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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Its been 10 years since I blogged, not that anyone reads my blog. But still, I need to satisfy my stalkers, which I have plenty. Haha

Things I've learnt over the weekend
  1. Compass point should oil their toilet doors, so that they won't give out a e e e e sound that makes pee come out faster. Oh wait maybe that's why they did nt oil their doors.
  2. When you see someone dressed in a macdonals uniform, you immediately think that they smell like fries or cheeseburger. Just like how when you know someone works in subway, he/her always wears green.
  3. Playing piano is more tiring than doing a amaths paper.

I should learn more things. And I should learn them from school, where learning ought to take place. But apparently I don't learn much from there.

Yay there's a new electone my roooom. Hahahaha. Today I had the last intensive piano lesson, then went to parkway (So did I on the past 2 consec days.)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Today I had intensive piano. (Again...). I think my dreams are becoming black and white soon.

Today I went to parkway. (Again...). So did I on Sat and Sun. I think I can memorise the entire layout of the mall.

Today I went to popular in search of my missing amath tb. (Again...). I think panpac hates me.

Today I went to the library to find some peace and books. (Again...). But I saw people doing PDOAs (In the library? Like eew eew eew!)

Your total eclipse of the heart? How am I to know?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

National Day Celebrations
was rather boring. Haha. It's so... national day. Haha. People marching around, people playing music, people dancing, people singing, people eating, people cheering. Haha. But the performance was not bad lahzxzxz.

National Day
I had intensive piano again and my fingers almost dropped off. Haha. And we went to uncle s's house and there were soooo much food to eat I almost died. Haha. Then we watched calefare and first class and it was freaking funnnny hahaaha.

Then me and Clarence watched the firs ep of heroes while the others are shrieking with laughter at the dining hall for some weird reason and it was freaking scary it was like the stupid 'the happening' that mag wickedly influenced us to watch. Haha.

I don't know why I'm ranting but I am.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

An amorous disposition

Anyway today was a rather blah day. Our class had this vomit smell and me and dorothy spent 1 full period trying to figure out where the smell came from. And it came from Sarah. But she didn't puke luhzxzxz. She had like starch spilling all over the floor for some weird reason. Mdm Faridah was fainting, therefore ssgeog was slightly shorter.

Haha. Mr tan deprived us of reading period again by discussing the pizza eating/buying tomorrow. haha. And we hade extra math lesson after school in the theatrette with 2 other classes. haha. It was kinda boring but since we were sitting at the last row we could self entertain! After which we visited leenadoh in her class where she was being a loner doing her homework. Hahahaha

We were supp to train after that but the sky was threateningly dark (This is an excuse) and there was a boom sound that sounded like thunder (This is also an excuse). And we found the topic of dead cats more interesting. Because there were 3 dead catserm dying simultaneously in our school. Cat1 has its limbs ripped off like eeew eeew. Cat2 died in it's blood. I don't know about cat3.

So according to feelings, we didn't train. Anyway we didn't have the key to the ball room (Okay this might be another excuse).

Tomorrow's gonna be so boring. I feel like a nerd.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Now what's up with you?

Anyway today was a rather okay day. The juniors had a match against jwss today and they lost by a smaller margin. Anyway you guys still rock my lucky socks big time! Lurbzxxz you guys. Haha Anyway we went to ppmacs to eat before we rushed back to school to take the bus with them (Because Sirchia happened to specially order a not so big big bus for us). And it was realle fun! And we were playing the concentration game. Haha. Anyway today our hearts beat at a rate faster than a newborn baby's.

Anyway Jiamin! Your absence has truly made a big mark on pe history! Thank you Rachel Nasuharto and others who helped me during pe if not I would have died trying to make the class coorperate, or even start pe. (That's why pe takes up more energy than double maths periods.) Haha.

And the mdmsiasia changed me and Jiajian's places! Haha which means it will take more energy to share a little whisper. Haha.

Anyway I failed chinese :(.
Anyway I think I need to take a mini break. Dodoh still want to go? hahaha

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

's match was realllle nice! Hahaha. It made our hearts beat until it could make a ship move and the points were realle close in the last quarter! haha. It was the last 2.18 seconds that rachel scored a 3 pointer like those with a super nice swish sound that makes everyone go oooooh but obviously the oooohs was suppressed with the final whistle which meant Cedar won Anglican 38-35! Haha Well done people! The scene was like those mvpqingren movies that the better and nicer team that every viewer supports will win the the last split second. hahaha.

So we helped our jrs celebrate by eating kfc at the payar lebar! haha. And walked around ntuc again (Fav hangout!).

we had Chinese oral (Me and jj) and it was horrible.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Zzz Today's training was nicely tough, we had a sense of accomplishment after it.

Anyway I feel highly relieved now that there are no more tests (Which means exams are near), but I decided to rot myself away tomorrow and play the piano continuosly until I become better than Richard Clayderman/Maxim/or whoever good. You choose. Haha.

Anyway, today, Miss Chng forgot to bring her laptop to class, so what she did was, (In 50 mins)
10th min- Comes into class
11th min- Announces lack of laptop
13th min- Starts to stare at the content page of the chem textbook
15th min- Starts talking about life
18th min- Tells us not to go to discos (Discos???)
21th min- Telling us about health
24th min- Importance of health vs money
29th min- Telling us getting 7 a's doesnt really matter
34th min- Saying that failing is okay
37th min- Getting us to agree
39th min- Starts lesson on extracting iron.

I feel like eating pancakes with a smiley face on it.

Anyway, today I switched Nasuha's pens (Black and green and so on). Bio test, she whips up a black pen and wrote her answer in green. hahahaha Freaking funny.