
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Monday, December 08, 2008

This is, a story of a girl who cried a river and drowned the whole earth.

I've decided. When I turn 18 I'm gonna write a Memoir. And repeatedly when I turn 36 and also at every 18-year interval of my life. Haha.

I think it's just so wonderful that I get to catch Jiamin at the most embarrasing times. Haha. I actuallt saw her swinging around giant.

VBS- First Day.
I led singspiration with Josiah and didn't do much but stood there and did the actions with him. Haha. And everything was super last-minute. Since I wasn't given a specified role, I helped out in painting the background for the puppet performance and ended up in a beautiful array of colours on my shirt. I went home feeling like a construction worker that day.

But... Joanna gave me the job of teaching the P3 and 4- What a friend we have in Jesus. Which was mainly a rather cheem song. And the class in total had 10 boys and 5 girls. Kids sing really funny-ly. I think their voices can go higher than Sarah Brightmn's. Hahaha. And had my fair share of shouting at boys. (haha). While Ruei Jean and Rebecca taught the girls, and Mervin just popping in and out to watch the performance. Ha ha. Thank God I had realle handsome and cute little boys like Harel and Delano in my class. Bliss :)

Ah my fingers are incredibly tired from the result of soyabean overdose. Bye for now.

Oh yes DDBirdd shouldn't you be honored? Haha


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