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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Stone Age again. Haha, these few days in school were pretty funny! haha.

Last Friday was Lynn's and Fongwa's birthday, Jeannette smashed cake on Lynn, she threw back, and jeannette threw it at me. What on earth right. Haha.

On Saturday, on the way to school, I lost my wallet again. So we went for the dsa thingy. And we were like the ushers and the food people. Me and Wanjun were giving out the files [how come we don't have!], while Jiajian and Serene were giving out drinks. And one parent was late, so the 4 of us had to wait outside, but we missed the speech so it is not a totally lose-lose situation. haha. And once they closed the doors, we started eating. The currypuff was delicious. haha. I ate about 7. Haha. And serene wants to buy yet another bag. hahaha!

Sunday I was queueing for donuts.

And I forgot about the rest of the week.

Check Out our Geog Blog!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Fun :D

Haha, the day started off with home econs, so I was summoned to buy the ingredients, [that's right! They bully me!]. I took stones ages to walk to school. haha. But started to make, all was fine, [being such a great cook], even though we were only making fruit punch, like so easy! haha. Then we knocked the bowl onto the freezer base. haha. And our group was part of 4 of the 5 groups to get voted! [Everyone was thirsty right?] haha.

In conclusion, today is not suaybong day.

After school, we had self training, so we ran 5 rounds, and when we returned to the basketball court, there was a froggytoad! haha. It was darn ugly, but it's still God's creation. So, we spent like almost half an hour helping the frog to rid of it's boredom [see how helpful!] And since I had Frozz in my pocket, we gave the frogg(zz)oholic a Frozz barley mint, and it sadly did not show us his tongue like the woman did. Caroline came charging to us that it's animal abuse (come on, we even gave him a present!).

Normal training started, and you know, the normals. Played volley and Byebye!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Played bingo in maths yesterday! Haha it was darn fun, but I did not manage to get a lollipop, and the last to bingo was theresa, who was the ultimate suay bong because she did not cross out 1 number to bingo years ago. So she and Natalie had to do a forfeit. haha. And mrlim asked who was Theresa's favourite teacher. {Mr Ronnie Goh!} hahaha. And he did not ask who Natalie's favourite teacher was because he knew that it was him [what a cheat].

And chinese was darn funnny, because we got back the test, and eh my cheeena not bad one! even though the han yu pin yin thingy we all got zero [except for crystal who got 1] my self explanatory questions were normal. haha.

Yesterday's training was the start of training and trying to get into Bdivision team. Okay, you know you know. And in the canteen we were laughing like darn hard because
1. Caroline asked for mag's pri school year book because of chander.
2. And he was saying in it "my ny, your ny, our ny", and also "i'm like a fish in a big ocean, when I meet bigger fish yaddadada..."
3. And Mag [or Jiajian] accused me of saying that time that caroline was the biggest fish he met in the ocean. Like what!
4. And I remembered someone saying something about a great white shark. haha
5. And so on and so forth.

Today was normal as usual, but during cheeena, miss wong was in China itself so we had a real fab new teacher! She has lots of darn good experience! [We are so excited!] hahahaha.
{ask jiajian & crystal too}

After before the learning journey, we got Mag to come to our class to play Heart attack. haha. And leaving, they splitted our class, like what! Always bully us! Okay and the tour guide was so naggy. And the sculpture walk was normal, boring but really burning. And wow I've learnt plenty plenty things. haha. Don't know where the pictos are! haha

Okay ByeBye!

Monday, August 13, 2007


haha. Anyway school today was quite okay, except for the summary test, which I counted 121, and it scared the living daylights out of me. P.e was normal since we were sitting out there again and laughing at [guess who!] playing volley. hahahaha.

During maths, we played some perfect 100 game, and it was darn farrrneeee because if you get 1, go back to zero! haha. And crystal [suay bong] haha. see this 2 words has so many uses! haha. anyway, sasi won first, then kendra, only after mrlim changed it to - don't go back to zero if you get 1. haha.

Left during geog, and competition! haha. First time in competition [for us] we had no glucose and banana, and seriously it makes no difference. haha. infact, don't you feel more energetic without it! haha. Anyway, play play play, and we were leading, then lost by 12 points in the end, haha. okay, aniti climax but we weren't that sad. [guess what! mag did not cry!] haha. And school people would have thought that we won. haha.

tadah! End of competition! But okay, yay anyway. :D

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Howdy! I turned to look at the clock, and got the shock of my life. Guess what!

Okay nevermind.

& you know what! My sister went up the bus and she realised she forgot to bring her ezlink card. haha. The same suay bong sister. haha. It took my perfect guidance to get her to the house. Yippae!

At AuntayLingling's house, we came early to help her, so I cut the leaves into the pasta and grated the lemon zest into the barrrrley! haha. Then the guys were doing the barrbecue so the rest stayed in the house and eat what they produced. haha. And after eating, we played the game of life! haha. And they should play monopoly instead. hahaha. Because I was a double suay bong in the game. Firstly, I got only 20,000 for my salary and I had so many loans. haha. And my career was like an artist which earns almost nothing. haha. And guess what! Joshua got like 5 kids, so his kid insurance is like expensive. haha. And after trading salary with joanne [90,000], I did not even step on a single payday!!! okay. At least I wasn't the poorest. haha.

I ate like 18 marshmallows and we played some bombahaiyo game.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ankle's Burning, Ankle's Burning. haha

Anyway going to Auntay Lingling's house later! Yay! haha. My sister forgot to go for her Public Service Commission Scholarship thing this morning. It's the only one left. haha.

Suay Bong.

Shall cook Macaroni Cheese for lunch today! :D

Look at this! Just look at this!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Hello Again!

Stayed home yesterday, like I did not even step past the door.

Nice Black Socks did not turn out really nice after all!
- training was ogay at the starting, running 2 rounds only and did some weirdoed thingay. But, after that while doing formation, I ran ran ran, stopped and twisedted/sprained my ankle. At first it was really pain, but it was normal after that. Now it hurts as if I have no ankle. haha.

-before training, i was rushing to take the bus, but needed to top up my card! so i pushed my ezlink card in, then blah blah. But, after the normal thingy was done, my card took sooooo long to come out. Then, I kicked the machine and it "Out Of Service" immediately. It took the green man 5 minutes to come and he said that I shouldn't paste adidas stickers on it. So there! haha.

Okey, vs. Anglican high on monday! Seeyou!

And while walking out at pp way, serene saw a chameleon and screamed like hell. damn funny. Then, a leaf flew fast her and she screamed at the leaf. hahahahahahaha. you should see it.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


This is going to be a long post.

I forgot to post for the past few weeks. haha

Lost to Raffles by 3 points. So we are 2nd in the south zone! haha. Cat High Won RI. so there.

On Monday, Lynn was being a dumb laughing emo kid and locked herself in the toilet cubicle. so i tried to climb over the wall. and still could not see. haha. we [me, jiajian, jiamin] looked underneath and she was like standing with her two feet wide apart. So we decided to carry me. haha. And we sway here sway there until jiamin pressed the shower and we were all wet. haha. And we took the dustbin in and she was like banging the door. It broke. So too bad she has to pay! haha.

On Wednesday!
national day celebration was normal. then we went to amk to find the baking shop and walked like siao. haha. in the end it was like at the other side of the road. haha. anyway took a bus to mag's house. do do do. and serene's man grew sideways while mag's oatmeal cookie grew upwards. mine did not because mine has no baking powder! haha. and serene's turned out the nicest. haha. and the decoratives was okay but i dirtied the whole flooor. haha.

anyway! Grace Ang is the headprefect! haha yay!

turned out not to be a very long post after all!