
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Double Drama.

Hahaha It's been like eons since I last came online= eons since I last posted. Haha

1-5 June 08
Church camo at Harris Resort Batam! Haha. Okay I decided that I shall not go into detail since not alot of people (Or none) would want to read about it anyway. Haha.

1. It has to be the only holiday that I get to sleep more than 7 hours a day. After breakfast, sleep, after lunch, sleep, after dinner, sleep, free time? Sleep. Sleeping time? Sleep. Message? Sleep. Uhh haha no of course during message cannot sleep. I learnt to love my enemies. hahaah

2. It's a very bridgey camp. Every time we pick up the cards, we play bridge! Hahaha. It's a very intellectual game! It requires expert memory (Oooh sounds like me!)

3. It's very funny and fun! That's about it. And it's enriching and the cookies are really yummy. haha

4. It doesnt look like a resort but the staff is super super duper friendly! haha

Back to training on 6th Jun 08,
The juniors had a match and yay! Haha They won! And Thank God that training was pretty slack because they had their match. haha.

Training, Church, Piano
All the normal thingays. haha. And senior day was yesterday and it was pretty sad! haha. Hoped they all liked the things we made! haha. And then me mag yz joline jerusha sherlin rachel went to the fbt warehouse to make their cdiv shirt! And we walked from pp to old cedar to the warehouse! haha. And Rachel left halfway! Haha. It was very funny for many many reasons. Haha. And Jerusha is so greeedy I think that her braces will drop out on day. Haha.

Hahaha I think I'll have cancer since I'm eating my burnt pancakes. Gan zuo gan dang! hahaah.

I'm so gonna moon Leena Lee the dohdoh that she'll have a free tatooing. Haha


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