
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cedar Basketball

This is how I entered into Cedar. Via Cedar Basketball. The teacher in charge thought that my running skills were extraordinary and chose me into the school.

As I played and ran and played, I really enjoyed the game of running around the relatively tiny court with an orange ball in your hand, but obviously my skills were soooo terrible that the teacher always said

"Look at Melinda, she never played played basketball in primary school...."
And I would be thinking

"What!!! You mean I'm so lousy that you think I have no basketball background!!!"

So I kept on training and running harder than I ever thought I could. When I was sec 2, I improved drastically (Or at least I thought so) and could play in almost every single match.

Sec 3 came, I wasn't in the team and when people asked me why, I simply said
"Cause I'm not good enough?"

Seriously, I wasn't even that good to start from. However, I was happy to not get into the team because I was tired, really tired of trainings and basketball and I could have more time to focus on my studies (Which realle sucked, by the way).

I guess that by not entering into the team at sec 3, that improved everyone else's skills and deproved my own. I grew to dislike the game cause I was bad at it (So human, huh?), but what kept me to enjoy every single training or talks or matches was the bond of the team and my coach. They're one of a kind, fantastic to the pepsi max :)

I guess I was sort of using basketball trainings to train up my stamina. I finish every training feeling that I have achieved something, that is, by running.

Secondary 4, somehow my motivation kinda vanished magically, but I still stuck through it with much passion (But for the wring things I guess).

So now, I say goodbye :) to basketball. When I get onto the court, I feel fear. Fear that the ball will come into my face in all directions (Stupid right) or that I'll break some part of my body or the inability to attack or defend properly.


Blogger nick said...

Sad that you have to quit a great sport, but if you never really enjoyed it, well, probably is time to move on. How abt a sport with more running. (hockey is popular in vj, runs lots too- or maybe cross country? yea frisbee has to run alot too. :-p)

12:47 am  
Blogger Melissa said...

fhoooo real? quit bb 4eva? join cross country (: since you so pia, you can make it!
and anyw, the teacher sort of knows you without knowing your face! hee hee

12:54 am  
Anonymous Sherilyn said...

Nice post. Join x-country - you're good at it. Can tell you really like running. :)

9:51 am  
Anonymous Sherilyn said...

By the way I am wondering why your blog title has Swedish, Greek and Russian words? Haha. I can't identify the third one though.

9:55 am  
Anonymous daphne said...

sherilyn act smart lah sherilyn

1:38 am  
Blogger Melindazx said...

HIHI people!
Hahaha thanks for commenting!

Nick: Haha HIHI yeah you like frisbee rightzx! Hahaha yeah I played it before it's pretty fun!! But I don't realleh think I'm cut out for such sport haha.

Melsa: I still can play bb, like with you? hahahahahaahaha

Sherilyn: Yeah it's popular in 4 languages. German, Russian, Italian and Greek I guess! Haha but thanks ya I kinda think I like running haha

Daph: How to reply Hahahaha Thnzx for the letter :)

11:50 pm  

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