
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, June 15, 2007

I shall post about things that happened in the recent month. haha.

haha. day camp! haha. we were splitted into 3 groups. my group had- me, jeannette, lee?, mag, melissa, audrey, joline and sherlin. and we group was called the pushpoppers. haha.

The first game
form some chinese character. die. haha. but our group got 1 out of 5 points anyway. haha. With people like lee[chinese the hardest thing on earth] haha. And it was super funny.
The 2nd game.
blindfold and find the medicine ball. We led jeannette all the way to the trees and told her it was the grandstand. haha. And the second round me and serene brought jerusha away. hahaha.

Lunch! Okay forgive me for being so gluttony. I ate like sooo much. hahaha. And after that we had treasure hunt.
1. find the clue in a mixture of funny and smelly things. We got it first but started last because we tied the string so slowly. hahaha. And me and audrey were carrying the tofu which was supposed to remain in one piece.
2. We found our first clue and were thinking [wow we are going to win!] haha. But then...
3. At the third station. after finding the clue, our tofu plonged and smashed. haha. We sat on the floor and started laughing for about 3 minutes.
4. After getting up, lee took some smashed tofu, melissa's with some toilet paper and audrey. We saw group lacie heading towards the 6th station. haha.
5. The long stretch of road. Lee was like hansel and gretel, dropping tofu every 1.5 metres and jeannette had to go and clean up after us. haha. Melissa's was mixed with the toilet paper. haha
6. Found the next clue, but lee was like [what is this tying sticking onto me?] which was the clue. byebye to one puzzle. haha.
7. and getting up to the 4th floor, upon getting down, we started laughing for about 2 minutes. lee said she half peeed. haha.
8. in the canteen, we were like [let's duck and find it!] we were started laughing again. haha.

Okay we went back to the court, and eh? where are they? Playing with the smelly mixture. okay nevermind. then sudden;y they appeared and audrey started the tofu fight so she got the most. haha. And we started playing with water. At the end, we were all aiming at jiajian. Then tammy was like "ready?" and jiajian was like "YES!" haha.

We played 2 quarts each with bedok green, nanyanggh and anderson. Okay bg one didn't play quite well. Many people remembered the cecilia girl. haha. We won by [i forgot]. haha. And we tied with nanyang and won anderson. haha. I gained 6 bruises from that. the ones on my knee are symmetrical! haha. And came back from toda's jurong match with 9. I'm like some abused kid. haha.


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