
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Friday, May 04, 2007


I had 2.4km last friday and it felt so high and cold! haha. She threw the number tags at us and 'let's go to the track'. that's it. haha. my timing was 1104. hoho.

today we had some assembly thing and compete the walking tins thing. haha. our groupie won! and they made me juggle some 5 stones which turned out disastrous. haha.

today we ran timing. It felt that we could run faster than we did in training. haha. And you know what! I forgot what else. haha. weeto.

And yes i watched spidey3! I don't care if you want to read the sotryline or not. I'm going to start. haha.

Spidey has an enemy. enemy harry the green thing who is the red thing's son- planning to avenge his father. Does not know the truth! ohno! dangdangdangdang. sandman appears. spidey's enemy number 2! [seriously green man fits spidey's girlfriend better] spidey is nerdy and ugly man. [and ego] they fight. spidey gets covered by black slime. becomes blackspidey. black spidey is emokid. red spidey is not. black spidey looks like joel madden. red spidey looks like tobey maguire. black spidey kills. red spidey saves. see the difference? black thought he killed sandman. no he did not!!! black spidey cause colleage to lose job. at the church, slime leaves spidey to go into colleage. enemy number3. this new black spidey has disguating salivary wet awful big big teeth. red spidey hurts greenman in mini explosion. green is looks like the phamtom. sandman and fangful spidey gang up to fight red spidey. green harry's servant enlighten him about daddy's death. when spidey is really really really really really in danger. dangdangdangdang. besto harry comes to the rescue! [clap your hand] fang spidey uses greenman things to kill red spidey but besto saves him. aww so romantic. besto dies. so sad. you may cry now.

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