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Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wonderful words of life

We were supposed to do metaphors for english and Jiamin's : Friendship is like a gobbstopper, you have to suck at it constantly and new flavours will emerge. Or something in that line. Haha. I did travel and it was so nice that you'd be dumbfounded. Or maybe,
Anger is like an exothermic reaction.
Anger is like a red blood cell bursting after too much water went into it via osmosis.
Anger is like a frictional force.

Friendship is like a covalent bond, sharing what we have.
Friendship is like structure vs function complementing each other.
Friendship is like the principle of moments- balance.

Travel is like the product of a reaction, something you might have never seen before.
Travel is like how water moves up the xylem.
Travel is like electrostatic forces, moving moving along.

Omgosh look how applicable science can be!

We lost our first match this year against yuying. Of course, it is not okay, but we did pretty damn well, for our height. All the best to us against Rg erm soon! Haha.

Ddb: Haha i have it i have it. Haha huh what talking you??

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Oh man there's school tomorrow. But the upside is that we have match! Yippee! Though we're only missing one lesson! Haha.

All the best

Cedar Fiesta was so unexpectedly fun. Haha. We thought that the only people who would be there was Cedarians only. Hahaha. You might find this boring, but I must must blabber about this! Haha

Reached school at 730, which made me angry cause it was a saturday and we still had to go to school, and we had the opening ceremony in the wet field and there, did we have the real life application of the speed of sound. We heard Mrs Foo's voice like split seconds after she said it!!!!! Haha. Mr tan scolded me for wearing red socks cause he said it wasn't proper school attire. He was wearing bermudas, and he still dared to talk about proper school attire. Haha.

Spent the next hour with Milo, Jane and Jiamin, we used 100 packs of milos! Haha. I haven't seen so much milo before in my life. Afterwhich, me and Angeline were supposed to transport ice, but we got interrupted by the Cedar Fan, we were walked around the whole school looking for the Cedar Fan! Haha The first dunking machine thing was starting, so just nice I saw Joline and we squeezed through the short and small sec1s to see. During which, I saw LeenaDDB and walked around with her! Haha. We practically went around the whole school, and played alot of games and ate alot of food and basically spent alot of money making madges etc etc. Haha.

We were supp to dunk MrLeng but I missed! Haha But he was dunked many many times :D So funny I video taped it down :D :D :D Then me and Jieshit went to do advetising at the hall where we did most of the advert though there were not much people. Haha.

And my mom and her Cedar friends came and they won me a CEDAR BEAR!! haha. And Nicholas and his VS entourage came and bought Milo Dinosuars! Hahahah

After that, me Jiamin Rach Joline went around to play games and we collected a whole family of Cedar bears! Haha we collected 10 bears in total which was super pro considering we only cheated a little little little bit. (JK) and we wanted to play the woofball thing, 2 in each ball, me and rachel deciding that we take one ball and Jiamin and Joline share the other. hahaha. But they didn't allow. haha. having spare money, we went to take black and white photos at the media club thingy with Lynniewinnie. Haha.

That's probably all. Happy V Day!

DDB: Haha yesterday was so damn damn fun manzx. Haha. Thanks for the pretty pretty picto of me (Understatement) And thanks of treating me to pizza and your smelly vday hug. Haha. Love you a zillion :D

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Bush drank wine

St. Valentine's Day is creeping near! Which is also Cedar Fiesta day. If no one comes for Cedar Fiesta, it'll be damn embarassing. Haha. My class still holds the top position for selling the most number of tickets! haha. ANYONE ELSE WANNA COME PLEASE TELL ME!!! (Hint hint: Maoshi)

Today Dr Bibi said, "So what if your the top student etc etc etc"
That's it! So what! Haha. I think I should be the head of WHO. Haha

Yesterday we had our final match for the first round and we won all so far! It must be the adidas jerseys! Haha. Thank God fer that! Haha. Please don't get cocky.

School has been passing preeedy quickly, and olevels (So what!) are near. Haha. Today's maths was quite fun cause I was bragging about my wonderful calculator as compared to Angeline's one which was not only ugly, but you had to press more buttons to get the standard deviation. She wanted to superpoke with her pen. Haha.

Simin: I'm afraid if I were to sing solo, the school would be moved to tears. I don't mind super trouper too! I just visited your blog and WAIT did you just call me weird!?!?!?

Serene: What hair? You never hear the song 'This is a story of a girl' before ah! They have a line that says "And her hairnever falls quite the same way" Haha

Friday, February 06, 2009

All I've learnt, has overturned

I can't can't can't believe that our class actually made it to the Top 5 for Cedar's got talent!! Though it's a waste I'm not singing, you all should vote for our class since this is probably the first time 4/3C has actually got something other than last, or last 2nd, maybe last 3rd. Haha.

And we sold the most number of tickets for the Cedar Fiesta! Hahaha. Maybe because we've got realle popular people (Like me) in our class with a large network of friends. haha.

We had an English debate thingy, Jiamin, Jessica and I was against Jieshi Celeste Joan for some weird love topic, which obvious we lost (Though it's not so blatant) because we didn't expect to be the first group to be debating, and I forgot Sir Paul McCartney's new girlfriend surname! It was Nancy ... I shouldave crapped out something like Nancy Chan cause everyone probably didn't know who she was either. Haha.

I can't wait for next Monday to come cause we're leaving class at 930 for match! Haha. DDB remember my lucky hug! Haha.

And and and they're making us raise the price for all the Cedar Fiesta stalls which is complete crap cause in the end, no one will spend money, so what's the pointz?