though it's not so blatant) because we didn't expect to be the first group to be debating, and I forgot Sir Paul McCartney's new girlfriend surname! It was Nancy ... I shouldave crapped out something like Nancy Chan cause everyone probably didn't know who she was either. Haha.

I can't wait for next Monday to come cause we're leaving class at 930 for match! Haha. DDB remember my lucky hug! Haha.

And and and they're making us raise the price for all the Cedar Fiesta stalls which is complete crap cause in the end, no one will spend money, so what's the pointz?


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