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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My heart skips a beat whenever you appear.

25th April Saturday
We had our last last last training. Yep the last. Like alpha omega omega last last training. Which is rather if you think of the goodbye miss you i can't believe this parts.

But we were kinda late (Not on purpose) and yep it was realle realle fun! haha. We ran our usual 10 rounds and started to play match straightaway after the sec 3 juniors did their ultra ultra tiring drills (JOY JOY JOY) What were we doing? Passing the ball to them and make them run. Okay, sadistic. Sorry.

Match was really realle x10^10 funny anf fun cause we joked all the way and our (Or maybe mine only) couldn't enter the basket and yenyi was just zooming around the whole place, truly physchotic.

I will miss you guys. You are the lone shining star in my gloomy and dark sky. You help me rid of the ominous dark clouds over my head, threatening to fall anytime. You turn the torturous cascading rains in my stormy night into cozy melodies that warm my soul. You shield me from the harmful uv rays penetrating my heart that leaves me to bleed. You bring out the sun to shine it's warmth whenever the cold waves of misery rides over me. You send the light cool invigorating rain to placate my troubled mind. You send the gentle breezes to soothe my angered heart. Okay now you sound like a weather forecaster.

Goodbye I'm feel wise

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am not exactly the smartest person (Or even far from) but I love making Mr Tan sigh. Hahaha.

School is pretty boring because we realle have no life except for times we can possibly laugh is like during... recess?

And congratos to the sa rugby team for winning champions congrats congrats. Don't read the paper. It's biased. haha

I feel short.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Melinda chan kar wei, im really sorry i even forgot about your birthday yesterday. I feel like such a bad friend now. Whatever it is, even though you wont see this, i hope you'll know im really thankful for you. Come what may, even though we may not be as close as before and send like 40 smses to each other every single day, or go home from trng together in one big group, or talk to you as if we were good friends, or quarrel over who liked the colour yellow first, or fighting to be in your camera, or enduring your shit ass mooning which you think is so funny but is not!, i will always remember you as my wonderful extinct and aids diseased Dodohbird, my senior, and my friend :) Thank you for always being by my side, and i really mean always, when i sent you an sms i knew you would reply :) Thank you for your listening ear as and when i needed it. You're the best senior i could ever get, really.

O lvls this year! haha dont fret you are so super smart.
I love you to death, melinda! Beat that again, haha.

DDb. (sorry)

19th April
Happy Birthday to Melissa Chan and uh... myself? Haha
Did the normal Sunday things which was rudddder enjoyable. haha And yep that's about all. What a boring birthday. But, thank you to all (Jm mag Serene jj chongyao bella wj sarah simin jieshi aisyah sherlin many church people) plus many more I forgot (So sorry!) for brightening up my somewhat realle boring birthday. Love you people! hahaha

And today was a nice day cause the vanderful team gave me a really nice bear which mildredy says looks like my dad. haha

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Mdm Faridah: As of today, you Sec 4s will have no life.

7th April 09 Tuesday
I ran 2.4km today and it was rather okay! Haha. Thank God for letting me live through it cause there were some people who died from running 2.4!

8th April Wednesday
We had our Bio SPA and it was so ... we had our physics test and jieshi said "If you don't study, you will get full marks, if you do, you'll get higher than full marks" I believed her and I didn't study but I wouldn't get full marks. Haha.

9th April Thursday
Happy Birthday Jiajian!!! Haha Hope you enjoyed your day and like the prezzies! And today, for the 2nd in jogging history, I jogged at a probable pace that was 100 times slower than training. Basically, I think I was simply brisk-walking. Near the pool, there was this part of the road that was so uneven it looked as though a mini earthquake happened or so. And I twisted-sprained my already lousy and weak ankle. WHILE brisk walking in the blazing fiery hot sun and I crawled to the curb. Haha.

Spraininf ankle= Crying. That's a reflex action. Can't be helped. So after I started sobbing on the curb (By myself), I realised how funny I would have looked like so I started laughing. haha the Rachel is rcy escorted me back to school. :D

Monday, April 06, 2009

You keep a hole in the sky, so the heavens will cry over me

As of today, English shall flow through my arteries (Not Veins as arteries has got a higher pressure, therefore english is spread around my body quicker) and I shall blabber out poetry beautiful English devices and I shall be better than shakespear.

Tomorrow, my sister is coming back from UK! Which means that I will be receiving truckloads of food and tourist-y items! Haha. I wonder if her face has really became rounder as seen on webcam...

Today, history was made. Today was the first time in my short life that I jogged with the class during jogging period!!! Before that, Rachel Joline Jiamin and I were complaining non-stop about the weather, the lame-ness of jogging period and everything that we found could be complained about. It's kinda sad that we are not training anymore *Wave of nostalgia* and yep. Haha.

And anyway, thank you to alll the people who came to support us! Jurong IS very far from the world.

DDB: Haha thank you thank you for being the only one who keeps by tagboard alive!