
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, November 30, 2008

What a friend we have in Jesus

I'm so half dead. haha. Cause I needa get my white jersey which is still with the fat dodoh bird, by tomorrow. Thank God that that fat bird is not being too lazy tomorrow. Haha:D

Today we learnt the vbs songs, of which almost half we didn't know... and Josiah's in malaysia and we'll have to explain the song "What a friend we have in Jesus"- In line with the theme "Who's ur BFF?" Haha.

and I grew 1cm taller! yay yay I'm calling for a celebration tomorrow!

A pig and a chicken walked past a farm. They saw a farmer having breakfast consisting of bacon and eggs. The chicken tells the pig, "Waoh, my, look at my contribution!". And the pig says "Contributions? Mine's sacrifice!"


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