
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, August 01, 2008

Zzz Today's training was nicely tough, we had a sense of accomplishment after it.

Anyway I feel highly relieved now that there are no more tests (Which means exams are near), but I decided to rot myself away tomorrow and play the piano continuosly until I become better than Richard Clayderman/Maxim/or whoever good. You choose. Haha.

Anyway, today, Miss Chng forgot to bring her laptop to class, so what she did was, (In 50 mins)
10th min- Comes into class
11th min- Announces lack of laptop
13th min- Starts to stare at the content page of the chem textbook
15th min- Starts talking about life
18th min- Tells us not to go to discos (Discos???)
21th min- Telling us about health
24th min- Importance of health vs money
29th min- Telling us getting 7 a's doesnt really matter
34th min- Saying that failing is okay
37th min- Getting us to agree
39th min- Starts lesson on extracting iron.

I feel like eating pancakes with a smiley face on it.

Anyway, today I switched Nasuha's pens (Black and green and so on). Bio test, she whips up a black pen and wrote her answer in green. hahahaha Freaking funny.


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