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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sunday's BibleClass
We were kinda demoted to the smaller room for Bible class, maybe because we're youths and are supposed to be smaller as compared to the adult guys and couples bible class who took the av room! Haha.

Anyway, Lydia asked, "Come Mervin, tell us the reason why Mark ...."
Mervin: "Ask Hoobastank, cause they have The Reason."
-.- ...................................... Suddenly the room went silent and the temperature dropped. Exciting!

Anyway, We had 3 periods of math yesterday which is totalle... Invigorating. Haha. But the see Mr Tan 4 periods a day part isn't that interesting. haha.

3rd June- Bio from 9am to 3pm. Oh man I think Mdm wong plans to like suck our brains and drink them like soup or something.

My perspiration is cascading down my face like the Yosemite falls. Which really proves that we all shouldn't on the aircon tonight because if we do, tomorrow will be worse. Let's all immigrate to London!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Yesterday, 21st May was X COUNTRY!!! Our school became richer as our tags were not the paper kind where you had to write your name with a marker and could draw hearts or stars on it but it was the hitech magnetised electronic beep kind. haha.

Haha. Being the usual faithful believer of -must-sleep-8 hours-before-race person. I attempted to sleep at 930 but woke up at 4. Hahaha. Anyway, I was feeling realle reealle edgy and tense for whatever reason and my heart was palpitating and thumping so hard it was practically ringing in my ears. haha. I prayed for God to calm my bursting nerves and to humble me (If I win) and not make me a sore loser (If I lose). haha

Met Jiamin and Jiale on the way and we decided to cut through Tamasek Poly to the stadium and we realised that the voting for their student union leader (Or something) election is like super damn on manzx! The posters were lifesized, in full colour, non-pixelated, glossy, unlike... erm... ya those in our school so mediocre. Haha. Anyway, having to do my usual routine by visiting the restroom and eating red skittles before the race. And we're then led off the Bedok Resevoir! Haha.

The Super duper uper clever Mr Chia led us to the wrong path. But it's fine. Should mean more warm up. Then we reached the starting point and yay off we go! haha.

On the way, I saw Mr Gab Leng, and he cheered. Hahahahahahaah :D :D :D

AND I also saw Uncle Chien Chong and went "UNCLE CHIEN CHONG!!! HIIIII!!!!"

Ran and ran and ran and ran finished. Haha

Though our class didn't win top 3 or anything, haha but don't worry we all still did preeedy well!!! And Mr Tan, in the middle of the whole thing suddenly shouted, "Don't worry ah, 4C you all did well". Uh, haha.

After that, me Jiamin WanJun Rachel and Joline went to Tampines 1 to lunch/walk. And Rachel, being the smartest person always always, left her rafflesia-smelling shoebag in the bus. Haha. Anyway, we went to Carls Jr and since they had really huge burgers we were like "Uh, can we have 4 kungfu panda kids meals?" haha.

The guy asked, "Do you want Bacon, Chicken or cheeseburger?"
Joline: I think I'll have fish.

We just sat there and talked and talked and went home since we were all dying. :)

I'm tired. Byebye

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Teachers, oh Teachers

New E Math topic: Probability

We played Deal or No Deal with Mr Tan. (The real real one with money) But we're envelope girls and not suitcase girls. Haha.
1. Joanne was chosen to play the person who chose the suitcases.
2. Chose first suitcase. AND Because Mr Tan was the banker AND the adrian pang guy, he took out his phone and pretended to call his banker and talk to him. Lame max can but it was damn funny! Haha
3. In the end we won 5 Bucks (To buy bluetack)

Independant and Dependant thingys
We were supposed to give examples of the Independant kind.
"Dice" "Coin" and etc. THEN Mr Tan said:
"Eh? How come no one mentioned Deal or no Deal uh that's dependant right?"
So I replied "Mr Tan if it's dependant why do we have to mention it?" Hahahaha

Mdm Wong
Biology Spa Skill 3.
Experiment was about food tests, (Iodine Solution Benedicts Solution)
And we were supposed to write "Shake the testtube"
So Mdm Wong said "Some of you forgot to shake"
Hahaha I thought that was damn funny I'm still laughing now. :D

Anyway, xcountry is next thursday and it's so scary. I can feel myself wanting to shit and yawn 100 times on that morning. Just happens.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Yesterday, I had my phototaking.

I AM tall. Like really tall. Like Gisele Bundchen, Jack and beanstalk- beanstalk tall. So... it really puzzles me how I ended up sitting in the first row of phototaking and the famous class shorties (haha). The worse part part is, I was at Mr Tan's right, which makes me his right hand girl, so I should be able to make some important decisions in class now.

Last year Caroline sat next to him. She felt demoralized and depressed so she pushed me to become Mr Tan's right hand person.

Yesterday, I started reading a hot pink book.
It was sequel from a hot orange book. It's a 4 part sequel- Bright yellow, orange pink and green. BUT don't let such hot pink books fool you. They are sometimes not the normal teenage chic flick books that has a girl in a high school who has this secret crush and her crush likes her secretly too but there is this mean girl with her entourage who likes her crush and the lunchtime in that highschool is the worsr as there are different groups- cheerleading, jocks, dorks, goth etc. NO this book is about murder and stalkerism and weird chills. But I guessed I was being too clever to read it at 10pm and ddb had a help me ensure there was someone living at 53oam the mext day. (Thankyou!)

What do you do when you're pissed of? (At aything)
1. If I am in PE lesson, esp if we're playing soccer, I'd stomp on the grass and kill them.
2. If I am at the phys/bio/chem lab, I'll nick an extra thick stack of foolscap and graph paper.
3. If I am in the bus, I'll shoot the aircon at whoever's looking the most freezed up.
4. If I am in the Mrt, I'll wheeze and cough and pretend to have influenza.
5. If I am running, I run faster and overtake old men.
6. If I am in class in a uber hot and humid day, I'll take out my mighty huge fan and fan myself with a huge satisfied smile on my face.
7. If I am in MacDonalds, I take a whad of tissuepaper.
8. If I am at home, I bang the piano.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a really mean person.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

I have a dream, not really a song to sing

lemme tell you a story.

I was running aroung potong pasir estate to detox detox all the harmful toxins in my body. (Although there was this grape lady-who promoted grapes, said that by eating up all the grape seed, you'll detox. DONT TRY IT and DONT GUESS WHY) And, all the houses there were gone and replaced with flat and realle ugly fully concrete houses with one door and one window (Like the types we draw in primary school). Suddenly... I saw this special house that wasn't flat and concrete and with one door and window only!!!

I lit up. I could feel a lightbulb on in me. And I decided to see what it would look like. So I went in. Like totalle zoooomed in through the glass doors like rouge (xmen) the house was realle freaking damn huge manzx. It felt cozy and nice (And everything you will want to have in your dream house) THEN, I saw Adrian Pang. Like how he totalle is like in the serial, Red Thread, with those dark sunglasses and all. He stalked over to me and oh no.... He's going to murder me!!! THEN

My alarm clock rang and I woke up and went to school! And I realised it was a dream! The bus went pass potong pasir and it looked happy, without concrete flat one window door buildings.

My english teacher would shoot herself if we wrote compos like these. ("I realised it was a dream!")

Anyway, it really was a dream.

Normal people eating potato chips: Take the bag of chips, puts hand into it, take it and munch.

Normal Mildred Chan eating potato chips: Take bag of chips, takes a bowl, pour it into the bowl, and uses a spoon to scoop it into her mouth