
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Played bingo in maths yesterday! Haha it was darn fun, but I did not manage to get a lollipop, and the last to bingo was theresa, who was the ultimate suay bong because she did not cross out 1 number to bingo years ago. So she and Natalie had to do a forfeit. haha. And mrlim asked who was Theresa's favourite teacher. {Mr Ronnie Goh!} hahaha. And he did not ask who Natalie's favourite teacher was because he knew that it was him [what a cheat].

And chinese was darn funnny, because we got back the test, and eh my cheeena not bad one! even though the han yu pin yin thingy we all got zero [except for crystal who got 1] my self explanatory questions were normal. haha.

Yesterday's training was the start of training and trying to get into Bdivision team. Okay, you know you know. And in the canteen we were laughing like darn hard because
1. Caroline asked for mag's pri school year book because of chander.
2. And he was saying in it "my ny, your ny, our ny", and also "i'm like a fish in a big ocean, when I meet bigger fish yaddadada..."
3. And Mag [or Jiajian] accused me of saying that time that caroline was the biggest fish he met in the ocean. Like what!
4. And I remembered someone saying something about a great white shark. haha
5. And so on and so forth.

Today was normal as usual, but during cheeena, miss wong was in China itself so we had a real fab new teacher! She has lots of darn good experience! [We are so excited!] hahahaha.
{ask jiajian & crystal too}

After before the learning journey, we got Mag to come to our class to play Heart attack. haha. And leaving, they splitted our class, like what! Always bully us! Okay and the tour guide was so naggy. And the sculpture walk was normal, boring but really burning. And wow I've learnt plenty plenty things. haha. Don't know where the pictos are! haha

Okay ByeBye!


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