
Cedar Girls' Secondary School

Sunday, April 15, 2007

howdy! haha. Today they celebrated, 7 people's birthday.
namely, pamela, minsen, john, loretta's melinda's and melissa's!

and last thursday's cip was really fun! haha. we were trying to perfect our aiming skills by hitting the belly button, the group we took was the pro-est group. haha. the boys were-
noisy, rowdy, hate girls,
sick sick sick.

i realised that this is a nemo emo mo o song. haha. May angels lead you in.

Supposed to have 4 by 100 but thunder grandpa quarrelled with lightning grandma. haha. so we did the jumping thing instead and it was cow funny. haha.

yoho yoho a pirate's life for me


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